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[缓存] Google Guava Cache本地缓存框架一览

时间:2023-08-04 14:58:15浏览次数:43  
标签:缓存 return ReferenceEntry Cache value Google key hash

1 序言

  • 上一次使用Guava Cache框架还是在2年前浙江某大学的数据服务平台项目中,用于缓存用户的数据服务购物小车数据;

参见: [缓存] 缓存技术初探 - 博客园/千千寰宇

  • 而这一次,是在基于Google Guava Cache + refreshAfterWrite特性来缓存Influxdb的物联网信号数据表的信号字段信息(为何缓存?因为查询Influxdb表实在太慢了,需要80-90s(show field keys on {dbName})),发现了这么一种现象:

1)当guava cache缓存的数据过期后(假定过期时间为1小时),并没有主动删除;
2)仅当新的业务请求到来时,向guava cache框架获取数据时,cache框架会先懒式清理掉过期数据;然后,再从源头(Influxdb数据库)查询数据,而后返回。从而导致该业务请求会耗时非常长,以至于耗时80-90s,无法满足业务诉求、也无法满足最初缓存的目的;

  • 本文基于上述背景下,由此彻底调研Google Guava Cache框架。其一,彻底研究Google Guava Cache框架,便于当前和未来使用本框架时能够更加得心应手;其二,基于一,确认是否能解决我的最初诉求;其三,如果不能,将放弃本地缓存方案,使用业界主流的共享外部内存方案(redis + 定时缓存调度 + 分布式锁)来解决我的问题。

  • 如果对缓存解决方案的演变过程感兴趣、或者零经验的朋友,可参见从第2章节开始阅读;如果仅对Google Guava Cache框架及其原理感兴趣的朋友,可直接阅读第3章节。

  • 全文较长,按需阅读。

2 缓存框架的演变

  • 在我们日常开发中,如果某些数据会频繁的进行读取,并且很少会做修改,我们一般会对这些数据进行缓存,来提高读取的速度。
  • 使用缓存之所以能提高性能,是因为读取速度比从磁盘或数据库中读取的速度更高。但是使用缓存并不是全部都是好处,因为存放缓存数据的空间一般都是CPU内存,或者Redis等,它们的空间更宝贵,是典型的空间换时间,所以需要放到缓存中的数据应该是真正需要缓存的。

2.1 本地缓存: JVM缓存

  • 在最开始,没有其他第三方缓存方案时,如果我们需要将某个数据进行缓存,一般会通过一个Map结构来存放,使用缓存的唯一标识作为Map的key,要缓存的数据作为Map的value。
  • 这种方式本质上是使用JVM的堆内存做为缓存空间
  • 使用这种方式的优点:
    • 简单,只需要按照Map的API进行操作。
  • 但也存在一些问题:
    • 只能显式的对缓存数据进行写入和清除;
    • 没有现成的淘汰策略,如果要实现淘汰策略则需要自己实现;
    • 清除数据时没有回调机制;

2.2 本地缓存: Guava Cache、EhCache(本地缓存框架)

  • 因为JVM缓存存在的一系列问题,所以出现了一些专门作为JVM缓存的工具,如:
    • EhCache
    • Guava Cache

Guava是google开源的一个公共java库,类似于Apache Commons,它提供了集合,反射,缓存,科学计算,xml,io等一些工具类库。
guava cache只是其中的一个模块。
使用Guva cache能够方便快速的构建本地缓存。

  • 这些工具可以解决使用Map结构作为缓存的一些问题。如:
    • 数据淘汰策略
    • 清除回调...
  • 当然,因为需要具备这些功能,则引入一些依赖变得必要,需要额外增加一些维护和系统的消耗。

2.3 分布式缓存/外部缓存中间件: Redis、Memcached

  • 不管是使用Map结构的JVM缓存,还是使用Guava Cache、EhCache等第三方工具,本质上都是使用JVM的堆内存作为缓存空间
  • 这样的方式只能满足在单节点使用,但是在分布式场景中,则需要每个节点都要有单独的空间进行数据缓存,并且在缓存数据需要更新时要对每个节点进行更新,在一些大厂的系统中,往往一个系统会有成百上千个节点,如果使用JVM缓存,在数据需要更新时,逐个节点更新,运维小哥哥估计又要爆粗口了,这样的方式显然是不可接受的。
  • 于是就出现了分布式缓存中间件,如RedisMemcached,在分布式环境下可以共享内存

2.X 缓存框架的基础概念

2.x.1 缓存的最大容量与淘汰策略

  • 由于本地缓存是将计算结果缓存到内存中,所以我们往往需要设置一个最大容量来防止出现内存溢出的情况。这个容量可以是缓存对象的数量,也可以是一个具体的内存大小


  • 当缓存数量逼近或大于我们所设置的最大容量时,为了将缓存数量控制在我们所设定的阈值内,就需要丢弃掉一些数据。由于缓存的最大容量恒定,为了提高缓存的命中率,我们需要尽量丢弃那些我们之后不再经常访问的数据,保留那些即将被访问的数据。为了达到以上目的,我们往往会制定一些缓存淘汰策略,常用的缓存淘汰策略有以下几种:
  1. FIFO:First In First Out,先进先出。
  2. LRU:Least Recently Used,最近最少使用;
    为了解决这个问题,后续也出现了如LRU-K,Two queues,Multi Queue等进阶算法。
  3. LFU:Least Frequently Used,最不经常使用。



3 Google Guava Framework

3.1 问题背景

假设一个场景,比如我们有一个产品要销售,而产品的基本信息如名称,售价,描述等信息需要频繁进行查询,如果每次查询时都从数据库中获取则会大大降低效率。我们使用Guava Cache进行缓存。

public class Product {
    // 产品编码
    private String code;
    // 产品名称
    private String name;
    // 产品价格
    private BigDecimal price;
    // 产品描述
    private String desc;
    // 省略构造方法
    // 省略getter,setter

3.2 基本使用


public static LoadingCache<String, Product> buildCache() {
	// step1 通过 CacheBuilder.newBuilder() 创建出一个可以创建缓存对象的构建器
    CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder = CacheBuilder.newBuilder();
    // step2 使用`builder.build()`,则:可以创建出一个缓存对象`LoadingCache`
    return builder.build(new CacheLoader<String, Product>() {//step3 在`build()`方法中需要传入一个`CacheLoader`对象,用于加载缓存数据
         * step4 当未命中缓存数据时,调用load方法获取
        public Product load(String key) throws Exception {
            return new Product(key, "产品".concat(key), new BigDecimal(10), "自定义一个产品");
public static void main(String[] args) throws ExecutionException {
	LoadingCache<String, Product> productCache = buildCache();
	Product product1 = productCache.get("1001");
	Product product2 = productCache.get("1001");



  • 我们从缓存中第一次获取数据时会执行load()方法,所以打印了“从数据库查询产品”。
  • 当我们第二次从缓存中获取数据时则并没有打印,说明没有执行load()方法,这代表命中了Guava Cache中的缓存数据。

3.3 核心属性

Guava Cache通过常用的builder模式来构造缓存,builder类为CacheBuilder,可以设置的属性包括:

  private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;
  private static final int DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 4;
  private static final int DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_NANOS = 0;
  private static final int DEFAULT_REFRESH_NANOS = 0;  
  int initialCapacity = UNSET_INT;     //设置初始化大小,默认 16
  int concurrencyLevel = UNSET_INT;    //设置并发级别,默认 4
  long maximumSize = UNSET_INT;        //缓存最大大小
  long maximumWeight = UNSET_INT;      //缓存最大权重
  Weigher<? super K, ? super V> weigher;   //缓存权重计算器
  Strength keyStrength; 				   //key引用强度,强引用 or 弱引用
  Strength valueStrength;		    	   //value引用强度
  long expireAfterWriteNanos = UNSET_INT;		//写过期时间
  long expireAfterAccessNanos = UNSET_INT;		//读过期时间
  long refreshNanos = UNSET_INT;				//刷新周期
  Equivalence<Object> keyEquivalence;			//key比较器
  Equivalence<Object> valueEquivalence;			//value比较器
  RemovalListener<? super K, ? super V> removalListener;		//entry移除监听器
  Ticker ticker;												//计时器
  Supplier<? extends StatsCounter> statsCounterSupplier = NULL_STATS_COUNTER; //缓存统计器

3.4 核心原理



  1. 不包含加载器CacheLoader,构造缓存类:LocalManualCache
  2. 包含加载器CacheLoader,构造缓存类:LocalLoadingCache
   * Builds a cache, which either returns an already-loaded value for a given key or atomically
   * computes or retrieves it using the supplied {@code CacheLoader}. If another thread is currently
   * loading the value for this key, simply waits for that thread to finish and returns its loaded
   * value. Note that multiple threads can concurrently load values for distinct keys.
   * <p>This method does not alter the state of this {@code CacheBuilder} instance, so it can be
   * invoked again to create multiple independent caches.
   * @param loader the cache loader used to obtain new values
   * @return a cache having the requested features
  public <K1 extends K, V1 extends V> LoadingCache<K1, V1> build(
      CacheLoader<? super K1, V1> loader) {
    return new LocalCache.LocalLoadingCache<K1, V1>(this, loader);
   * Builds a cache which does not automatically load values when keys are requested.
   * <p>Consider {@link #build(CacheLoader)} instead, if it is feasible to implement a
   * {@code CacheLoader}.
   * <p>This method does not alter the state of this {@code CacheBuilder} instance, so it can be
   * invoked again to create multiple independent caches.
   * @return a cache having the requested features
   * @since 11.0
  public <K1 extends K, V1 extends V> Cache<K1, V1> build() {
    return new LocalCache.LocalManualCache<K1, V1>(this);



 static class LocalManualCache<K, V> implements Cache<K, V>, Serializable {
    final LocalCache<K, V> localCache;
    LocalManualCache(CacheBuilder<? super K, ? super V> builder) {
      this(new LocalCache<K, V>(builder, null));
    private LocalManualCache(LocalCache<K, V> localCache) {
      this.localCache = localCache;
    // Cache methods
    public V getIfPresent(Object key) {
      return localCache.getIfPresent(key);
    public V get(K key, final Callable<? extends V> valueLoader) throws ExecutionException {
      return localCache.get(
          new CacheLoader<Object, V>() {
            public V load(Object key) throws Exception {
              return valueLoader.call();
    public ImmutableMap<K, V> getAllPresent(Iterable<?> keys) {
      return localCache.getAllPresent(keys);
    public void put(K key, V value) {
      localCache.put(key, value);
    public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
    public void invalidate(Object key) {
    public void invalidateAll(Iterable<?> keys) {
    public void invalidateAll() {
    public long size() {
      return localCache.longSize();
    public ConcurrentMap<K, V> asMap() {
      return localCache;
    public CacheStats stats() {
      SimpleStatsCounter aggregator = new SimpleStatsCounter();
      for (Segment<K, V> segment : localCache.segments) {
      return aggregator.snapshot();
    public void cleanUp() {
    // Serialization Support
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
    Object writeReplace() {
      return new ManualSerializationProxy<K, V>(localCache);


  • LocalManualCache实现Cache接口,运用组合模式,在构造函数中构造了LocalCache类,Cache接口方法的实现都是委托给LocalCache完成的;


  static class LocalLoadingCache<K, V> extends LocalManualCache<K, V>
      implements LoadingCache<K, V> {
        CacheBuilder<? super K, ? super V> builder, CacheLoader<? super K, V> loader) {
      super(new LocalCache<K, V>(builder, checkNotNull(loader)));
    // LoadingCache methods
    public V get(K key) throws ExecutionException {
      return localCache.getOrLoad(key);
    public V getUnchecked(K key) {
      try {
        return get(key);
      } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        throw new UncheckedExecutionException(e.getCause());
    public ImmutableMap<K, V> getAll(Iterable<? extends K> keys) throws ExecutionException {
      return localCache.getAll(keys);
    public void refresh(K key) {
    public final V apply(K key) {
      return getUnchecked(key);
    // Serialization Support
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
    Object writeReplace() {
      return new LoadingSerializationProxy<K, V>(localCache);

LocalLoadingCache继承LocalManualCache类,并实现 LoadingCache 接口,在构造函数中同样构造了LocalCache类,LoadingCache接口方法同样是委托给 LocalCache 来完成的,下面着重分析下LocalCache的构造以及原理;




   * Creates a new, empty map with the specified strategy, initial capacity and concurrency level.
      CacheBuilder<? super K, ? super V> builder, @Nullable CacheLoader<? super K, V> loader) {
    concurrencyLevel = Math.min(builder.getConcurrencyLevel(), MAX_SEGMENTS);
    keyStrength = builder.getKeyStrength();
    valueStrength = builder.getValueStrength();
    keyEquivalence = builder.getKeyEquivalence();
    valueEquivalence = builder.getValueEquivalence();
    maxWeight = builder.getMaximumWeight();
    weigher = builder.getWeigher();
    expireAfterAccessNanos = builder.getExpireAfterAccessNanos();
    expireAfterWriteNanos = builder.getExpireAfterWriteNanos();
    refreshNanos = builder.getRefreshNanos();
    removalListener = builder.getRemovalListener();
    removalNotificationQueue =
        (removalListener == NullListener.INSTANCE)
            ? LocalCache.<RemovalNotification<K, V>>discardingQueue()
            : new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<RemovalNotification<K, V>>();
    ticker = builder.getTicker(recordsTime());
    entryFactory = EntryFactory.getFactory(keyStrength, usesAccessEntries(), usesWriteEntries());
    globalStatsCounter = builder.getStatsCounterSupplier().get();
    defaultLoader = loader;
    int initialCapacity = Math.min(builder.getInitialCapacity(), MAXIMUM_CAPACITY);
    if (evictsBySize() && !customWeigher()) {
      initialCapacity = Math.min(initialCapacity, (int) maxWeight);
    // Find the lowest power-of-two segmentCount that exceeds concurrencyLevel, unless
    // maximumSize/Weight is specified in which case ensure that each segment gets at least 10
    // entries. The special casing for size-based eviction is only necessary because that eviction
    // happens per segment instead of globally, so too many segments compared to the maximum size
    // will result in random eviction behavior.
    int segmentShift = 0;
    int segmentCount = 1;
    while (segmentCount < concurrencyLevel && (!evictsBySize() || segmentCount * 20 <= maxWeight)) {
      segmentCount <<= 1;
    this.segmentShift = 32 - segmentShift;
    segmentMask = segmentCount - 1;
    this.segments = newSegmentArray(segmentCount);
    int segmentCapacity = initialCapacity / segmentCount;
    if (segmentCapacity * segmentCount < initialCapacity) {
    int segmentSize = 1;
    while (segmentSize < segmentCapacity) {
      segmentSize <<= 1;
    if (evictsBySize()) {
      // Ensure sum of segment max weights = overall max weights
      long maxSegmentWeight = maxWeight / segmentCount + 1;
      long remainder = maxWeight % segmentCount;
      for (int i = 0; i < this.segments.length; ++i) {
        if (i == remainder) {
        this.segments[i] =
            createSegment(segmentSize, maxSegmentWeight, builder.getStatsCounterSupplier().get());
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < this.segments.length; ++i) {
        this.segments[i] =
            createSegment(segmentSize, UNSET_INT, builder.getStatsCounterSupplier().get());


  • EntryFactory
  • segments域字段
   * Creates new entries.
  enum EntryFactory {
    STRONG {
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, K key, int hash, @Nullable ReferenceEntry<K, V> next) {
        return new StrongEntry<K, V>(key, hash, next);
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, K key, int hash, @Nullable ReferenceEntry<K, V> next) {
        return new StrongAccessEntry<K, V>(key, hash, next);
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> copyEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, ReferenceEntry<K, V> original, ReferenceEntry<K, V> newNext) {
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry = super.copyEntry(segment, original, newNext);
        copyAccessEntry(original, newEntry);
        return newEntry;
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, K key, int hash, @Nullable ReferenceEntry<K, V> next) {
        return new StrongWriteEntry<K, V>(key, hash, next);
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> copyEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, ReferenceEntry<K, V> original, ReferenceEntry<K, V> newNext) {
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry = super.copyEntry(segment, original, newNext);
        copyWriteEntry(original, newEntry);
        return newEntry;
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, K key, int hash, @Nullable ReferenceEntry<K, V> next) {
        return new StrongAccessWriteEntry<K, V>(key, hash, next);
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> copyEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, ReferenceEntry<K, V> original, ReferenceEntry<K, V> newNext) {
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry = super.copyEntry(segment, original, newNext);
        copyAccessEntry(original, newEntry);
        copyWriteEntry(original, newEntry);
        return newEntry;
    WEAK {
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, K key, int hash, @Nullable ReferenceEntry<K, V> next) {
        return new WeakEntry<K, V>(segment.keyReferenceQueue, key, hash, next);
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, K key, int hash, @Nullable ReferenceEntry<K, V> next) {
        return new WeakAccessEntry<K, V>(segment.keyReferenceQueue, key, hash, next);
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> copyEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, ReferenceEntry<K, V> original, ReferenceEntry<K, V> newNext) {
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry = super.copyEntry(segment, original, newNext);
        copyAccessEntry(original, newEntry);
        return newEntry;
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, K key, int hash, @Nullable ReferenceEntry<K, V> next) {
        return new WeakWriteEntry<K, V>(segment.keyReferenceQueue, key, hash, next);
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> copyEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, ReferenceEntry<K, V> original, ReferenceEntry<K, V> newNext) {
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry = super.copyEntry(segment, original, newNext);
        copyWriteEntry(original, newEntry);
        return newEntry;
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, K key, int hash, @Nullable ReferenceEntry<K, V> next) {
        return new WeakAccessWriteEntry<K, V>(segment.keyReferenceQueue, key, hash, next);
      <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> copyEntry(
          Segment<K, V> segment, ReferenceEntry<K, V> original, ReferenceEntry<K, V> newNext) {
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry = super.copyEntry(segment, original, newNext);
        copyAccessEntry(original, newEntry);
        copyWriteEntry(original, newEntry);
        return newEntry;
     * Masks used to compute indices in the following table.
    static final int ACCESS_MASK = 1;
    static final int WRITE_MASK = 2;
    static final int WEAK_MASK = 4;
     * Look-up table for factories.
    static final EntryFactory[] factories = {
    static EntryFactory getFactory(
        Strength keyStrength, boolean usesAccessQueue, boolean usesWriteQueue) {
      int flags =
          ((keyStrength == Strength.WEAK) ? WEAK_MASK : 0)
              | (usesAccessQueue ? ACCESS_MASK : 0)
              | (usesWriteQueue ? WRITE_MASK : 0);
      return factories[flags];
     * Creates a new entry.
     * @param segment to create the entry for
     * @param key of the entry
     * @param hash of the key
     * @param next entry in the same bucket
    abstract <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry(
        Segment<K, V> segment, K key, int hash, @Nullable ReferenceEntry<K, V> next);
     * Copies an entry, assigning it a new {@code next} entry.
     * @param original the entry to copy
     * @param newNext entry in the same bucket
    // Guarded By Segment.this
    <K, V> ReferenceEntry<K, V> copyEntry(
        Segment<K, V> segment, ReferenceEntry<K, V> original, ReferenceEntry<K, V> newNext) {
      return newEntry(segment, original.getKey(), original.getHash(), newNext);
    // Guarded By Segment.this
    <K, V> void copyAccessEntry(ReferenceEntry<K, V> original, ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry) {
      // TODO(fry): when we link values instead of entries this method can go
      // away, as can connectAccessOrder, nullifyAccessOrder.
      connectAccessOrder(original.getPreviousInAccessQueue(), newEntry);
      connectAccessOrder(newEntry, original.getNextInAccessQueue());
    // Guarded By Segment.this
    <K, V> void copyWriteEntry(ReferenceEntry<K, V> original, ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry) {
      // TODO(fry): when we link values instead of entries this method can go
      // away, as can connectWriteOrder, nullifyWriteOrder.
      connectWriteOrder(original.getPreviousInWriteQueue(), newEntry);
      connectWriteOrder(newEntry, original.getNextInWriteQueue());



这里主要是根据key的引用强度(强引用 or 弱引用)以及过期时间是根据writetime or accesstime分别实例化不同的对象,主要类继承结构如下:

Segment<K, V>[] segments域字段




static class Segment<K, V> extends ReentrantLock {
  @Weak final LocalCache<K, V> map;
     * The number of live elements in this segment's region.
  volatile int count;
     * The weight of the live elements in this segment's region.
  long totalWeight;
     * Number of updates that alter the size of the table. This is used during bulk-read methods to
     * make sure they see a consistent snapshot: If modCounts change during a traversal of segments
     * loading size or checking containsValue, then we might have an inconsistent view of state so
     * (usually) must retry.
  int modCount;
     * The table is expanded when its size exceeds this threshold. (The value of this field is
     * always {@code (int) (capacity * 0.75)}.)
  int threshold;
     * The per-segment table.
  volatile AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> table;
     * The maximum weight of this segment. UNSET_INT if there is no maximum.
  final long maxSegmentWeight;
     * The key reference queue contains entries whose keys have been garbage collected, and which
     * need to be cleaned up internally.
  final ReferenceQueue<K> keyReferenceQueue;
     * The value reference queue contains value references whose values have been garbage collected,
     * and which need to be cleaned up internally.
  final ReferenceQueue<V> valueReferenceQueue;
     * The recency queue is used to record which entries were accessed for updating the access
     * list's ordering. It is drained as a batch operation when either the DRAIN_THRESHOLD is
     * crossed or a write occurs on the segment.
  final Queue<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> recencyQueue;
     * A counter of the number of reads since the last write, used to drain queues on a small
     * fraction of read operations.
  final AtomicInteger readCount = new AtomicInteger();
     * A queue of elements currently in the map, ordered by write time. Elements are added to the
     * tail of the queue on write.
  final Queue<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> writeQueue;
     * A queue of elements currently in the map, ordered by access time. Elements are added to the
     * tail of the queue on access (note that writes count as accesses).
  final Queue<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> accessQueue;
  /** Accumulates cache statistics. */
  final StatsCounter statsCounter;
    LocalCache<K, V> map,
    int initialCapacity,
    long maxSegmentWeight,
    StatsCounter statsCounter) {
    this.map = map;
    this.maxSegmentWeight = maxSegmentWeight;
    this.statsCounter = checkNotNull(statsCounter);
    keyReferenceQueue = map.usesKeyReferences() ? new ReferenceQueue<K>() : null;
    valueReferenceQueue = map.usesValueReferences() ? new ReferenceQueue<V>() : null;
    recencyQueue =
      ? new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ReferenceEntry<K, V>>()
      : LocalCache.<ReferenceEntry<K, V>>discardingQueue();
    writeQueue =
      ? new WriteQueue<K, V>()
      : LocalCache.<ReferenceEntry<K, V>>discardingQueue();
    accessQueue =
      ? new AccessQueue<K, V>()
      : LocalCache.<ReferenceEntry<K, V>>discardingQueue();
  AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> newEntryArray(int size) {
    return new AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<K, V>>(size);


理解了上面LocalCache的构造以及Segment<K, V>[] segments的构造,下面着重分析下几个核心接口的实现原理;

  public V put(K key, V value) {
    int hash = hash(key);
    return segmentFor(hash).put(key, hash, value, false);
  public V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) {
    int hash = hash(key);
    return segmentFor(hash).put(key, hash, value, true);


  1. 通过hash定位该key应该位于哪个Segment
  2. 调用Segment的put方法完成键值的插入
  public V get(@Nullable Object key) {
    if (key == null) {
      return null;
    int hash = hash(key);
    return segmentFor(hash).get(key, hash);
  public V getIfPresent(Object key) {
    int hash = hash(checkNotNull(key));
    V value = segmentFor(hash).get(key, hash);
    if (value == null) {
    } else {
    return value;
  public V getOrDefault(@Nullable Object key, @Nullable V defaultValue) {
    V result = get(key);
    return (result != null) ? result : defaultValue;
  1. 通过hash定位该key应该位于哪个Segment
  2. 调用Segment的get方法进行查询


  V get(K key, CacheLoader<? super K, V> loader) throws ExecutionException {
    int hash = hash(checkNotNull(key));
    return segmentFor(hash).get(key, hash, loader);
  V getOrLoad(K key) throws ExecutionException {
    return get(key, defaultLoader);
  1. 通过hash定位该key应该位于哪个Segment
  2. 调用Segment的get方法进行查询


refresh 流程
void refresh(K key) {
  int hash = hash(checkNotNull(key));
  segmentFor(hash).refresh(key, hash, defaultLoader, false);




V put(K key, int hash, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent) {
  lock();   //每个segment写操作都需要加锁
  try {
    long now = map.ticker.read();
    preWriteCleanup(now);      //put前的一些操作,1.垃圾回收的键值进行移除 2.过期的键值进行移除
    int newCount = this.count + 1;
    if (newCount > this.threshold) { // ensure capacity
      newCount = this.count + 1;
    AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> table = this.table;
    int index = hash & (table.length() - 1);
    ReferenceEntry<K, V> first = table.get(index);
    // Look for an existing entry.
    for (ReferenceEntry<K, V> e = first; e != null; e = e.getNext()) {
      K entryKey = e.getKey();
      if (e.getHash() == hash
          && entryKey != null
          && map.keyEquivalence.equivalent(key, entryKey)) {
        // We found an existing entry.
        ValueReference<K, V> valueReference = e.getValueReference();
        V entryValue = valueReference.get();
        if (entryValue == null) {
          if (valueReference.isActive()) {
              key, hash, entryValue, valueReference.getWeight(), RemovalCause.COLLECTED);
            setValue(e, key, value, now);
            newCount = this.count; // count remains unchanged
          } else {
            setValue(e, key, value, now);
            newCount = this.count + 1;
          this.count = newCount; // write-volatile
          return null;
        } else if (onlyIfAbsent) {
          // Mimic
          // "if (!map.containsKey(key)) ...
          // else return map.get(key);
          recordLockedRead(e, now);
          return entryValue;
        } else {
          // clobber existing entry, count remains unchanged
            key, hash, entryValue, valueReference.getWeight(), RemovalCause.REPLACED);
          setValue(e, key, value, now);
          return entryValue;
    // Create a new entry.
    ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry = newEntry(key, hash, first);
    setValue(newEntry, key, value, now);
    table.set(index, newEntry);
    newCount = this.count + 1;
    this.count = newCount; // write-volatile
    return null;
  } finally {


  • put前需要完成:
    • 1)垃圾回收的键值进行移除
    • 2)过期的键值进行移除
  • 元素个数达到阈值threshold,调用expand方法进行扩容
  • 查找table是否已存在,存在更新(onlyIfAbsent=true),不存在插入
  • 调用evictEntries方法查看是否需要移除元素,移除accessTime最早的元素;
  • 通知removalListener;


V get(Object key, int hash) {
  try {
    if (count != 0) { // read-volatile
      long now = map.ticker.read();
      ReferenceEntry<K, V> e = getLiveEntry(key, hash, now);
      if (e == null) {
        return null;
      V value = e.getValueReference().get();
      if (value != null) {
        recordRead(e, now);
        return scheduleRefresh(e, e.getKey(), hash, value, now, map.defaultLoader);
    return null;
  } finally {
ReferenceEntry<K, V> getLiveEntry(Object key, int hash, long now) {
  ReferenceEntry<K, V> e = getEntry(key, hash);
  if (e == null) {
    return null;
  } else if (map.isExpired(e, now)) {
    return null;
  return e;
  • 查询元素是否存在,不存在返回null
  • 校验该元素是否过期,如果过期,清理所有过期元素,然后返回null;
  • 校验value值是否为null(垃圾回收),如果为null,批次清理垃圾回收的元素,返回null
  • value不为null,重新设置accessTime为now
  • 是否配置了刷新周期,达到刷新周期,调用刷新函数进行刷新,refresh流程阐述如下;


     * Refreshes the value associated with {@code key}, unless another thread is already doing so.
     * Returns the newly refreshed value associated with {@code key} if it was refreshed inline, or
     * {@code null} if another thread is performing the refresh or if an error occurs during
     * refresh.
V refresh(K key, int hash, CacheLoader<? super K, V> loader, boolean checkTime) {
  final LoadingValueReference<K, V> loadingValueReference =
    insertLoadingValueReference(key, hash, checkTime);
  if (loadingValueReference == null) {
    return null;
  ListenableFuture<V> result = loadAsync(key, hash, loadingValueReference, loader);
  if (result.isDone()) {
    try {
      return Uninterruptibles.getUninterruptibly(result);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      // don't let refresh exceptions propagate; error was already logged
  return null;
ListenableFuture<V> loadAsync(
  final K key,
  final int hash,
  final LoadingValueReference<K, V> loadingValueReference,
  CacheLoader<? super K, V> loader) {
  final ListenableFuture<V> loadingFuture = loadingValueReference.loadFuture(key, loader);
    new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        try {
          getAndRecordStats(key, hash, loadingValueReference, loadingFuture);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
          logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception thrown during refresh", t);
  return loadingFuture;
  1. 插入LoadingValueReference,对新值进行加载
  2. 调用loadAsync进行异步加载
  3. 设置加载的新值并返回


Guava Cache中的元素在移除的时候,支持自定义RemovalListener,完成对remove操作的监听,对应的监听接口为 RemovalListener,定义如下:


 * An object that can receive a notification when an entry is removed from a cache. The removal
 * resulting in notification could have occured to an entry being manually removed or replaced, or
 * due to eviction resulting from timed expiration, exceeding a maximum size, or garbage collection.
 * <p>An instance may be called concurrently by multiple threads to process different entries.
 * Implementations of this interface should avoid performing blocking calls or synchronizing on
 * shared resources.
 * @param <K> the most general type of keys this listener can listen for; for example {@code Object}
 *     if any key is acceptable
 * @param <V> the most general type of values this listener can listen for; for example
 *     {@code Object} if any key is acceptable
 * @author Charles Fry
 * @since 10.0
public interface RemovalListener<K, V> {
   * Notifies the listener that a removal occurred at some point in the past.
   * <p>This does not always signify that the key is now absent from the cache, as it may have
   * already been re-added.
  // Technically should accept RemovalNotification<? extends K, ? extends V>, but because
  // RemovalNotification is guaranteed covariant, let's make users' lives simpler.
  void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<K, V> notification);



 * A notification of the removal of a single entry. The key and/or value may be null if they were
 * already garbage collected.
 * <p>Like other {@code Map.Entry} instances associated with {@code CacheBuilder}, this class holds
 * strong references to the key and value, regardless of the type of references the cache may be
 * using.
 * @author Charles Fry
 * @since 10.0
public final class RemovalNotification<K, V> extends SimpleImmutableEntry<K, V> {
  private final RemovalCause cause;
   * Creates a new {@code RemovalNotification} for the given {@code key}/{@code value} pair, with
   * the given {@code cause} for the removal. The {@code key} and/or {@code value} may be
   * {@code null} if they were already garbage collected.
   * @since 19.0
  public static <K, V> RemovalNotification<K, V> create(
      @Nullable K key, @Nullable V value, RemovalCause cause) {
    return new RemovalNotification(key, value, cause);
  private RemovalNotification(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V value, RemovalCause cause) {
    super(key, value);
    this.cause = checkNotNull(cause);
   * Returns the cause for which the entry was removed.
  public RemovalCause getCause() {
    return cause;
   * Returns {@code true} if there was an automatic removal due to eviction (the cause is neither
   * {@link RemovalCause#EXPLICIT} nor {@link RemovalCause#REPLACED}).
  public boolean wasEvicted() {
    return cause.wasEvicted();
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;


     * An Entry maintaining an immutable key and value.  This class
     * does not support method <tt>setValue</tt>.  This class may be
     * convenient in methods that return thread-safe snapshots of
     * key-value mappings.
     * @since 1.6
public static class SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V>
        implements Entry<K,V>, java.io.Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 7138329143949025153L;
        private final K key;
        private final V value;
         * Creates an entry representing a mapping from the specified
         * key to the specified value.
         * @param key the key represented by this entry
         * @param value the value represented by this entry
        public SimpleImmutableEntry(K key, V value) {
            this.key   = key;
            this.value = value;
         * Creates an entry representing the same mapping as the
         * specified entry.
         * @param entry the entry to copy
        public SimpleImmutableEntry(Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry) {
            this.key   = entry.getKey();
            this.value = entry.getValue();
         * Returns the key corresponding to this entry.
         * @return the key corresponding to this entry
        public K getKey() {
            return key;
         * Returns the value corresponding to this entry.
         * @return the value corresponding to this entry
        public V getValue() {
            return value;
         * Replaces the value corresponding to this entry with the specified
         * value (optional operation).  This implementation simply throws
         * <tt>UnsupportedOperationException</tt>, as this class implements
         * an <i>immutable</i> map entry.
         * @param value new value to be stored in this entry
         * @return (Does not return)
         * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
        public V setValue(V value) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
         * Compares the specified object with this entry for equality.
         * Returns {@code true} if the given object is also a map entry and
         * the two entries represent the same mapping.  More formally, two
         * entries {@code e1} and {@code e2} represent the same mapping
         * if<pre>
         *   (e1.getKey()==null ?
         *    e2.getKey()==null :
         *    e1.getKey().equals(e2.getKey()))
         *   &amp;&amp;
         *   (e1.getValue()==null ?
         *    e2.getValue()==null :
         *    e1.getValue().equals(e2.getValue()))</pre>
         * This ensures that the {@code equals} method works properly across
         * different implementations of the {@code Map.Entry} interface.
         * @param o object to be compared for equality with this map entry
         * @return {@code true} if the specified object is equal to this map
         *         entry
         * @see    #hashCode
        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
                return false;
            Map.Entry<?,?> e = (Map.Entry<?,?>)o;
            return eq(key, e.getKey()) && eq(value, e.getValue());
         * Returns the hash code value for this map entry.  The hash code
         * of a map entry {@code e} is defined to be: <pre>
         *   (e.getKey()==null   ? 0 : e.getKey().hashCode()) ^
         *   (e.getValue()==null ? 0 : e.getValue().hashCode())</pre>
         * This ensures that {@code e1.equals(e2)} implies that
         * {@code e1.hashCode()==e2.hashCode()} for any two Entries
         * {@code e1} and {@code e2}, as required by the general
         * contract of {@link Object#hashCode}.
         * @return the hash code value for this map entry
         * @see    #equals
        public int hashCode() {
            return (key   == null ? 0 :   key.hashCode()) ^
                   (value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode());
         * Returns a String representation of this map entry.  This
         * implementation returns the string representation of this
         * entry's key followed by the equals character ("<tt>=</tt>")
         * followed by the string representation of this entry's value.
         * @return a String representation of this map entry
        public String toString() {
            return key + "=" + value;


 * The reason why a cached entry was removed.
 * @author Charles Fry
 * @since 10.0
public enum RemovalCause {
   * The entry was manually removed by the user. This can result from the user invoking
   * {@link Cache#invalidate}, {@link Cache#invalidateAll(Iterable)}, {@link Cache#invalidateAll()},
   * {@link Map#remove}, {@link ConcurrentMap#remove}, or {@link Iterator#remove}.
    boolean wasEvicted() {
      return false;
   * The entry itself was not actually removed, but its value was replaced by the user. This can
   * result from the user invoking {@link Cache#put}, {@link LoadingCache#refresh}, {@link Map#put},
   * {@link Map#putAll}, {@link ConcurrentMap#replace(Object, Object)}, or
   * {@link ConcurrentMap#replace(Object, Object, Object)}.
    boolean wasEvicted() {
      return false;
   * The entry was removed automatically because its key or value was garbage-collected. This can
   * occur when using {@link CacheBuilder#weakKeys}, {@link CacheBuilder#weakValues}, or
   * {@link CacheBuilder#softValues}.
    boolean wasEvicted() {
      return true;
   * The entry's expiration timestamp has passed. This can occur when using
   * {@link CacheBuilder#expireAfterWrite} or {@link CacheBuilder#expireAfterAccess}.
    boolean wasEvicted() {
      return true;
   * The entry was evicted due to size constraints. This can occur when using
   * {@link CacheBuilder#maximumSize} or {@link CacheBuilder#maximumWeight}.
  SIZE {
    boolean wasEvicted() {
      return true;
   * Returns {@code true} if there was an automatic removal due to eviction (the cause is neither
   * {@link #EXPLICIT} nor {@link #REPLACED}).
  abstract boolean wasEvicted();



 * A collection of common removal listeners.
 * @author Charles Fry
 * @since 10.0
public final class RemovalListeners {
  private RemovalListeners() {}
   * Returns a {@code RemovalListener} which processes all eviction notifications using
   * {@code executor}.
   * @param listener the backing listener
   * @param executor the executor with which removal notifications are asynchronously executed
  public static <K, V> RemovalListener<K, V> asynchronous(
      final RemovalListener<K, V> listener, final Executor executor) {
    return new RemovalListener<K, V>() {
      public void onRemoval(final RemovalNotification<K, V> notification) {
            new Runnable() {
              public void run() {

3.5 核心特点


Guava 提供了多种缓存过期策略,可以根据具体需求选择合适的策略,可以通过CacheBuilder在build()时同时指定。。以下是一些常见的缓存过期策略:

  1. 基于时间的过期策略:可以设置缓存项在固定时间后过期,使用 expireAfterWrite 方法来指定写入后多久过期,或使用 expireAfterAccess 方法指定最后一次访问后多久过期。
  2. 基于大小的过期策略:可以设置缓存项的最大数量,当缓存项超过设定的最大数量时,根据 LRU(最近最少使用)算法删除过期的缓存项。
  3. 基于引用的过期策略:可以使用弱引用或软引用来保存缓存项,当垃圾回收器对这些引用对象进行回收时,缓存项也会被移除。
  4. 自定义的过期策略:Guava 还提供了自定义的缓存过期策略接口 CacheLoader,可以通过实现该接口来定义自己的过期策略。

需要特別注意:Guava 缓存只会在外部请求,并于写入访问时进行过期检查,并不会自动定时检查。

 * LoadingCache 继承自 Cache,在构建 LoadingCache 时,需通过 CacheBuilder 的 build(CacheLoader<? super K1, V1> loader)构建
public static LoadingCache<String, Product> buildCache() {
    CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder = CacheBuilder.newBuilder();
    return builder
        // 2秒未写入则淘汰
        .expireAfterWrite(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        // 3秒未访问则淘汰
         // 4秒未写入则刷新
        .build(new CacheLoader<String, Product>() {
            public Product load(String key) throws Exception {
                return new Product(key, "产品".concat(key), new BigDecimal(10), "自定义产品");
  • expireAfterWrite:当缓存项指定时间未更新则淘汰;
  • expireAfterAccess:当缓存项指定时间未访问则淘汰;
  • refreshAfterWrite:当缓存项上次被更新后多久会被刷新。
  • refreshAfterWrite这个策略比较特殊——1)当第一个请求执行load()把数据加载进缓存后,如果指定的过期时间是3秒,则在这3秒内获取缓存项都会从缓存中获取;2)在3秒后如果没有访问,缓存数据不会被淘汰;3)当有新的请求(requestX)访问时,才会清理过期数据、并执行load()方法重新加载,这个过程只会阻塞当前请求(requestX)的线程;4)如果在load()加载过程中有其他线程也访问同一个key,则:会立即返回原来的缓存数据,不会阻塞
  • refreshAfterWrite的机制会导致如果有很长一段时间没有访问,突然有多个线程访问时,会拿到旧值,这个旧值可能是很久以前的。
  • 所以,一般都会使用 expireAfterAccessrefreshAfterWrite 搭配使用。缓存清除
  • LoadingCache
    • 顾名思义,它能够通过CacheLoader自发的加载缓存:
LoadingCache<Object, Object> loadingCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(
    new CacheLoader<Object, Object>() {
		public Object load(Object key) throws Exception {
			return null;
// 获取缓存,当缓存不存在时,会通过CacheLoader自动加载源头的数据至缓存中,该方法会抛出ExecutionException
// 以不安全的方式获取缓存,当缓存不存在时,会通过CacheLoader自动加载,该方法不会抛出异常



  • Cache.invalidate(key):按照key单个清除;
  • Cache.invalidateAll(keys):按照keys批量清除;
  • Cache.invalidateAll():清除所有缓存项;


开始介绍JVM缓存时有说过,Guava Cache支持清除回调,可以在缓存被清除时执行一个回调方法,便于我们做一些分析和统计。

public static LoadingCache<String, Product> buildCache() {
	CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder = CacheBuilder.newBuilder();
	return builder
		.expireAfterAccess(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
		// 注册一个缓存被清除时的监听器
		.removalListener(removalNotification -> {
				"产品:%s被清除,移除原因:%s \n" 
				, removalNotification.getKey() 
				, removalNotification.getCause()
		.build(new CacheLoader<String, Product>() {
			public Product load(String key) throws Exception {
				return new Product(key, "产品".concat(key), new BigDecimal(10), "自定义产品");




public static LoadingCache<String, Product> buildCache() {
    CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder = CacheBuilder.newBuilder();
    return builder
        .expireAfterAccess(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        // 注册异步监听
            removalNotification ->
	            "产品:%s被清除,移除原因:%s \n"
	            , removalNotification.getKey()
	            , removalNotification.getCause()
        )).build(new CacheLoader<String, Product>() {
        public Product load(String key) throws Exception {
            return new Product(key, "产品".concat(key), new BigDecimal(10), "自定义一个产品");



3.X 小结

至此,Guava Cache利用LocalCache类完成了对其属性的支持,内部也主要是依赖Segment类完成锁同步实现分段锁机制,允许多个线程并发更新操作;


X 参考文献

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/johnnyzen/p/17605899.html


  • redis 缓存穿透,击穿,雪崩
  • 虹科分享 | 妙招频出,Redis 企业版这样解决缓存问题
  • 在 Google Analytics(GA4)中修改和创建事件
  • 虹科分享 | 妙招频出,Redis 企业版这样解决缓存问题→
  • java mybatis一级缓存二级缓存三级缓存详解
  • Google官方出品的Android App反编绎工具-Enjarify
  • Linux系统cpu过高如何清理缓存
  • nginx缓存灰度
  • 缓存初步学习
  • SQLFlow——除了 Google 的 BigQueryML,微软基于 SQL Server 的 AI 扩展,以及 Teradata
    蚂蚁金服开源机器学习工具SQLFlow,技术架构独家解读2019-05-15· SQLFlow · #SQLFlow5月6日,在 QCon全球软件开发大会(北京站)2019 上,蚂蚁金服副CTO胡喜正式宣布开源机器学习工具SQLFlow,他在演讲中表示:“未来三年,AI能力会成为每一位技术人员的基本能力。我们希望通过开......