* @brief 简要注释. 详细注释
* 详细注释
* @file [file-name]
* @brief brief description for the file.
* @author <list of authors>
* @email <email>
* @date <date>
* @license <license>
* @version <version number>
* detailed description for the file.
* @class <class‐name> [header‐file] [<header‐name]
* @brief brief description
* @author <list of authors>
* @note
* detailed description
int var; /**< Detailed description after the member */
* @brief can send the message
* @param[in] canx : The Number of CAN
* @param[in] id : the can id
* @param[in] p : the data will be sent
* @param[in] size : the data size
* @param[in] is_check_send_time : is need check out the time out
* @note Notice that the size of the size is smaller than the size of the buffer.
* @return
* +1 Send successfully \n
* -1 input parameter error \n
* -2 canx initialize error \n
* -3 canx time out error \n
* @par Sample
* @code
* u8 p[8] = {0};
* res_ res = 0;
* res = can_send_msg(CAN1,1,p,0x11,8,1);
* @endcode
extern s32 can_send_msg(const CAN_TypeDef * canx,
const u32 id,
const u8 *p,
const u8 size,
const u8 is_check_send_time);
命令 | 字段名 | 语法 |
@file | 文件名 | file [< name >] |
@brief | 简介 | brief |
@author | 作者 | author |
@mainpage | 主页信息 | mainpage [(title)] |
@date | 年-月-日 | date |
@author | 版本号 | version |
@copyright | 版权 | copyright |
@param | 参数 | param [(dir)] < parameter-name> |
@return | 返回 | return |
@retval | 返回值 | retval |
@bug | 漏洞 | bug |
@details | 细节 | details |
@pre | 前提条件 | pre |
@see | 参考 | see |
@link | 连接(与@see类库,{@link http://www.google.com}) | link < link-object> |
@throw | 异常描述 | throw < exception-object> |
@todo | 待处理 | todo |
@warning | 警告信息 | warning |
@deprecated | 弃用说明。可用于描述替代方案,预期寿命等 | deprecated |
@example | 弃用说明。可用于描述替代方案,预期寿命等 | deprecated |