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Maxon 802.11ax QCN9074 & QCN9024 WiFi6 modules

时间:2023-09-14 16:05:12浏览次数:38  
标签:802.11 QCN9074 modules Wi QCN9024 Fi chips previous

The Maxon QCN9074 and QCN9024 are both 4x4 MIMO (multiple-input, multiple-output) wireless chips that support the latest 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6) standard. They offer a number of improvements over previous generations of Wi-Fi chips, including:

Increased data rates: The QCN9074 and QCN9024 can support theoretical data rates of up to 4.8 Gbps, which is twice as fast as the previous generation of Wi-Fi chips.

Improved efficiency: The QCN9074 and QCN9024 are more efficient than previous generations of Wi-Fi chips, which means they can provide longer battery life on mobile devices.

Better range and reliability: The QCN9074 and QCN9024 have better range and reliability than previous generations of Wi-Fi chips, which means they can provide a better wireless experience in crowded or noisy environments.

Here are some of the applications where the Maxon QCN9074 and QCN9024 are used:


Access points

Wireless adapters

Smart home devices

Industrial automation

Vehicle networking

Maxon 802.11ax QCN9074 & QCN9024 WiFi6 modules_wifi

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16253694/7470824


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