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时间:2023-08-15 17:05:56浏览次数:40  
标签:return libreadline dev char int 例子 arg line com

Author basilguo@163.com

Date Aug. 15, 2023

Description libreadline-dev介绍和例子


在实现一个类shell的程序的时候,可能需要使用到命令补全以及命令历史记录。这时候就可以使用libreadline库,这是一个GNU开发的库,官网是:The GNU Readline Library

这个库主要提供命令补全、命令修改以及命令历史,当然命令历史有一个单独的库叫做History library,但这里就一起装一起用了,而且包管理器也没有区分(apt show libreadline-dev可以查看依赖包)。



  • apt系:sudo apt install libreadline-dev
  • yum系:sudo yum install readline-devel
  • 源码:没试过,下面是我猜测的,不过GNU的源码安装都基本是同样命令
    git clone git://git.savannah.gnu.org/readline.git
    sudo make install
    sudo ldconfig




  • readline(prompt_string):获取用户输入,可以补全文件名
  • add_history(input_string):用户输入加入历史,可以使用上下箭头进行切换。

但是使用readline一般是为了自定义命令。这个例子的源码在GNU Readline Library的教程库中,叫做fileman.c。我重新整理了下这个例子,原来的函数参数写法好像是C标准还没有成立时的写法,不过无所谓了,是能看懂的。


  • 一个是add_history,就是把命令加入历史记录。
  • 一个是rl_attempted_completion_function,这是一个指针变量,指向命令补全的函数,这个函数fileman_completion中text就是用户已输入,start和end为在rl_line_buffer中的边界。start不一定为0,那是因为命令补全不一定是从第一个单词开始的。例如ls bu,要补全为build,那么start就是3,end是5。
  • 一个是rl_completion_matches,创建matches,相当于是返回的是所有匹配的命令以及文件。如果没有输入,就返回所有的命令了;部分输入有匹配返回匹配,没有匹配返回NULL。
  • 当然还有一堆的执行函数,以com_开头,那就是具体的命令的逻辑了。


gcc -o fileman fileman.c -I/usr/include/readline -lreadline



<details> <summary>fileman.c整理后的源码</summary>

/* readline exmaple code getting from
 *  https://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/readline/readline.html#A-Short-Completion-Example

/* fileman.c -- A tiny application which demonstrates how to use the
 *  GNU Readline library.  This application interactively allows users
 *  to manipulate files and their modes. */

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <readline/history.h>

/* The name of this program, as taken from argv[0]. */
static char *progname;

/* When non-zero, this global means the user is done using this program. */
static int done;

/* String to pass to system ().  This is for the LIST, VIEW and RENAME
 *  commands. */
static char syscom[1024];

/* The names of functions that actually do the manipulation. */
int com_list(char *);
int com_view(char *);
int com_rename(char *);
int com_stat(char *);
int com_pwd(char *);
int com_delete(char *);
int com_help(char *);
int com_cd(char *);
int com_quit(char *);

/* A structure which contains information on the commands this program
 *  can understand. */
typedef struct {
    char *name;                /* User printable name of the function. */
    rl_icpfunc_t *func;        /* Function to call to do the job. */
    char *doc;                 /* Documentation for this function.  */

/* commands array */
COMMAND commands[] = {
    { "cd", com_cd, "Change to directory DIR" },
    { "delete", com_delete, "Delete FILE" },
    { "help", com_help, "Display this text" },
    { "?", com_help, "Synonym for `help'" },
    { "list", com_list, "List files in DIR" },
    { "ls", com_list, "Synonym for `list'" },
    { "pwd", com_pwd, "Print the current working directory" },
    { "quit", com_quit, "Quit using Fileman" },
    { "rename", com_rename, "Rename FILE to NEWNAME" },
    { "stat", com_stat, "Print out statistics on FILE" },
    { "view", com_view, "View the contents of FILE" },
    { (char *)NULL, (rl_icpfunc_t *)NULL, (char *)NULL }

/* Look up NAME as the name of a command, and return a pointer to that
 *  command.  Return a NULL pointer if NAME isn't a command name. */
COMMAND* find_command (char *name)
    register int i;

    for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++)
        if (strcmp (name, commands[i].name) == 0)
            return (&commands[i]);

    return ((COMMAND *)NULL);

/* Execute a command line. */
int execute_line (char *line)
    register int i;
    COMMAND *command;
    char *word;

    /* Isolate the command word. */
    i = 0;
    while (line[i] && whitespace (line[i]))
    word = line + i;

    while (line[i] && !whitespace (line[i]))

    if (line[i])
        line[i++] = '\0';

    command = find_command (word);

    if (!command)
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: No such command for FileMan.\n", word);
        return (-1);

    /* Get argument to command, if any. */
    while (whitespace (line[i]))

    word = line + i;

    /* Call the function. */
    return ((*(command->func)) (word));

/* Strip whitespace from the start and end of STRING.  Return a pointer
 *  into STRING. */
char* stripwhite (char *string)
    register char *s, *t;

    for (s = string; whitespace (*s); s++)

    if (*s == 0)
        return (s);

    t = s + strlen (s) - 1;
    while (t > s && whitespace (*t))
    *++t = '\0';

    return s;

/* Function which tells you that you can't do this. */
void too_dangerous (char *caller)
    fprintf (stderr,
            "%s: Too dangerous for me to distribute.  Write it yourself.\n",

/* **************************************************************** */
/*                                                                  */
/*                  Interface to Readline Completion                */
/*                                                                  */
/* **************************************************************** */

/* Generator function for command completion.  STATE lets us know whether
 *  to start from scratch; without any state (i.e. STATE == 0), then we
 *  start at the top of the list. */
char * command_generator (const char *text, int state)
    static int list_index, len;
    char *name;

    /* If this is a new word to complete, initialize now.  This includes
     *  saving the length of TEXT for efficiency, and initializing the index
     *  variable to 0. */
    if (!state)
        list_index = 0;
        len = strlen (text);

    /* Return the next name which partially matches from the command list. */
    while ((name = commands[list_index].name))

        if (strncmp (name, text, len) == 0)
            return (strdup(name));

    /* If no names matched, then return NULL. */
    return ((char *)NULL);

/* Attempt to complete on the contents of TEXT.  START and END bound the
 * region of rl_line_buffer that contains the word to complete.  TEXT is
 * the word to complete.  We can use the entire contents of rl_line_buffer
 * in case we want to do some simple parsing.  Return the array of matches,
 * or NULL if there aren't any. */
char **fileman_completion (const char *text, int start, int end)
    char **matches;

    matches = (char **)NULL;

    /* If this word is at the start of the line, then it is a command
     *  to complete.  Otherwise it is the name of a file in the current
     *  directory. */
    if (start == 0)
        matches = rl_completion_matches (text, command_generator);

    return (matches);

/* Tell the GNU Readline library how to complete.  We want to try to complete
 *  on command names if this is the first word in the line, or on filenames
 *  if not. */
void initialize_readline ()
    /* Allow conditional parsing of the ~/.inputrc file. */
    rl_readline_name = "FileMan";

    /* Tell the completer that we want a crack first. */
    rl_attempted_completion_function = fileman_completion;

/* Return non-zero if ARG is a valid argument for CALLER, else print
 *  an error message and return zero. */
int valid_argument (char *caller, char *arg)
    if (!arg || !*arg)
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: Argument required.\n", caller);
        return (0);

    return (1);

/* **************************************************************** */
/*                                                                  */
/*                       FileMan Commands                           */
/*                                                                  */
/* **************************************************************** */

/* List the file(s) named in arg. */
int com_list (char *arg)
    if (!arg)
        arg = "";

    sprintf (syscom, "ls -FClg %s", arg);
    return (system (syscom));

int com_view (char *arg)
    if (!valid_argument ("view", arg))
        return 1;

#if defined (__MSDOS__)
    /* more.com doesn't grok slashes in pathnames */
    sprintf (syscom, "less %s", arg);
    sprintf (syscom, "more %s", arg);
    return (system (syscom));

int com_rename (char *arg)
    too_dangerous ("rename");
    return (1);

int com_stat (char *arg)
    struct stat finfo;

    if (!valid_argument ("stat", arg))
        return (1);

    if (stat (arg, &finfo) == -1)
        perror (arg);
        return (1);

    printf ("Statistics for `%s':\n", arg);

    printf ("%s has %ld link%s, and is %ld byte%s in length.\n",
            (finfo.st_nlink == 1) ? "" : "s",
            (finfo.st_size == 1) ? "" : "s");
    printf ("Inode Last Change at: %s", ctime (&finfo.st_ctime));
    printf ("      Last access at: %s", ctime (&finfo.st_atime));
    printf ("    Last modified at: %s", ctime (&finfo.st_mtime));
    return (0);

int com_delete (char *arg)
    too_dangerous ("delete");
    return (1);

/* Print out help for ARG, or for all of the commands if ARG is
 *  not present. */
int com_help (char *arg)
    register int i;
    int printed = 0;

    for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++)
        if (!*arg || (strcmp (arg, commands[i].name) == 0))
            printf ("%s\t\t%s.\n", commands[i].name, commands[i].doc);

    if (!printed)
        printf ("No commands match `%s'.  Possibilities are:\n", arg);

        for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++)
            /* Print in six columns. */
            if (printed == 6)
                printed = 0;
                printf ("\n");

            printf ("%s\t", commands[i].name);

        if (printed)
            printf ("\n");
    return (0);

/* Change to the directory ARG. */
int com_cd (char *arg)
    if (chdir (arg) == -1)
        perror (arg);
        return 1;

    com_pwd ("");
    return (0);

/* Print out the current working directory. */
int com_pwd (char *ignore)
    char dir[1024], *s;

    s = getcwd (dir, sizeof(dir) - 1);
    if (s == 0)
        printf ("Error getting pwd: %s\n", dir);
        return 1;

    printf ("Current directory is %s\n", dir);
    return 0;

/* The user wishes to quit using this program.  Just set DONE non-zero. */
int com_quit (char *arg)
    done = 1;
    return (0);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    char *line, *s;

    setlocale (LC_ALL, "");

    progname = argv[0];

    initialize_readline ();    /* Bind our completer. */

    /* Loop reading and executing lines until the user quits. */
    for ( ; done == 0; )
        line = readline ("FileMan: ");

        if (!line)

        /* Remove leading and trailing whitespace from the line.
         *  Then, if there is anything left, add it to the history list
         *  and execute it. */
        s = stripwhite (line);

        if (*s)
            add_history (s);
            execute_line (s);

        free (line);
    exit (0);


From: https://blog.51cto.com/basilguo/7090426


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