-- 连表
SELECT t.* from test_table t inner join (select t1.`name`,max(t1.id) id from test_table t1 group by t1.`name`) t2 on t.id = t2.id;
-- 子查询
SELECT t.* from test_table t where t.id= (select max(t1.id) id from test_table t1 where t1.`name` = t.`name`)
-- 左连接
select * from test_table t left JOIN test_table t1 on t.`name`=t1.`name` and t.id<t1.id where t1.id is null;
-- not EXISTS
select * from test_table t where not EXISTS (select 1 from test_table t1 where t1.name=t.`name` and t1.id>t.id);
标签:name,t1,分组,test,table,查询,id,select From: https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaoyaozhe/p/17681474.html