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时间:2023-08-10 22:32:56浏览次数:45  
标签:solr SolrCloud shard new 集群 资料 相关 Solr localhost

This page is not necessarily kept up to date - for the latest SolrCloud documentation see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/SolrCloud




  1. SolrCloud
  1. A little about SolrCores and Collections
  1. Getting Started
  1. Example A: Simple two shard cluster
  2. Example B: Simple two shard cluster with shard replicas
  3. Example C: Two shard cluster with shard replicas and zookeeper ensemble
  1. ZooKeeper
  2. Managing collections via the Collections API
  3. Collection Aliases
  4. Creating cores via CoreAdmin
  5. Distributed Requests
  6. Required Config
  1. schema.xml
  2. solrconfig.xml
  3. solr.xml
  1. Re-sizing a Cluster
  2. Near Realtime Search
  3. Parameter Reference
  1. Cluster Params
  2. SolrCloud Instance Params
  3. SolrCloud Instance ZooKeeper Params
  4. SolrCloud Core Params
  1. Getting your Configuration Files into ZooKeeper
  1. Config Startup Bootstrap Params
  2. Command Line Util
  1. Examples
  2. Scripts
  1. Zookeeper chroot
  1. Known Limitations
  2. Glossary
  3. FAQ



SolrCloud is the name of a set of new distributed capabilities in Solr. Passing parameters to enable these capabilities will enable you to set up a highly available, fault tolerant cluster of Solr servers. Use SolrCloud when you want high scale, fault tolerant, distributed indexing and search capabilities.

Look at the following 'Getting Started' section to quickly learn how to start up a cluster. There are 3 quick examples to follow, each showing how to startup a progressively more complicated cluster. After checking out the examples, consult the following sections for more detailed information as needed.


A little about SolrCores and Collections

On a single instance, Solr has something called a SolrCore that is essentially a single index. If you want multiple indexes, you create multiple SolrCores. With SolrCloud, a single index can span multiple Solr instances. This means that a single index can be made up of multiple SolrCore's on different machines. We call all of these SolrCores that make up one logical index a collection. A collection is a essentially a single index that spans many SolrCore's, both for index scaling as well as redundancy. If you wanted to move your 2 SolrCore Solr setup to SolrCloud, you would have 2 collections, each made up of multiple individual SolrCores.


Getting Started

Download Solr 4-Beta or greater: http://lucene.apache.org/solr/downloads.html

If you haven't yet, go through the simple Solr Tutorial to familiarize yourself with Solr. Note: reset all configuration and remove documents from the tutorial before going through the cloud features. Copying the example directories with pre-existing Solr indexes will cause document counts to be off.

Solr embeds and uses Zookeeper as a repository for cluster configuration and coordination - think of it as a distributed filesystem that contains information about all of the Solr servers

If you want to use a port other than 8983 for Solr, see the note about solr.xml under Parameter Reference below.


Example A: Simple two shard cluster


This example simply creates a cluster consisting of two solr servers representing two different shards of a collection.

Since we'll need two solr servers for this example, simply make a copy of the example directory for the second server -- making sure you don't have any data already indexed.


rm -r example/solr/collection1/data/*

cp -r example example2

This command starts up a Solr server and bootstraps a new solr cluster.


cd example

java -Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection1/conf -Dcollection.configName=myconf -DzkRun -DnumShards=2 -jar start.jar
  • -DzkRun causes an embedded zookeeper server to be run as part of this Solr server.
  • -Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection1/conf Since we don't yet have a config in zookeeper, this parameter causes the local configuration directory ./solr/conf to be uploaded as the "myconf" config. The name "myconf" is taken from the "collection.configName" param below.
  • -Dcollection.configName=myconf sets the config to use for the new collection. Omitting this param will cause the config name to default to "configuration1".
  • -DnumShards=2 the number of logical partitions we plan on splitting the index into.

Browse to http://localhost:8983/solr/#/~cloud to see the state of the cluster (the zookeeper distributed filesystem).

You can see from the zookeeper browser that the Solr configuration files were uploaded under "myconf", and that a new document collection called "collection1" was created. Under collection1 is a list of shards, the pieces that make up the complete collection.

Now we want to start up our second server - it will automatically be assigned to shard2 because we don't explicitly set the shard id.

Then start the second server, pointing it at the cluster:


cd example2

java -Djetty.port=7574 -DzkHost=localhost:9983 -jar start.jar
  • -Djetty.port=7574 is just one way to tell the Jetty servlet container to use a different port.
  • -DzkHost=localhost:9983 points to the Zookeeper ensemble containing the cluster state. In this example we're running a single Zookeeper server embedded in the first Solr server. By default, an embedded Zookeeper server runs at the Solr port plus 1000, so 9983.

If you refresh the zookeeper browser, you should now see both shard1 and shard2 in collection1. View http://localhost:8983/solr/#/~cloud.

Next, index some documents. If you want to whip up some Java you can use the CloudSolrServer solrj impl and simply init it with the address to ZooKeeper. Or simply randomly choose which instance to add documents too - they will be automatically forwarded to where they belong:


cd exampledocs

java -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/update -jar post.jar ipod_video.xml

java -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/update -jar post.jar monitor.xml

java -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/update -jar post.jar mem.xml

And now, a request to either server results in a distributed search that covers the entire collection:


If at any point you wish to start over fresh or experiment with different configurations, you can delete all of the cloud state contained within zookeeper by simply deleting the solr/zoo_data directory after shutting down the servers.


Example B: Simple two shard cluster with shard replicas


This example will simply build off of the previous example by creating another copy of shard1 and shard2. Extra shard copies can be used for high availability and fault tolerance, or simply for increasing the query capacity of the cluster.

First, run through the previous example so we already have two shards and some documents indexed into each. Then simply make a copy of those two servers:


cp -r example exampleB

cp -r example2 example2B

Then start the two new servers on different ports, each in its own window:


cd exampleB

java -Djetty.port=8900 -DzkHost=localhost:9983 -jar start.jar


cd example2B

java -Djetty.port=7500 -DzkHost=localhost:9983 -jar start.jar

Refresh the zookeeper browser page Solr Zookeeper Admin UI and verify that 4 solr nodes are up, and that each shard has two replicas.

Because we have been telling Solr that we want two logical shards, starting instances 3 and 4 are assigned to be additional replicas of those shards automatically.

Now send a query to any of the servers to query the cluster:


Send this query multiple times and observe the logs from the solr servers. You should be able to observe Solr load balancing the requests (done via LBHttpSolrServer ?) across replicas, using different servers to satisfy each request. There will be a log statement for the top-level request in the server the browser sends the request to, and then a log statement for each sub-request that are merged to produce the complete response.

To demonstrate fail-over for high availability, press CTRL-C in the window running any one of the Solr servers except the instance running ZooKeeper. (We'll talk about ZooKeeper redundancy in Example C.) Once that server instance terminates, send another query request to any of the remaining servers that are up. You should continue to see the full results.

SolrCloud can continue to serve results without interruption as long as at least one server hosts every shard. You can demonstrate this by judiciously shutting down various instances and looking for results. If you have killed all of the servers for a particular shard, requests to other servers will result in a 503 error. To return just the documents that are available in the shards that are still alive (and avoid the error), add the following query parameter: shards.tolerant=true

SolrCloud uses leaders and an overseer as an implementation detail. This means that some nodes/replicas will play special roles. You don't need to worry if the instance you kill is a leader or the cluster overseer - if you happen to kill one of these, automatic fail over will choose new leaders or a new overseer transparently to the user and they will seamlessly takeover their respective jobs. Any Solr instance can be promoted to one of these roles.


Example C: Two shard cluster with shard replicas and zookeeper ensemble


The problem with example B is that while there are enough Solr servers to survive any one of them crashing, there is only one zookeeper server that contains the state of the cluster. If that zookeeper server crashes, distributed queries will still work since the solr servers remember the state of the cluster last reported by zookeeper. The problem is that no new servers or clients will be able to discover the cluster state, and no changes to the cluster state will be possible.

Running multiple zookeeper servers in concert (a zookeeper ensemble) allows for high availability of the zookeeper service. Every zookeeper server needs to know about every other zookeeper server in the ensemble, and a majority of servers are needed to provide service. For example, a zookeeper ensemble of 3 servers allows any one to fail with the remaining 2 constituting a majority to continue providing service. 5 zookeeper servers are needed to allow for the failure of up to 2 servers at a time.

For production, it's recommended that you run an external zookeeper ensemble rather than having Solr run embedded zookeeper servers. You can read more about setting up a zookeeper ensemble here. For this example, we'll use the embedded servers for simplicity.

First, stop all 4 servers and then clean up the zookeeper data directories for a fresh start.


rm -r example*/solr/zoo_data

We will be running the servers again at ports 8983,7574,8900,7500. The default is to run an embedded zookeeper server at hostPort+1000, so if we run an embedded zookeeper on the first three servers, the ensemble address will be localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900.

As a convenience, we'll have the first server upload the solr config to the cluster. You will notice it block until you have actually started the second server. This is due to zookeeper needing a quorum before it can operate.


cd example

java -Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection1/conf -Dcollection.configName=myconf -DzkRun -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -DnumShards=2 -jar start.jar


cd example2

java -Djetty.port=7574 -DzkRun -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -jar start.jar


cd exampleB

java -Djetty.port=8900 -DzkRun -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -jar start.jar


cd example2B

java -Djetty.port=7500 -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -jar start.jar

Now since we are running three embedded zookeeper servers as an ensemble, everything can keep working even if a server is lost. To demonstrate this, kill the exampleB server by pressing CTRL+C in it's window and then browse to the Solr Zookeeper Admin UI to verify that the zookeeper service still works.

Note that when running on multiple hosts, you will need to set -DzkRun=hostname:port on each host to the exact name and port used in -DzkHost -- the default localhostwill not work.



Multiple Zookeeper servers running together for fault tolerance and high availability is called an ensemble. For production, it's recommended that you run an external zookeeper ensemble rather than having Solr run embedded servers. See the Apache ZooKeeper site for more information on downloading and running a zookeeper ensemble. More specifically, try Getting Started and ZooKeeper Admin. It's actually pretty simple to get going. You can stick to having Solr runZooKeeper, but keep in mind that a ZooKeeper cluster is not easily changed dynamically. Until further support is added to ZooKeeper, changes are best done with rolling restarts. Handling this in a separate process from Solr will usually be preferable.

When Solr runs an embedded zookeeper server, it defaults to using the solr port plus 1000 for the zookeeper client port. In addition, it defaults to adding one to the client port for the zookeeper server port, and two for the zookeeper leader election port. So in the first example with Solr running at 8983, the embedded zookeeper server used port 9983 for the client port and 9984,9985 for the server ports.

In terms of trying to make sure ZooKeeper is setup to be very fast, keep a few things in mind: Solr does not use ZooKeeper intensively - optimizations may not be necessary in many cases. Also, while adding more ZooKeeper nodes will help some with read performance, it will slightly hurt write performance. Again, Solr does not really do much with ZooKeeper when your cluster is in a steady state. If you do need to optimize ZooKeeper, here are a few helpful notes:

  1. ZooKeeper works best when it has a dedicated machine. ZooKeeper is a timely service and a dedicated machine helps ensure timely responses. A dedicated machine is not required however.
  2. ZooKeeper works best when you put its transaction log and snap-shots on different disk drives.
  3. If you do colocate ZooKeeper with Solr, using separate disk drives for Solr and ZooKeeper will help with performance.


Managing collections via the Collections API

The collections API let's you manage collections. Under the hood, it generally uses the CoreAdmin API to asynchronously (though Overseer) manage SolrCores on each server - it's essentially sugar for actions that you could handle yourself if you made individual CoreAdmin API calls to each server you wanted an action to take place on.

Create http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=mycollection&numShards=3&replicationFactor=4

About the params:

  • name: The name of the collection to be created.
  • numShards: The number of logical shards (sometimes called slices) to be created as part of the collection.
  • replicationFactor: The number of copies of each document (or, the number of physical replicas to be created for each logical shard of the collection.) A replicationFactor of 3 means that there will be 3 replicas (one of which is normally designated to be the leader) for each logical shard. NOTE: in Solr 4.0, replicationFactor was the number of *additional* copies as opposed to the total number of copies.
  • maxShardsPerNode : A create operation will spread numShards*replicationFactor shard-replica across your live Solr nodes - fairly distributed, and never two replica of the same shard on the same Solr node. If a Solr is not live at the point in time where the create operation is carried out, it will not get any parts of the new collection. To prevent too many replica being created on a single Solr node, use maxShardsPerNode to set a limit for how many replicas the create operation is allowed to create on each node - default is 1. If it cannot fit the entire collection numShards*replicationFactor replicas on you live Solrs it will not create anything at all.
  • createNodeSet: If not provided the create operation will create shard-replica spread across all of your live Solr nodes. You can provide the "createNodeSet" parameter to change the set of nodes to spread the shard-replica across. The format of values for this param is "<node-name1>,<node-name2>,...,<node-nameN>" - e.g. "localhost:8983_solr,localhost:8984_solr,localhost:8985_solr"
  • collection.configName: The name of the config (must be already stored in zookeeper) to use for this new collection. If not provided the create operation will default to the collection name as the config name.


About the params:

  • name: The name of the collection alias to be created.
  • collections: A comma-separated list of one or more collections to alias to.

Delete http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=DELETE&name=mycollection

About the params:

  • name: The name of the collection to be deleted.

Reload http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=RELOAD&name=mycollection

About the params:

  • name: The name of the collection to be reloaded.

Split Shard http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=SPLITSHARD&collection=<collection_name>&shard=shardId


About the params:

  • collection: The name of the collection
  • shard: The shard to be split

This command cannot be used by clusters with custom hashing because such clusters do not rely on a hash range. It should only be used by clusters having "plain" or "compositeId" router.

The SPLITSHARD command will create two new shards by splitting the given shard's index into two pieces. The split is performed by dividing the shard's range into two equal partitions and dividing up the documents in the parent shard according to the new sub-ranges. This is a synchronous operation. The new shards will be named by appending _0 and _1 to the parent shard name e.g. if shard=shard1 is to be split, the new shards will be named as shard1_0 and shard1_1. Once the new shards are created, they are set active and the parent shard is set to inactive so that no new requests are routed to the parent shard.

This feature allows for seamless splitting and requires no down-time. The parent shard is not removed and therefore no data is removed. It is up to the user of the command to unload the shard using the new APIs in SOLR-4693 (under construction).

This feature was released with Solr 4.3 however due to bugs found after 4.3 release, it is recommended that you wait for release 4.3.1 before using this feature.


Collection Aliases

Aliasing allows you to create a single 'virtual' collection name that can point to one more real collections. You can update the alias on the fly.

CreateAlias http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATEALIAS&name=alias&collections=collection1,collection2,…

Creates or updates a given alias. Aliases that are used to send updates to should only map an alias to a single collection. Read aliases can map an alias to a single collection or multiple collections.

DeleteAlias http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=DELETEALIAS&name=alias

Removes an existing alias.


Creating cores via CoreAdmin

New Solr cores may also be created and associated with a collection via CoreAdmin.

Additional cloud related parameters for the CREATE action:

  • collection - the name of the collection this core belongs to. Default is the name of the core.
  • shard - the shard id this core represents (Optional - normally you want to be auto assigned a shard id)
  • numShards - the number of shards you want the collection to have - this is only respected on the first core created for the collection
  • collection.<param>=<value> - causes a property of <param>=<value> to be set if a new collection is being created.
  • Use collection.configName=<configname> to point to the config for a new collection.



curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE&name=mycore&collection=collection1&shard=shard2'


Distributed Requests

Query all shards of a collection (the collection is implicit in the URL):



Query all shards of a compatible collection, explicitly specified:



Query all shards of multiple compatible collections, explicitly specified:



Query specific shard ids of the (implicit) collection. In this example, the user has partitioned the index by date, creating a new shard every month:



Explicitly specify the addresses of shards you want to query:



Explicitly specify the addresses of shards you want to query, giving alternatives (delimited by |) used for load balancing and fail-over:




Required Config

All of the required config is already setup in the example configs shipped with Solr. The following is what you need to add if you are migrating old config files, or what you should not remove if you are starting with new config files.



You must have a _version_ field defined:


<field name="_version_" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false"/>



You must have an UpdateLog defined - this should be defined in the updateHandler section.


<!-- Enables a transaction log, currently used for real-time get.

         "dir" - the target directory for transaction logs, defaults to the

         solr data directory.  -->


      <str name="dir">${solr.data.dir:}</str>
      <!-- if you want to take control of the synchronization you may specify the syncLevel as one of the 
           following where ''flush'' is the default. fsync will reduce throughput.
      <str name="syncLevel">flush|fsync|none</str>


You must have a replication handler called /replication defined:


<requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler" startup="lazy" />

You must have a realtime get handler called /get defined:


<requestHandler name="/get" class="solr.RealTimeGetHandler">

      <lst name="defaults">

        <str name="omitHeader">true</str>



You must have the admin handlers defined:


<requestHandler name="/admin/" class="solr.admin.AdminHandlers" />

The DistributedUpdateProcessor is part of the default update chain and is automatically injected into any of your custom update chains. You can still explicitly add it yourself as follows:


<updateRequestProcessorChain name="sample">

     <processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" />

     <processor class="solr.DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory"/>

     <processor class="my.package.UpdateFactory"/>

     <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />


If you do not want the DistributedUpdateProcessFactory auto injected into your chain (say you want to use SolrCloud functionality, but you want to distribute updates yourself) then specify the following update processor factory in your chain: NoOpDistributingUpdateProcessorFactory



You must leave the admin path as the default:


<cores adminPath="/admin/cores"


Re-sizing a Cluster

You can control cluster size by passing the numShards when you start up the first SolrCore in a collection. This parameter is used to auto assign which shard each instance should be part of. Any SolrCores that you start after starting numShards instances are evenly added to each shard as replicas (as long as they all belong to the same collection).

To add more SolrCores to your collection, simply keep starting new SolrCores up. You can do this at any time and the new SolrCore will sync up its data with the current replicas in the shard before becoming active.

If you want to start your cluster on fewer machines and then expand over time beyond just adding replicas, you can choose to start by hosting multiple shards per machine (using multiple SolrCores) and then later migrate shards onto new machines by starting up a new replica for a given shard and eventually removing the shard from the original machine.

 Solr4.3 The new "SPLITSHARD" collection API can be used to split an existing shard into two shards containing exactly half the range of the parent shard each. More details can be found under the "Managing collections via the Collections API" section.


Near Realtime Search

If you want to use the Near Realtime search support, you will probably want to enable auto soft commits in your solrconfig.xml file before putting it into zookeeper. Otherwise you can send explicit soft commits to the cluster as you desire. See NearRealtimeSearch


Parameter Reference


Cluster Params


Defaults to 1

The number of shards to hash documents to. There will be one leader per shard and each leader can have N replicas.


SolrCloud Instance Params

These are set in solr.xml, but by default they are setup in solr.xml to also work with system properties. Important note: the hostPort value found here will be used (via zookeeper) to inform the rest of the cluster what port each Solr instance is using. The default port is 8983. The example solr.xml uses the jetty.port system property, so if you want to use a port other than 8983, either you have to set this property when starting Solr, or you have to change solr.xml to fit your particular installation. If you do not do this, the cluster will think all your Solr servers are using port 8983, which may not be what you want.


Defaults to the first local host address found

If the wrong host address is found automatically, you can over ride the host address with this param.


Defaults to the jetty.port system property

The port that Solr is running on - by default this is found by looking at the jetty.port system property.


Defaults to solr

The context path for the Solr webapp. (Note: in Solr 4.0, it was mandatory that the hostContext not contain "/" or "_" characters. Begining with Solr 4.1, this limitation was removed, and it is recomended that you specify the begining slash. When running in the example jetty configs, the "hostContext" system property can be used to control both the servlet context used by jetty, and the hostContext used by SolrCloud -- eg: -DhostContext=/solr)


SolrCloud Instance ZooKeeper Params


Defaults to localhost:<solrPort+1001>

Causes Solr to run an embedded version of ZooKeeper. Set to the address of ZooKeeper on this node - this allows us to know who 'we are' in the list of addresses in the zkHost connect string. Simply using -DzkRun gets you the default value. Note this must be one of the exact strings from zkHost; in particular, the default localhost


No default

The host address for ZooKeeper - usually this should be a comma separated list of addresses to each node in your ZooKeeperensemble.


Defaults to 15000

The time a client is allowed to not talk to ZooKeeper before having it's session expired.

zkRun and zkHost are setup using system properties. zkClientTimeout is setup in solr.xml, but default, can also be set using a system property.


SolrCloud Core Params


The shard id. Defaults to being automatically assigned based on numShards

Allows you to specify the id used to group SolrCores into shards.

shard can be configured in solr.xml for each core element as an attribute.


Getting your Configuration Files into ZooKeeper


Config Startup Bootstrap Params

There are two different ways you can use system properties to upload your initial configuration files to ZooKeeper the first time you start Solr. Remember that these are meant to be used only on first startup or when overwriting configuration files - everytime you start Solr with these system properties, any current configuration files in ZooKeeper may be overwritten when 'conf set' names match.

1. Look at solr.xml and upload the conf for each SolrCore found. The 'config set' name will be the collection name for that SolrCore, and collections will use the 'config set' that has a matching name.


No default

If you pass -Dbootstrap_conf=true on startup, each SolrCore you have configured will have it's configuration files automatically uploaded and linked to the collection that SolrCore is part of

2. Upload the given directory as a 'conf set' with the given name. No linking of collection to 'config set' is done. However, if only one 'conf set' exists, a collection will auto link to it.


No default

If you pass -bootstrap_confdir=<directory> on startup, that specific directory of configuration files will be uploaded toZooKeeper with a 'conf set' name defined by the below system property, collection.configName


Defaults to configuration1

Determines the name of the conf set pointed to by bootstrap_confdir


Command Line Util

The ZkCLI tool (aka zkcli.sh and zkcli.bar) also lets you upload config to ZooKeeper. It allows you to do it the same two ways that you can above. It also provides a few other commands that let you link collection sets to collections, make ZooKeeper paths or clear them, as well as download configs from ZooKeeper to the local filesystem.

Details on using the ZkCLI command line tool and the options it supports can be found in the Solr Ref Guide.



See: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Command+Line+Utilities#CommandLineUtilities-ZooKeeperCLIExamples



See: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Command+Line+Utilities#CommandLineUtilities-Scripts


Zookeeper chroot

If you are already using Zookeeper for other applications and you want to keep the ZNodes organized by application, or if you want to have multiple separated SolrCloud clusters sharing one Zookeeper ensemble you can use Zookeeper's "chroot" option. From Zookeeper's documentation: http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.3.6/zookeeperProgrammers.html#ch_zkSessions


An optional "chroot" suffix may also be appended to the connection string. This will run the client commands while interpreting all paths relative to this root (similar to the unix chroot command). If used the example would look like: "" or ",," where the client would be rooted at "/app/a" and all paths would be relative to this root - ie getting/setting/etc... "/foo/bar" would result in operations being run on "/app/a/foo/bar" (from the server perspective).

To use this Zookeeper feature, simply start Solr with the "chroot" suffix in the zkHost parameter. For example:


java -DzkHost=localhost:9983/foo/bar -jar start.jar



java -DzkHost=zoo1:9983,zoo2:9983,zoo3:9983/foo/bar -jar start.jar

NOTE: With Solr 4.0 you'll need to create the initial path in Zoookeeper before starting Solr. Since Solr 4.1, the initial path will automatically be created if you are using either bootstrap_conf or boostrap_confdir.


Known Limitations

A small number of Solr search components do not support DistributedSearch. In some cases, a component may never get distributed support, in other cases it may just be a matter of time and effort. All of the search components that do not yet support standard distributed search have the same limitation with SolrCloud. You can pass distrib=false to use these components on a single SolrCore.

The Grouping feature only works if groups are in the same shard. You must use the custom sharding feature to use the Grouping feature.

If upgrading an existing Solr instance instance running with SolrCloud from Solr 4.0 to 4.1, be aware that the way the name_node parameter is defined has changed. This may cause a situation where the name_node uses the IP address of the machine instead of the server name, and thus SolrCloud is not aware of the existing node. If this happens, you can manually edit the host parameter in solr.xml to refer to the server name, or set the host in your system environment variables (since by default solr.xml is configured to inherit the host name from the environment variables). See also the section Core Admin and Configuring solr.xml for more information about the host parameter.




A single search index.


A logical section of a single collection (also called Slice). Sometimes people will talk about "Shard" in a physical sense (a manifestation of a logical shard)


A physical manifestation of a logical Shard, implemented as a single Lucene index on a SolrCore


One Replica of every Shard will be designated as a Leader to coordinate indexing for that Shard


Encapsulates a single physical index. One or more make up logical shards (or slices) which make up a collection.


A single instance of Solr. A single Solr instance can have multiple SolrCores that can be part of any number of collections.


All of the nodes you are using to host SolrCores.




  • Q: I'm seeing lot's of session timeout exceptions - what to do?
  • A: Try raising the ZooKeeper session timeout by editing solr.xml - see the zkClientTimeout attribute. The minimum session timeout is 2 times yourZooKeeper defined tickTime. The maximum is 20 times the tickTime. The default tickTime is 2 seconds. You should avoiding raising this for no good reason, but it should be high enough that you don't see a lot of false session timeouts due to load, network lag, or garbage collection pauses. The default timeout is 15 seconds, but some environments might need to go as high as 30-60 seconds.
  • Q: How do I use SolrCloud, but distribute updates myself?
  • Q: What is the difference between a Collection and a SolrCore?
  • A: In classic single node Solr, a SolrCore is basically equivalent to a Collection. It presents one logical index. In SolrCloud, the SolrCore's on multiple nodes form a Collection. This is still just one logical index, but multiple SolrCores host different 'shards' of the full collection. So aSolrCore encapsulates a single physical index on an instance. A Collection is a combination of all of the SolrCores that together provide a logical index that is distributed across many nodes.


本文永久链接 http://fnil.me/aaaabe




  • 本Wiki上的任何文字信息均在GNU自由文档许可证1.3或更高版本下发布,如果用于任何商业用途都需经本人同意。任何转载都请注明出处。
  • 本Wiki上的内容来自本人的学习笔记,来源可能包括原创、书籍、网页、链接等,如果侵犯了您的知识产权,请与本人联系,我将及时删除。
  • 我的联系方式 [email protected]


最近负责solr集群的升级,从solr 3.x的一个shard集群升级到solr 4.0的cloud集群。


Solr 4.0引入了SolrCloud功能,利用zookeeper做到全自动的分区、负载均衡,无需再人工做痛苦的shard切分,也不需要利用Haproxy或者Nginx做前端的负载均衡。索引添加和更新,会自动路由到正确的shard master做更新,并分布式同步到shard slave。查询会自动地从各个shard(shard内的master/slave也会做负载均衡)做查询并汇集结果。这是我们升级的主要动力。Solr 4.0还有一个NRT,近实时搜索的特性也是我们比较关注的。





schema.xml 必须加入_version_字段:

<field name="_version_" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false"/>


  • indexDefaults和mainIndex合并成indexConfig
  • 加入



  • 找到updateHandler,并加入updateLog,用于生成事务日志

<updateLog> <str name="dir">${solr.data.dir:}</str> </updateLog>

  • 原来用于复制的replicationHandler可以简化成:

<requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler" startup="lazy" />

  • 添加/get handler:

<requestHandler name="/get" class="solr.RealTimeGetHandler"> <lst name="defaults"> <str name="omitHeader">true</str> </lst> </requestHandler>

  • 如果没有添加admin handler,必须添加:

<requestHandler name="/admin/" class="solr.admin.AdminHandlers" />


<cores adminPath="/admin/cores"

<updateRequestProcessorChain name="sample"> <processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" /> <processor class="solr.DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory"/> <processor class="my.package.UpdateFactory"/> <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" /> </updateRequestProcessorChain>

  • solr.DisMaxRequestHandler相关handler需要删除。
  • solr.AnalysisRequestHandler相关handler需要删除。


1. 在第一次创建cloud集群的时候,第一个节点的启动必须特殊处理,启动参数类似(以多个core为例):

#Startup the first node. export BASE_DIR=. export JVM_ARGS="-Xmx16G -Xms16G" export ZK_SERVERS="localhost:2181" export ZK_TIMEOUT=20000 export SHARDS=2 java $JVM_ARGS -Dbootstrap_conf=true -DzkHost=$ZK_SERVERS -DzkClientTimeout=$ZK_TIMEOUT -DnumShards=$SHARDS -Dsolr.solr.home=$BASE_DIR -jar $BASE_DIR/start.jar 2>&1 >> $BASE_DIR/logs/solr.log &


  • bootstrap_conf If you pass -Dbootstrap_conf=true on startup, each SolrCore you have configured will have it's configuration files automatically uploaded and linked to the collection that SolrCore is part of
  • zkHost 用到zookeeper集群服务器列表,逗号隔开
  • zkClientTimeout zookeeper client timeout
  • numShards 多少个分片,例如上面设置为两个分片
  • solr.solr.home solr目录,该目录下需有solr.xml,设定core(现在称为collection)列表,例如:

<solr sharedLib="lib" persistent="true"> <cores adminPath="/admin/cores" defaultCoreName="test1" host="${host:}" hostPort="${jetty.port:}" > <core default="true" instanceDir="test1" name="test1"></core> <core default="false" instanceDir="test2" name="test2"></core> </cores> </solr>

设定了两个collection: test1和test2,他们的配置分别在$solr.solr.home/test1和$solr.solr.home/test2目录下。

2. 当第一次创建集群的时候,第一个节点启动后会等待其他节点启动,因为要组成一个shard集群,必须至少有numShards个节点启动。

3. 其他节点启动无需传入-Dbootstrap_conf=true和-DnumShards:

java $JVM_ARGS -DzkHost=$ZK_SERVERS -DzkClientTimeout=$ZK_TIMEOUT -Dsolr.solr.home=$BASE_DIR -jar $BASE_DIR/start.jar 2>&1 >>$BASE_DIR/logs/solr.log &


4. 更健壮的启动脚本应该将solr作为daemon service开机启动。




  • 在启动前最好设置集群内所有机器的hostname,并且可根据hostname相互访问,solr cloud会存储所有的集群内的机器hostname到zookeeper。如果hostname变更,该台机器将无法加入集群。
  • 监控,如果你使用nagios,可以尝试我的这个插件脚本: https://gist.github.com/4705395 它会做两个事情:查看活跃节点数目是否是你指定的数目,并且尝试查询该节点,是否返回结果不为空。

SolrCloud是基于Solr和Zookeeper的分布式搜索方案,是正在开发中的Solr4.0的核心组件之一,它的主要思想是使用Zookeeper作为集群的配置信息中心。它有几个特色功能:1)集中式的配置信息 2)自动容错 3)近实时搜索 4)查询时自动负载均衡





首先去https://builds.apache.org/job/Solr-trunk/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/artifacts/下载Solr4.0的源码和二进制包,注意Solr4.0现在还在开发中,因此这里是Nightly Build版本。





cp -r example example2


cd example
java -Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/conf -Dcollection.configName=myconf -DzkRun -DnumShards=2 -jar start.jar



cd example2
java -Djetty.port=7574 -DzkHost=localhost:9983 -jar start.jar


我们可以打开http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/admin/zookeeper.jsp 或者http://localhost:8983/solr/#/cloud看看目前集群的状态,



cd exampledocs
java -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/update -jar post.jar ipod_video.xml
java -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/update -jar post.jar monitor.xml
java -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/update -jar post.jar mem.xml






1)       它首先启动一个嵌入式的Zookeeper服务器,作为集群状态信息的管理者,

2) 将自己这个节点注册到/node_states/目录下

3) 同时将自己注册到/live_nodes/目录下


5) 更新/clusterstate.json目录下json格式的集群状态信息

6) 本机从Zookeeper中更新集群状态信息,维持与Zookeeper上的集群信息一致


8) 启动本地的Solr服务器,

9) Solr启动完成后,Overseer会得知shard中有第一个节点进来,更新shard状态信息,并将本机所在节点设置为shard1的leader节点,并向整个集群发布最新的集群状态信息。



1) 本机连接到集群所在的Zookeeper,

2) 将自己这个节点注册到/node_states/目录下

3)  同时将自己注册到/live_nodes/目录下

4) 本机从Zookeeper中更新集群状态信息,维持与Zookeeper上的集群信息一致

5) 从集群中保存的配置文件加载Solr所需要的配置信息

6) 启动本地solr服务器,

7) solr启动完成后,将本节点注册为集群中的shard,并将本机设置为shard2的Leader节点,

8) 本机从Zookeeper中再次更新集群状态信息,第二台solr服务器启动完毕。




cp -r example exampleB
cp -r example2 example2B
cd exampleB
java -Djetty.port=8900 -DzkHost=localhost:9983 -jar start.jar
cd example2B
java -Djetty.port=7500 -DzkHost=localhost:9983 -jar start.jar

我们可以打开http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/admin/zookeeper.jsp  看看包含4个节点的集群的状态,


这个集群现在就具备容错性了,你可以试着干掉一个Solr服务器,然后再发送查询请求。背后的实质是集群的ov erseer会监测各个shard的leader节点,如果leader节点挂了,则会启动自动的容错机制,会从同一个shard中的其他replica节点集中重新选举出一个leader节点,甚至如果overseer节点自己也挂了,同样会自动在其他节点上启用新的overseer节点,这样就确保了集群的高可用性。

示例3 包含2个shard的集群,带shard备份和zookeeper集群机制



有两种方式可选,一种是提供一个外部独立的Zookeeper集群,另一种是每个solr服务器都启动一个内嵌的Zookeeper服务器,再将这些Zookeeper服务器组成一个集群。 我们这里用后一种做示例:

cd example 
java -Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/conf -Dcollection.configName=myconf -DzkRun -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -DnumShards=2 -jar start.jar         
cd example2         
java -Djetty.port=7574 -DzkRun -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -jar start.jar         
cd exampleB         
java -Djetty.port=8900 -DzkRun -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -jar start.jar         
cd example2B         
java -Djetty.port=7500 -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -jar start.jar

我们可以打开http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/admin/zookeeper.jsp  看看包含4个节点的集群的状态,可以发现其实和上一个没有任何区别。




Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License,若用于非商业目的,您可以自由转载,但请保留原作者信息和文章链接URL。


SolrCloud最重要的一点就是引入了ZooKeeper来统一管理各种配置和状态信息。zookeeper是一个开源分布式的服务,它提供了分布式协作,分布式同步,配置管理等功能. 其实现的功能与google的chubby基本一致.zookeeper的官方网站已经写了一篇非常经典的概述性文章,请大家参阅:ZooKeeper: A Distributed Coordination Service for Distributed Applications.



1) 首先在web.xml中配置了一个filter

<          filter 


CoreContainer.Initializer init = createInitializer(); 
          web.xml configuration 
              this.pathPrefix = config.getInitParameter( "path-prefix" ); 
this.cores = init.initialize();


private           static  
         final String DEF_SOLR_XML ="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n" + 
          "<solr persistent=\"false\">\n" +          
          "  <cores adminPath=\"/admin/cores\" defaultCoreName=\"" + DEFAULT_DEFAULT_CORE_NAME + "\">\n" +          
          "    <core name=\""+ DEFAULT_DEFAULT_CORE_NAME + "\" shard=\"${shard:}\" instanceDir=\".\" />\n" +          
          "  </cores>\n" +          


if (zkRun !=            null) { 
      zkServer =            new SolrZkServer(zkRun, zookeeperHost, solrHome, hostPort); 
           set client from server config if not already set 
                 if (zookeeperHost ==  
          null) { 
        zookeeperHost = zkServer.getClientString();           



if (zkProps ==            null) { 
      zkProps =            new SolrZkServerProps(); 
           set default data dir
           TODO: use something based on IP+port???  support ensemble all from same solr home? 
      zkProps.setDataDir(solrHome + '/' + "zoo_data");           
      zkProps.zkRun = zkRun;           
      zkProps.solrPort = solrPort;           



props = SolrZkServerProps.getProperties(solrHome + '/' + "zoo.cfg"); 
      SolrZkServerProps.injectServers(props, zkRun, zkHost);          



注意,server.x这些行就指明了zookeeper集群所包含的机器名称,每台Zookeeper服务器会使用3个端口来进行工作,其中第一个端口(端口1)用来做运行期间server间的通信,第二个端口(端口2)用来做leader election,另外还有一个端口(端口0)负责接收客户端请求。那么一台机器怎样确定自己是谁呢?这是通过dataDir目录下的myid文本文件确定。myid文件只包含一个数字,内容就是所在Server的ID:QuorumPeerConfig.myid。

1) 准备好集群所需要的配置信息后,就可以启动Zookeeper集群了。启动时是生成一个Zookeeper服务器线程,根据配置信息来决定是单机还是集群模式,如果是单机模式,则生成ZooKeeperServerMain对象并启动,如果是集群模式,则使用QuorumPeerMain对象启动。最后将服务器线程设置为Daemon模式,就完成了Zookeeper服务器的启动工作了。

public            void start() { 
        zkThread =            new Thread() { 
          void run() { 
                           try { 
                               if (zkProps.getServers().size() > 1) { 
                        QuorumPeerMain zkServer =            new QuorumPeerMain(); 
                                   if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { 
                    }            else { 
                        ServerConfig sc =            new ServerConfig(); 
                        ZooKeeperServerMain zkServer =            new ZooKeeperServerMain(); 
                                   if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { 
                    logger.info("ZooKeeper Server exited.");           
                }            catch (Throwable e) { 
                    logger.error("ZooKeeper Server ERROR", e);           
          new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, e);                     
                   if (zkProps.getServers().size() > 1) { 
            logger.info("STARTING EMBEDDED ENSEMBLE ZOOKEEPER SERVER at port " + zkProps.getClientPortAddress().getPort());           
        }            else { 
            logger.info("STARTING EMBEDDED STANDALONE ZOOKEEPER SERVER at port " + zkProps.getClientPortAddress().getPort());                       
        zkThread.setDaemon(           true); 
                   try { 
            Thread.sleep(500);            // 
           pause for ZooKeeper to start 
        }            catch (Exception e) { 
            logger.error("STARTING ZOOKEEPER", e);           


zkCli.cmd –server zookeeper服务器地址1:端口






private ConnectionManager connManager;
   private  volatile SolrZooKeeper keeper;
   private ZkCmdExecutor zkCmdExecutor =  new




public SolrZkClient(String zkServerAddress,             int zkClientTimeout, 
      ZkClientConnectionStrategy strat,             final OnReconnect onReconnect,  
           int clientConnectTimeout)  
           throws InterruptedException, 
      TimeoutException, IOException {            
    connManager =             new ConnectionManager("ZooKeeperConnection Watcher:" 
        + zkServerAddress,             this, zkServerAddress, zkClientTimeout, strat, onReconnect); 
    strat.connect(zkServerAddress, zkClientTimeout, connManager,            
                    new ZkUpdate() { 
           void update(SolrZooKeeper zooKeeper) { 
            SolrZooKeeper oldKeeper = keeper;            
            keeper = zooKeeper;            
                        if (oldKeeper !=  
           null) { 
                          try { 
              }             catch (InterruptedException e) { 
            Restore the interrupted status 
                log.error("", e);            
           new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, 
                    "", e);            




其实具体的连接动作是new SolrZooKeeper(serverAddress, timeout, watcher)引发的,上面那句代码只是在等待指定时间,看是否已经连接上。


1) 是否已经连接

public  boolean isConnected() {
     return keeper !=  null && keeper.getState() == ZooKeeper.States.CONNECTED;

2)  是否存在某个路径的Znode

public Stat exists(            final String path,  
           final Watcher watcher,  
           boolean retryOnConnLoss)  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
                if (retryOnConnLoss) { 
                  return zkCmdExecutor.retryOperation( 
           new ZkOperation() { 
                    public Stat execute()  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
                      return keeper.exists(path, watcher); 
    }             else { 
                  return keeper.exists(path, watcher); 

3) 创建一个Znode节点

public String create(            final String path,  
           byte data[],  
           final List<ACL> acl,  
           final CreateMode createMode,  
           boolean retryOnConnLoss)  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
                if (retryOnConnLoss) { 
                  return zkCmdExecutor.retryOperation( 
           new ZkOperation() { 
                    public String execute()  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
                      return keeper.create(path, data, acl, createMode); 
    }             else { 
                  return keeper.create(path, data, acl, createMode); 

4)  获取指定路径下的孩子Znode节点

public List<String> getChildren(            final String path,  
           final Watcher watcher,  
           boolean retryOnConnLoss)  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
                if (retryOnConnLoss) { 
                  return zkCmdExecutor.retryOperation( 
           new ZkOperation() { 
                    public List<String> execute()  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
                      return keeper.getChildren(path, watcher); 
    }             else { 
                  return keeper.getChildren(path, watcher); 

5) 获取指定Znode上附加的数据

public             byte[] getData( 
           final String path,  
           final Watcher watcher,  
           final Stat stat,  
           boolean retryOnConnLoss)  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
                if (retryOnConnLoss) { 
                  return zkCmdExecutor.retryOperation( 
           new ZkOperation() { 
           byte[] execute()  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
                      return keeper.getData(path, watcher, stat); 
    }             else { 
                  return keeper.getData(path, watcher, stat); 

6)  在指定Znode上设置数据

public Stat setData(            final String path,  
           byte data[],  
           int version,  
           boolean retryOnConnLoss)  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
                if (retryOnConnLoss) { 
                  return zkCmdExecutor.retryOperation( 
           new ZkOperation() { 
                    public Stat execute()  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
                      return keeper.setData(path, data, version); 
    }             else { 
                  return keeper.setData(path, data, version); 

7) 创建路径

public             void makePath(String path,  
           byte[] data, CreateMode createMode, Watcher watcher,  
           boolean failOnExists,  
           boolean retryOnConnLoss)  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
                if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { 
      log.info("makePath: " + path);            
                boolean retry =  
                if (path.startsWith("/")) { 
      path = path.substring(1, path.length());            
    String[] paths = path.split("/");            
    StringBuilder sbPath =             new StringBuilder(); 
                for ( 
           int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { 
                  byte[] bytes =  
      String pathPiece = paths[i];            
      sbPath.append("/" + pathPiece);            
                  final String currentPath = sbPath.toString(); 
      Object exists = exists(currentPath, watcher, retryOnConnLoss);            
                  if (exists ==  
           null || ((i == paths.length -1) && failOnExists)) { 
        CreateMode mode = CreateMode.PERSISTENT;            
                    if (i == paths.length - 1) { 
          mode = createMode;            
          bytes = data;            
                      if (!retryOnConnLoss) retry =  
                    try { 
                      if (retry) { 
                        final CreateMode finalMode = mode; 
           byte[] finalBytes = bytes; 
            zkCmdExecutor.retryOperation(            new ZkOperation() { 
                          public Object execute()  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
                keeper.create(currentPath, finalBytes, ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, finalMode);            
          }             else { 
            keeper.create(currentPath, bytes, ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, mode);            
        }             catch (NodeExistsException e) { 
                      if (!failOnExists) { 
            TODO: version ? for now, don't worry about race 
            setData(currentPath, data, -1, retryOnConnLoss);            
            set new watch 
            exists(currentPath, watcher, retryOnConnLoss);            
            ignore unless it's the last node in the path 
                      if (i == paths.length - 1) { 
                        throw e; 
                    if(i == paths.length -1) { 
            set new watch 
          exists(currentPath, watcher, retryOnConnLoss);            
      }             else  
           if (i == paths.length - 1) { 
            TODO: version ? for now, don't worry about race 
        setData(currentPath, data, -1, retryOnConnLoss);            
            set new watch 
        exists(currentPath, watcher, retryOnConnLoss);            

8) 删除指定Znode

public             void delete( 
           final String path,  
           int version,  
           boolean retryOnConnLoss)  
           throws InterruptedException, KeeperException { 
                if (retryOnConnLoss) { 
      zkCmdExecutor.retryOperation(            new ZkOperation() { 
                    public Stat execute()  
           throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { 
          keeper.delete(path, version);            
    }             else { 
      keeper.delete(path, version);            


public             synchronized  
           void process(WatchedEvent event) { 
                if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { 
      log.info("Watcher " +             this + " name:" + name + " got event " + event + " path:" + event.getPath() + " type:" + event.getType()); 

    state = event.getState();            
                if (state == KeeperState.SyncConnected) { 
      connected =             true; 
    }             else  
           if (state == KeeperState.Expired) { 
      connected =             false; 
      log.info("Attempting to reconnect to recover relationship with ZooKeeper...");            
                  try { 
        connectionStrategy.reconnect(zkServerAddress, zkClientTimeout,             this, 
                        new ZkClientConnectionStrategy.ZkUpdate() { 
           void update(SolrZooKeeper keeper)  
           throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, IOException { 
                            synchronized (connectionStrategy) { 
                              if (onReconnect !=  
           null) { 
                              synchronized (ConnectionManager. 
           this) { 
                    ConnectionManager.            this.connected =  
      }             catch (Exception e) { 
        SolrException.log(log, "", e);            
      log.info("Connected:" + connected);            
    }             else  
           if (state == KeeperState.Disconnected) { 
      connected =             false; 
    }             else { 
      connected =             false; 



上一篇中介绍了连接Zookeeper集群的方法,这一篇将围绕一个有趣的话题---来展开,这就是Replication(索引复制),关于Solr Replication的详细介绍,可以参考http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrReplication


















public            void inform(SolrCore core) { 
               this.core = core; 
    NamedList slave = (NamedList) initArgs.get("slave");           
               boolean enableSlave = isEnabled( slave ); 
               if (enableSlave) { 
      tempSnapPuller = snapPuller =            new SnapPuller(slave,  
          this, core); 
      isSlave =            true; 
    NamedList master = (NamedList) initArgs.get("master");           
               boolean enableMaster = isEnabled( master ); 
               if (!enableSlave && !enableMaster) { 
      enableMaster =            true; 
      master =            new NamedList<Object>(); 
               if (enableMaster) { 
      includeConfFiles = (String) master.get(CONF_FILES);           
                 if (includeConfFiles !=  
          null && includeConfFiles.trim().length() > 0) { 
        List<String> files = Arrays.asList(includeConfFiles.split(","));           
                   for (String file : files) { 
                     if (file.trim().length() == 0)  
          String[] strs = file.split(":");           
           if there is an alias add it or it is null 
          confFileNameAlias.add(strs[0], strs.length > 1 ? strs[1] :            null); 
        LOG.info("Replication enabled for following config files: " + includeConfFiles);           
      List backup = master.getAll("backupAfter");           
                 boolean backupOnCommit = backup.contains("commit"); 
                 boolean backupOnOptimize = !backupOnCommit && backup.contains("optimize"); 
      List replicateAfter = master.getAll(REPLICATE_AFTER);           
      replicateOnCommit = replicateAfter.contains("commit");           
      replicateOnOptimize = !replicateOnCommit && replicateAfter.contains("optimize");           

                 if (!replicateOnCommit && ! replicateOnOptimize) { 
        replicateOnCommit =            true; 
           if we only want to replicate on optimize, we need the deletion policy to
           save the last optimized commit point. 
                 if (replicateOnOptimize) { 
        IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper wrapper = core.getDeletionPolicy();           
        IndexDeletionPolicy policy = wrapper ==            null ?  
          null : wrapper.getWrappedDeletionPolicy(); 
                   if (policy  
          instanceof SolrDeletionPolicy) { 
          SolrDeletionPolicy solrPolicy = (SolrDeletionPolicy)policy;           
                     if (solrPolicy.getMaxOptimizedCommitsToKeep() < 1) { 
        }            else { 
          LOG.warn("Replication can't call setMaxOptimizedCommitsToKeep on " + policy);           

                 if (replicateOnOptimize || backupOnOptimize) { 
        core.getUpdateHandler().registerOptimizeCallback(getEventListener(backupOnOptimize, replicateOnOptimize));           
                 if (replicateOnCommit || backupOnCommit) { 
        replicateOnCommit =            true; 
        core.getUpdateHandler().registerCommitCallback(getEventListener(backupOnCommit, replicateOnCommit));           
                 if (replicateAfter.contains("startup")) { 
        replicateOnStart =            true; 
        RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> s = core.getNewestSearcher(           false); 
                   try { 
          DirectoryReader reader = s==           null ?  
          null : s.get().getIndexReader(); 
                     if (reader!= 
          null && reader.getIndexCommit() !=  
          null && reader.getIndexCommit().getGeneration() != 1L) { 
                       try { 
                Collection<IndexCommit> commits = DirectoryReader.listCommits(reader.directory());           
                           for (IndexCommit ic : commits) { 
                             if(ic.getSegmentCount() == 1){ 
                               if(indexCommitPoint ==  
          null || indexCommitPoint.getGeneration() < ic.getGeneration()) indexCommitPoint = ic; 
              }            else{ 
                indexCommitPoint = reader.getIndexCommit();           
            }            finally { 
           We don't need to save commit points for replication, the SolrDeletionPolicy
           always saves the last commit point (and the last optimized commit point, if needed) 
              if(indexCommitPoint != null){
              **           */ 

           reboot the writer on the new index 

        }            catch (IOException e) { 
          LOG.warn("Unable to get IndexCommit on startup", e);           
        }            finally { 
                     if (s!= 
          null) s.decref(); 
      String reserve = (String) master.get(RESERVE);           
                 if (reserve !=  
          null && !reserve.trim().equals("")) { 
        reserveCommitDuration = SnapPuller.readInterval(reserve);           
      LOG.info("Commits will be reserved for  " + reserveCommitDuration);           
      isMaster =            true; 
    }          }


1)       indexversion。


//             make a copy so it won't change 
                  if (commitPoint !=  
           null && replicationEnabled.get()) { 
        core.getDeletionPolicy().setReserveDuration(commitPoint.getVersion(), reserveCommitDuration);            
        rsp.add(CMD_INDEX_VERSION, commitPoint.getVersion());            rsp.add(GENERATION, commitPoint.getGeneration());


private void
try {
      int numberToKeep = params.getInt(NUMBER_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
      IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper delPolicy = core.getDeletionPolicy();
      IndexCommit indexCommit = delPolicy.getLatestCommit();
      if(indexCommit == null) {
        indexCommit = req.getSearcher().getReader().getIndexCommit();
      // small race here before the commit point is saved
      new SnapShooter(core, params.get("location")).createSnapAsync(indexCommit, numberToKeep, this);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.warn("Exception during creating a snapshot", e);
      rsp.add("exception", e);


void createSnapAsync(final IndexCommit indexCommit, final int numberToKeep, final ReplicationHandler replicationHandler) {
    new Thread() {
      public void run() {
        createSnapshot(indexCommit, numberToKeep, replicationHandler);
 void createSnapshot(final IndexCommit indexCommit, int numberToKeep, ReplicationHandler replicationHandler) {
    NamedList details = new NamedList();
    details.add("startTime", new Date().toString());
    File snapShotDir = null;
    String directoryName = null;
    Lock lock = null;
    try {
      if(numberToKeep<Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
      SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FMT, Locale.US);
      directoryName = "snapshot." + fmt.format(new Date());
      lock = lockFactory.makeLock(directoryName + ".lock");
      if (lock.isLocked()) return;
      snapShotDir = new File(snapDir, directoryName);
      if (!snapShotDir.mkdir()) {
        LOG.warn("Unable to create snapshot directory: " + snapShotDir.getAbsolutePath());
      Collection<String> files = indexCommit.getFileNames();
      FileCopier fileCopier = new FileCopier(solrCore.getDeletionPolicy(), indexCommit);
      fileCopier.copyFiles(files, snapShotDir);
      details.add("fileCount", files.size());
      details.add("status", "success");
      details.add("snapshotCompletedAt", new Date().toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("Exception while creating snapshot", e);
      details.add("snapShootException", e.getMessage());
    } finally {
      replicationHandler.snapShootDetails = details;
      if (lock != null) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          LOG.error("Unable to release snapshoot lock: " + directoryName + ".lock");



String masterUrl = solrParams.get(MASTER_URL);
      if (!isSlave && masterUrl == null) {
        rsp.add("message","No slave configured or no 'masterUrl' Specified");
      final SolrParams paramsCopy = new ModifiableSolrParams(solrParams);
      new Thread() {
        public void run() {
      rsp.add(STATUS, OK_STATUS);


void doFetch(SolrParams solrParams) {
    String masterUrl = solrParams == null ? null : solrParams.get(MASTER_URL);
    if (!snapPullLock.tryLock())
    try {
      tempSnapPuller = snapPuller;
      if (masterUrl != null) {
        NamedList<Object> nl = solrParams.toNamedList();
        tempSnapPuller = new SnapPuller(nl, this, core);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("SnapPull failed ", e);
    } finally {
      tempSnapPuller = snapPuller;


这里需要区分的是,如果master节点的年代比slave节点要老,那就说明两者已经不相容,此时slave节点需要新建一个索引目录,再从master节点做一次全量索引复制。还需要注意的一点是,索引同步也是可以同步配置文件的,若配置文件发生变化,则需要对solr核进行一次reload操作。最对了,还有,和文章开头一样, slave节点同步完数据后,别忘了做一次commit操作,以便刷新自己的索引提交点到最新的状态。最后,关闭并等待同步服务线程结束。此外,具体的取索引文件是通过FileFetcher对象来完成。

boolean fetchLatestIndex(SolrCore core) throws IOException {
    replicationStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    try {
      //get the current 'replicateable' index version in the master
      NamedList response = null;
      try {
        response = getLatestVersion();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Master at: " + masterUrl + " is not available. Index fetch failed. Exception: " + e.getMessage());
        return false;
      long latestVersion = (Long) response.get(CMD_INDEX_VERSION);
      long latestGeneration = (Long) response.get(GENERATION);
      if (latestVersion == 0L) {
        //there is nothing to be replicated
        return false;
      IndexCommit commit;
      RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> searcherRefCounted = null;
      try {
        searcherRefCounted = core.getNewestSearcher(false);
        commit = searcherRefCounted.get().getReader().getIndexCommit();
      } finally {
        if (searcherRefCounted != null)
      if (commit.getVersion() == latestVersion && commit.getGeneration() == latestGeneration) {
        //master and slave are alsready in sync just return
        LOG.info("Slave in sync with master.");
        return false;
      LOG.info("Master's version: " + latestVersion + ", generation: " + latestGeneration);
      LOG.info("Slave's version: " + commit.getVersion() + ", generation: " + commit.getGeneration());
      LOG.info("Starting replication process");
      // get the list of files first
      // this can happen if the commit point is deleted before we fetch the file list.
      if(filesToDownload.isEmpty()) return false;
      LOG.info("Number of files in latest index in master: " + filesToDownload.size());
      // Create the sync service
      fsyncService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
      // use a synchronized list because the list is read by other threads (to show details)
      filesDownloaded = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>());
      // if the generateion of master is older than that of the slave , it means they are not compatible to be copied
      // then a new index direcory to be created and all the files need to be copied
      boolean isFullCopyNeeded = commit.getGeneration() >= latestGeneration;
      File tmpIndexDir = createTempindexDir(core);
      if (isIndexStale())
        isFullCopyNeeded = true;
      successfulInstall = false;
      boolean deleteTmpIdxDir = true;
      File indexDir = null ;
      try {
        indexDir = new File(core.getIndexDir());
        downloadIndexFiles(isFullCopyNeeded, tmpIndexDir, latestVersion);
        LOG.info("Total time taken for download : " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - replicationStartTime) / 1000) + " secs");
        Collection<Map<String, Object>> modifiedConfFiles = getModifiedConfFiles(confFilesToDownload);
        if (!modifiedConfFiles.isEmpty()) {
          downloadConfFiles(confFilesToDownload, latestVersion);
          if (isFullCopyNeeded) {
            successfulInstall = modifyIndexProps(tmpIndexDir.getName());
            deleteTmpIdxDir = false;
          } else {
            successfulInstall = copyIndexFiles(tmpIndexDir, indexDir);
          if (successfulInstall) {
            LOG.info("Configuration files are modified, core will be reloaded");
            logReplicationTimeAndConfFiles(modifiedConfFiles, successfulInstall);//write to a file time of replication and conf files.
        } else {
          if (isFullCopyNeeded) {
            successfulInstall = modifyIndexProps(tmpIndexDir.getName());
            deleteTmpIdxDir = false;
          } else {
            successfulInstall = copyIndexFiles(tmpIndexDir, indexDir);
          if (successfulInstall) {
            logReplicationTimeAndConfFiles(modifiedConfFiles, successfulInstall);
        replicationStartTime = 0;
        return successfulInstall;
      } catch (ReplicationHandlerException e) {
        LOG.error("User aborted Replication");
      } catch (SolrException e) {
        throw e;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Index fetch failed : ", e);
      } finally {
        if (deleteTmpIdxDir) delTree(tmpIndexDir);
        else delTree(indexDir);
      return successfulInstall;
    } finally {
      if (!successfulInstall) {
        logReplicationTimeAndConfFiles(null, successfulInstall);
      filesToDownload = filesDownloaded = confFilesDownloaded = confFilesToDownload = null;
      replicationStartTime = 0;
      fileFetcher = null;
     if (fsyncService != null && !fsyncService.isShutdown()) fsyncService.shutdownNow();
      fsyncService = null;
      stop = false;
      fsyncException = null;


From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16087105/7040688


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