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时间:2023-09-06 10:45:35浏览次数:36  
标签:脂菌 根际 sp 植物 B1 Sphingobium HCH

鞘脂菌属学名Sphingobium)为鞘脂单胞菌科的一个。该属的模式种为(Sphingobium yanoikuyae)。

1、NEW Bing 的回答

Sphingobium 是一种革兰氏阴性的细菌属,属于拟杆菌门,广泛分布在土壤、水体和植物根际中。Sphingobium 对植物有以下几种作用:

  • 降解有机污染物。Sphingobium 能够利用多种有机污染物作为碳源和能源,如多环芳烃、农药、染料等,从而减少这些物质对植物和环境的危害12。例如,Sphingobium sp. PAMC 26605 能够降解土壤中的苯并[a]芘,一种致癌的多环芳烃3。
  • 促进植物生长。Sphingobium 能够产生一些激素和代谢物,如吲哚乙酸、葡萄糖酸、葡萄糖胺等,这些物质能够刺激植物的根系发育,增加植物的生物量和产量 。例如,Sphingobium sp. LK11 能够促进玉米和小麦的生长。
  • 抑制植物病原菌。Sphingobium 能够产生一些抗菌物质,如抗生素、细菌素、酚类化合物等,这些物质能够抑制或杀死一些植物病原菌,如青枯病菌、软腐病菌、立枯丝核菌等,从而提高植物的抗病性 。例如,Sphingobium sp. PM2 能够抑制番茄青枯病的发生。

综上所述,Sphingobium 是一种对植物有益的根际微生物,它能够降解有机污染物、促进植物生长和抑制植物病原菌。

2、Chat GPT的回答

Sphingobium 是一类常见的根际微生物,通常被认为对植物具有积极的作用。它们属于革兰氏阴性杆菌,具有多样化的代谢途径和生态角色。以下是 Sphingobium 在植物根际中可能发挥的一些作用:

  1. 生物保护作用:Sphingobium 可以通过竞争性排除其他潜在的有害微生物,减少植物根际病原体的数量,从而保护植物免受根际病害的侵害。

  2. 有益物质的生产:一些 Sphingobium 物种具有产生有益物质的潜力,如生长促进物质、酶和次生代谢产物等,这些物质可以促进植物生长和健康。

  3. 氮循环:某些 Sphingobium 物种可以固定氮气并将其转化为植物可用的氨或亚硝酸盐,这有助于提供植物所需的氮源。

  4. 有机物降解:Sphingobium 物种中的一些具有分解有机污染物的能力,如多环芳烃和农药等,这可以改善土壤质量并减少环境中的污染。

  5. 增加根际微生物多样性:Sphingobium 和其他根际微生物一起形成复杂的微生物群落,增加了根际微生物的多样性,有助于维持土壤生态系统的稳定性。

需要注意的是,Sphingobium 物种的具体功能和对植物的影响可能因物种和环境条件而异。因此,在研究中,通常需要考虑具体的 Sphingobium 物种和与其相互作用的植物种类,以更深入地了解其在特定生态系统中的角色。

3、Colonization and Maize Growth Promotion Induced by Phosphate Solubilizing Bacterial Isolates

Phosphorus (P) limits the production of maize, one of the major food crops in China.
Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) have the capacity to solubilize phosphate complexes into plant
absorbable and utilizable forms by the process of acidification, chelation, and exchange reactions.
In this study, six bacteria, including one Paenibacillus sp. B1 strain, four Pseudomonas sp. strains
(B10, B14, SX1, and SX2) and one Sphingobium sp. SX14 strain, were those isolated from the maize
rhizosphere and identified based on their 16S rRNA sequences. All strains could solubilize inorganic
P (Ca3(PO4)2, FePO4 and AlPO4), and only B1 and B10 organic P (lecithin). All strains, except of
SX1, produced IAA, and SX14 and B1 showed the highest level. B1 incited the highest increase in
root length and the second increase in shoot and total dry weight, shoot length, and total P and
nitrogen (N), along with increased root length. In addition, by confocal laser scanning microscopy
(CLSM), we found that green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled B1 mainly colonized root surfaces
and in epidermal and cortical tissue. Importantly, B1 can survive through forming spores under
adverse conditions and prolong quality guarantee period of bio-fertilizer. Therefore, it can act as a
good substitute for bio-fertilizer to promote agricultural sustainability.

磷(P)限制了我国主要粮食作物之一玉米的产量。解磷细菌(PSB)具有通过酸化、螯合和交换反应的过程将磷酸盐复合物溶解成植物可吸收和可利用的形式的能力。本研究从玉米根际分离得到6株细菌,包括1株Paenibacillus sp. B1菌株、4株Pseudomonas sp. B10、B14、SX1和SX2菌株和1株Sphingobium sp. SX14菌株,并通过16S rRNA序列进行鉴定。所有菌株均能溶解无机磷(Ca3(PO4)2、FePO4和AlPO4),仅能溶解B1和B10有机磷(卵磷脂)。除SX1外,其余菌株均产生IAA,其中SX14和B1含量最高。B1对根长增加的影响最大,其次是随根长增加的地上部和总干重、地上部和全磷、全氮(N)。此外,通过共聚焦激光扫描显微镜(CLSM),我们发现绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)标记的B1主要定植于根表面以及表皮和皮层组织。重要的是,B1在不利条件下可以形成孢子存活,延长了生物肥料的质量保证期。因此,它可以作为生物肥料的良好替代品,促进农业的可持续发展。

4、Biodegradation of the Allelopathic Chemical Pterostilbene by a Sphingobium sp. Strain from the Peanut Rhizosphere

Many plants produce allelopathic chemicals, such as stilbenes, to inhibit
pathogenic fungi. The degradation of allelopathic compounds by bacteria associated
with the plants would limit their effectiveness, but little is known about the extent
of biodegradation or the bacteria involved. Screening of tissues and rhizosphere of
peanut (Arachis hypogaea) plants revealed substantial enrichment of bacteria able to
grow on resveratrol and pterostilbene, the most common stilbenes produced by the
plants. Investigation of the catabolic pathway in Sphingobium sp. strain JS1018,
isolated from the rhizosphere, indicated that the initial cleavage of pterostilbene
was catalyzed by a carotenoid cleavage oxygenase (CCO), which led to the tran-
sient accumulation of 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde and 3,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde.
4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde was subsequently used for the growth of the isolate, while
3,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde was further converted to a dead-end metabolite with a
molecular weight of 414 (C24
H31O6). The gene that encodes the initial oxygenase
was identified in the genome of strain JS1018, and its function was confirmed by
heterologous expression in Escherichia coli. This study reveals the biodegradation
pathway of pterostilbene by plant-associated bacteria. The prevalence of such bacte-
ria in the rhizosphere and plant tissues suggests a potential role of bacterial interfer-
ence in plant allelopathy.

许多植物产生化感作用的化学物质,如二苯乙烯,以抑制致病真菌。与植物相关的细菌对化感作用化合物的降解会限制它们的效力,但对生物降解的程度或涉及的细菌知之甚少。通过对花生(Arachis hypogaea)植株组织和根际的筛选发现,能够在白藜芦醇和紫檀二苯乙烯上生长的细菌大量增加,而白藜芦醇和紫檀二苯乙烯是植株产生的最常见的二苯乙烯。对从根际分离的Sphingobium sp.菌株JS1018的分解代谢途径研究表明,类胡萝卜素裂解加氧酶(CCO)催化紫檀二苯乙烯的初始裂解,导致4-羟基苯甲醛和3,5-二甲氧基苯甲醛的短暂积累。随后用4-羟基苯甲醛生长,3,5-二甲氧基苯甲醛进一步转化为分子量为414 (C24 H31O6)的终端代谢物。在菌株JS1018的基因组中发现了初始加氧酶的编码基因,并通过在大肠杆菌中的异源表达证实了其功能。本研究揭示了植物伴生菌对紫檀二苯乙烯的生物降解途径。这种细菌在根际和植物组织中的流行表明,细菌干扰在植物化感作用中的潜在作用。

5、Pseudomonas sp. to Sphingobium indicum: a journey of microbial degradation and bioremediation of Hexachlorocyclohexane

The unusual process of production of hexachlo-
rocyclohexane (HCH) and extensive use of technical HCH
and lindane has created a very serious problem of HCH
contamination. While the use of technical HCH and lindane
has been banned all over the world, India still continues
producing lindane. Bacteria, especially Sphingomonads
have been isolated that can degrade HCH isomers. Among
all the bacterial strains isolated so far, Sphingobium indicum
B90A that was isolated form HCH treated rhizosphere soil
appears to have a better potential for HCH degradation.
This conclusion is based on studies on the organization
of lin genes and degradation ability of B90A. This strain
perhaps can be used for HCH decontamination through

六氯环己烷(HCH)的特殊生产工艺以及技术六氯环己烷和林丹的广泛使用,造成了非常严重的六氯环己烷污染问题。虽然技术上使用六氯环己烷和林丹已在世界各地被禁止,但印度仍在继续生产林丹。已分离出能够降解六氯环己烷异构体的细菌,尤其是鞘氨单胞菌。在所有分离菌株中,从HCH处理过的根际土壤中分离的Sphingobium indicum B90A具有较好的降解HCH的潜力。这一结论是在对B90A的lin基因组织和降解能力的研究基础上得出的。该菌株或许可以通过生物强化来净化六氯环己烷。


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wzbzk/p/17681649.html
