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CARLA Tutorial

时间:2022-10-03 11:22:25浏览次数:71  
标签:named unzipped some CARLA file download folder Tutorial

  1. Install Carla0.9.13
  2. Install Anaconda and set it to usable state in order to have python 3.7 virtual environment
  3. Run the file named CarlaUE4.exe in the unzipped folder WindoewsNoEditor
  4. If DirectX Runtime Error happens, try download and install the following parts
  5. Rerun the file named CarlaUE4.exe in the unzipped folder WindoewsNoEditor
  6. The python scripts in PythonAPI/Examples folder is runnable
  7. If some errors occur when running the Python scripts, try handle them accordingly, sometimes its just the error of lack of some required packages.
  8. Other refs: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_52781902/article/details/126052985

by Alexander Ezharjan

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ezhar/p/16750197.html


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