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标签:Literature Chinese Retrospective William 参考书目 阅读 Man My 英语专业


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一、        英国文学


Kingsley Amis             Lucky Jim

Jane Austen               Pride and Prejudice

Arnold Bennett            The Old Wives’ Tale

Elizabeth Bowen           The Death of the Heart

Charlotte Bronte            Jane Eyre

Emily Bronte              Wuthering Heights

Anthony Burgess           A Clockwork Orange

Samuel Butler             The Way of All Flesh

A. S. Byatt                Possession

Lewis Carroll              Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Angela Carter             The Company of Wolves

Agatha Christie            Murder on the Orient Express

Ivy Compton-Burnett       A Family and a Fortune

Joseph Conrad             Heart of Darkness; Lord Jim

Daniel Defoe              Robinson Crusoe

Charles Dickens           David Copperfield

Sir Arthur C. Doyle        The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Margaret Drabble          The Waterfall

Daphne Du Maurier        Rebecca

George Eliot              Middlemarch

E. M. Forster              Howards End; A Passage to India

John Fowles              The French lieutenant’s Woman

John Galsworthy           The Man of Property

William Golding           Lord of the Flies

Graham Greene            The Human Factor

Thomas Hardy             Tess of the D’Urbervilles; Jude the Obscure

Aldous Huxley             After Many a Summer

Henry James              A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Rudyard Kipling           Kim

Charles Lamb             Tales from Shakespeare

D. H. Lawrence            Sons and Lovers

John Le Carre             The Spy Who Came in from the Cold

Doris Lessing             The Grass Is Singing

David Lodge              Nice Work

W. Somerset Maugham     The Moon and Sixpence; Of Human Bondage

Iris Murdoch             The Black Prince

George Orwell            Nineteen Eighty-four

Salman Rushdie           Midnight Children

Sir Walter Scott           Ivanhoe

C. P. Snow               The Affair

Muriel Spark             The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

Robert Louis Stevenson     Treasure Island

Jonathan Swift            Gulliver’s Travels

William M. Thackeray      Vanity Fair

Evilyn Waugh             A Handful of Dust

H. G. Wells               The Invisible Man

Oscar Wilde               The Picture of Dorian Gray

Virginia Woolf             Mrs. Dalloway; To the Lighthouse



二、        美国文学


Sherwood Anderson         Winesburg, Ohio

James Baldwin             Go Tell It on the Mountain

Saul Bellow               Seize the Day; Henderson the Rain King

William S. Burroughs       The Naked Lunch

Willa Cather               My Antonia

Kate Chopin               The Awakening

Stephen Crane             The Red Badge of Courage

Theodore Dreiser           Sister Carrie; An American Tragedy

Ralph Ellison              Invisible Man

William Faulkner           Go Down, Moses; The Sound and the Fury

F. Scott Fitzgerald          The Great Gatsby

Alex Haley                Roots

Nathaniel Hawthorne        The Scarlet Letter

Joseph Heller              Catch-22

Ernest Hemingway         The Sun Also Rises; The Old Man and the Sea

James Jones               From Here to Eternity

Maxine Hong Kingston      The Woman Warrior

Harper Lee                To Kill a Mockingbird

Sinclair Lewis              Main Street

Jack London               The Call of the Wild; Martin Eden

Norman Mailer             The Naked and the Dead

Carson McCullers           The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter

James A. Michener          Centennial

Margaret Mitchell           Gone with the Wind

Toni Morrison              The Bluest Eye

Vladimir Nabokov           Lolita

Frank Norris               The Octopus

J. D. Salinger               The Catcher in the Rye

Erich Segal                 Man, Woman and Child

Upton Sinclair              The Jungle

John Steinbeck              The Grapes of Wrath

Harriet Beecher Stowe        Uncle Tom’s Cabin

William Styron              Sophie’s Choice

Mark Twain                The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Alice Walker               The Color Purple

Robert Penn Warren         All the King’s Men

Edith Wharton              The Age of Innocence

Thornton Wilder            The Bridge of San Luis Rey

Thomas Wolfe              Look Homeward, Angel

Herman Wouk              The Winds of War

Richard Wright              Native Son



三、        加拿大文学


Morley Callaghan         That Summer in Paris

Northrop Frye            The Great Code

Margaret Laurence        The Stone Angel

Stephen Leacock          Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

Malcolm Lowry           Under the Volcano

Hugh MacLennan         The Watch That Ends the Night

L. M. Montgomery        Anne of Green Gables



四、        澳大利亚文学


Martin Boyd                  Lucinda Brayford

Peter Carey                   Oscar and Lucinda

Miles Franklin                 My brilliant Career

Thomas Keneally               Schindler’s Ark

Alex Miller                    The Ancestor Game

Henry Handel Richardson         Fortunes of Richard Mahony

Christina Stead                 The Man Who Loved Children

Randolph Stow                 To the Islands

Patrick White                   Voss; The Tree of Man



五、        中国文化


Yung Ming                     My Life in China and America

Chiang Monlin                  Tides from the West

Tcheng Ki Tong                 The Chinese Painted by Themselves

Ku Hung Ming                  The Spirit of the Chinese People

Fei Hsiao Tung                  Peasant Life in China

Lin Yu Tang                    My Country and My People

A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Classical Poetry

A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Classical Prose

A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Classical Fiction

A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Modern Poetry

A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Modern Prose

A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Modern Fiction

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wangprince2017/p/17647214.html


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