//自创几何实体相交法 [TransactionAttribute(Autodesk.Revit.Attributes.TransactionMode.Manual)] public class FindIntersectWallsByGeometry : IExternalCommand { public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string messages, ElementSet elements) { UIApplication app = commandData.Application; Document doc = app.ActiveUIDocument.Document; Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "ExComm"); trans.Start(); //pick a point to draw solid在屏幕上选择一点,找到附近的墙。 Selection sel = app.ActiveUIDocument.Selection; XYZ pt = sel.PickPoint("Please pick a point to get the close walls"); //XYZ pttemp1 = sel.PickPoint(Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection.ObjectSnapTypes.None, "Pick leader end..."); //XYZ pttemp2 = sel.PickPoint(Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection.ObjectSnapTypes.None, "Pick leader elbow..."); // double dBoxLength = 3; //Z值不变,以选择的点为中心,找到矩形四个点。 XYZ pt1 = new XYZ(pt.X - dBoxLength / 2, pt.Y - dBoxLength / 2, pt.Z); XYZ pt2 = new XYZ(pt.X + dBoxLength / 2, pt.Y - dBoxLength / 2, pt.Z); XYZ pt3 = new XYZ(pt.X + dBoxLength / 2, pt.Y + dBoxLength / 2, pt.Z); XYZ pt4 = new XYZ(pt.X - dBoxLength / 2, pt.Y + dBoxLength / 2, pt.Z); //创建四条线。 Line lineBottom = app.Application.Create.NewLineBound(pt1, pt2); Line lineRight = app.Application.Create.NewLineBound(pt2, pt3); Line lineTop = app.Application.Create.NewLineBound(pt3, pt4); Line lineLeft = app.Application.Create.NewLineBound(pt4, pt1); //封闭曲线 CurveLoop profile = new CurveLoop(); profile.Append(lineBottom); profile.Append(lineRight); profile.Append(lineTop); profile.Append(lineLeft); List<CurveLoop> loops = new List<CurveLoop>(); loops.Add(profile); //创建实体的方法(底面,拉伸方向,拉伸高度) XYZ vector = new XYZ(0, 0, 1); Solid solid = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry(loops, vector, 10); //相交过滤器 FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc); ElementIntersectsSolidFilter solidFilter = new ElementIntersectsSolidFilter(solid); collector.WherePasses(solidFilter); sel.Elements.Clear(); //Add these interseting element to the selection foreach (Element elem in collector) { sel.Elements.Add(elem); } trans.Commit(); return Result.Succeeded; } }
转自博客Revit API创建几何实体Solid并找到与之相交的元素 - 大气象 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
标签:pt,Solid,XYZ,dBoxLength,API,new,app,Revit From: https://www.cnblogs.com/shanmu2019/p/17682346.html