用友U8导入应收单录入、应付单录入的存储过程,以下SQL脚本整合前几天写的《u8:应付单据录入生成编号 》会更好。
-- 应收单据\应付单据都可以用此程序,但需要注意一下两者编号长度不同. DECLARE c_iface cursor for select row_id, cstatus,cBatchNum from u8api.dbo.ap_vouch_iface avi where avi.cstatus is null order by row_id ; declare @user_name nvarchar(30) = 'demo', -- 用户名,如: DEMO @cLink nvarchar(20), -- 应付票据主键(AP主键): P0 + 年月(4位)+ 3位流水号 @cVouchID nvarchar(20), @auto_ID BIGINT, -- begin: voucherHistory表 @AutoId int, -- 自动生成 @CardNumber nvarchar(20), @iRDFlagSeed int, @cContent nvarchar(50), @cContentRule nvarchar(50), @cSeed nvarchar(120), @cNumber nvarchar(30), @bEmpty bit, -- end: voucherHistory表 @cDeptCode nvarchar(50), -- 部门代码 @cDeptName nvarchar(150), -- 部门名称 @row_id int, @cStatus nvarchar(20), -- 状态: 空,S,E,F. @fetch_status int; declare @cBatchNum nvarchar(30), -- 导入批次号 @cPsn_Num nvarchar(30), -- 工号 @cPsn_Name nvarchar(50), -- 员工姓名 @cDwCode nvarchar(30), -- 供应商代码 @cDwName nvarchar(250), -- 供应商名称 @cPayCode nvarchar(20), -- 付款条件代码 @cPayName nvarchar(150); -- 付款条件名称 BEGIN open c_iface ; fetch next from c_iface into @row_id,@cStatus,@cBatchNum ; set @fetch_status = @@FETCH_STATUS while @fetch_status =0 begin -- 第一步: 1.获取 AP主键 /* declare csr_voucherHistory cursor for SELECT TOP 9 autoId,CardNumber,iRdFlagSeed,cContent, cContentRule, cSeed,cNumber,bEmpty FROM UFDATA_012_2014.dbo.[VoucherHistory] h --记录数: 13605 where 1=1 --and cSeed like '2023%' --and cNumber = '1' and CardNumber like 'P0' AND h.cSeed = CONVERT(nvarchar(6), getdate(), 112) ; open csr_voucherHistory fetch next from csr_voucherHistory into @autoId,@CardNumber,@iRdFlagSeed,@cContent, @cContentRule, @cSeed,@cNumber,@bEmpty while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @cLink = @CardNumber+ @cSeed + right('00000000'+@cNumber ,3); fetch next from csr_voucherHistory into @autoId,@CardNumber,@iRdFlagSeed,@cContent, @cContentRule, @cSeed,@cNumber,@bEmpty end; close csr_voucherHistory; deallocate csr_voucherHistory PRINT @cLink; */ -- 单据编号: AP: P02307029 ; AR: R023070001 if exists(SELECT autoId,CardNumber,iRdFlagSeed,cContent, cContentRule, cSeed,cNumber,bEmpty FROM UFDATA_012_2014.dbo.[VoucherHistory] h --记录数: 13605 where 1=1 --and cSeed like '2023%' --and cNumber = '1' and CardNumber like 'P0' and cContent='单据日期' AND h.cSeed = CONVERT(nvarchar(6), getdate(), 112) ) BEGIN update h set cNumber = CAST(cNumber AS INT) +1 from UFDATA_012_2014.dbo.[VoucherHistory] h where 1=1 and CardNumber like 'P0' and cContent='单据日期' AND h.cSeed = CONVERT(nvarchar(6), getdate(), 112); select @cLink = CardNumber+ RIGHT(cSeed,4) + right('0000000'+ cNumber ,3) , @cVouchID = RIGHT(cSeed,4) + right('0000000'+ cNumber ,3) FROM UFDATA_012_2014.dbo.[VoucherHistory] h where 1=1 and CardNumber like 'P0' and cContent='单据日期' AND h.cSeed = CONVERT(nvarchar(6), getdate(), 112); END else BEGIN insert into UFDATA_012_2014.dbo.[VoucherHistory](CardNumber,iRdFlagSeed,cContent, cContentRule, cSeed,cNumber,bEmpty) values(N'P0',NULL,N'单据日期',N'月',CONVERT(nvarchar(6), getdate(), 112),1,0 ) ; SET @cLink = N'P0' + CONVERT(nvarchar(4), getdate(), 12) + right('0000001' ,3); set @cVouchID = CONVERT(nvarchar(4), getdate(), 12) + right('0000001' ,3) ; END; PRINT @cLink; -- 第一步: 2. 获取自动流水号 AUTO_ID SELECT @auto_ID = max(AUTO_ID)+1 FROM UFDATA_012_2014.DBO.Ap_Vouch where cLink like 'P0'+ CONVERT(nvarchar(4),GETDATE(), 12)+'%' and cPZNum is null; -- 第二步: 验证数据 -- 1.部门代码验证 -- set @cDeptName = '电线一部'; select @cDeptName = cDeptName from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi where row_id = @row_id; if exists (SELECT TOP 1 cDepCode,cDepName FROM ufData_012_2014.dbo.[Department] dp where dp.cDepName = @cDeptName ) begin SELECT TOP 1 @cDeptCode= cDepCode FROM ufData_012_2014.dbo.[Department] dp where dp.cDepName = @cDeptName ; end else begin set @cDeptCode = null; end; if @cDeptCode is not null begin update avi set cDeptCode= @cDeptCode , dmodifySystime = GETDATE() from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi where avi.row_id = @row_id; end else begin update avi set cMsgCode = coalesce(cMsgCode,'') + 'U8-20001;' , cMsg = coalesce(cMsg,'') +'部门名:'+ @cDeptName+ ',无法匹配部门代码.' , dmodifySystime = GETDATE() from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi where avi.row_id = @row_id; end; -- 2.1 业务员验证 -- 人员表 if exists ( select cPersonCode from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi_emp where row_id = @row_id and cPersonCode is Not null ) begin SELECT top 1 @cPsn_Num = cPsn_num FROM ufData_012_2014.dbo.[hr_hi_person] emp where emp.cPsn_Num = ( select cPersonCode from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi_emp where row_id = @row_id and cPersonCode is Not null ) ; if @cPsn_Num is null begin update avi set cMsgCode = coalesce(cMsgCode,'') + 'U8-20002;' , cMsg = coalesce(cMsg,'') + '工号:'+ @cPsn_Num+ ',无法匹配工号.' , dmodifySystime = GETDATE() from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi where avi.row_id = @row_id; end; end ; -- 2.2 业务员验证 -- 人员表 if exists (select cPersonName from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi_emp where row_id = @row_id and cPersonName is Not null ) begin SELECT top 1 @cPsn_Name = cPsn_Name , @cPsn_Num = cPsn_Num FROM ufData_012_2014.dbo.[hr_hi_person] emp where emp.cPsn_Name = (select cPersonName from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi_emp where row_id = @row_id and cPersonName is Not null ) ; if @cPsn_Name is null begin update avi set cMsgCode = coalesce(cMsgCode,'') + 'U8-20003;' , cMsg = coalesce(cMsg,'') + '姓名:'+ @cPsn_Name+ ',无法匹配工号.' , dmodifySystime = GETDATE() from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi where avi.row_id = @row_id; end; else begin update avi set avi.cPersonCode = @cPsn_Num, dmodifySystime = GETDATE() from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi where row_id = @row_id ; end; end; -- 3. 供应商名称验证 select @cDwName = v.cDwName from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface v where row_id = @row_id ; if isnull(@cDwName,'')!='' select top 1 @cDwCode = pv.cVenCode from UFDATA_012_2014.dbo.Vendor pv where pv.cVenName = @cDwName; if ISNULL(@cDwCode ,'') != '' begin update avi set avi.cDwCode = @cDwCode, dmodifySystime = GETDATE() from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi where row_id = @row_id ; end; else begin update avi set cMsgCode = coalesce(cMsgCode,'') + 'U8-20004;' , cMsg = coalesce(cMsg,'') + '供应商名称:'+ @cDwName+ ',无法匹配供应商代码.' , dmodifySystime = GETDATE() from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi where avi.row_id = @row_id; end; --4. 付款条件 验证 select @cPayName = v.cPayName from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface v where row_id = @row_id ; select top 1 @cPayCode = cPayCode from UFDATA_012_2014.dbo.PayCondition where cPayName = @cPayName; if isnull(@cPayCode ,'') != '' begin update avi set avi.cPayCode = @cPayCode, dmodifySystime = GETDATE() from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi where row_id = @row_id ; end else begin update avi set cMsgCode = coalesce(cMsgCode,'') + 'U8-20005;' , cMsg = coalesce(cMsg,'') + '付款条件名称:'+ @cDwName+ ',无法匹配付款条件代码.' , dmodifySystime = GETDATE() from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface avi where avi.row_id = @row_id; end; -- SELECT @cBatchNum = BatchNum from u8api.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface where row_id= @row_id; -- 第三步: 1.导入应付录入表头 insert into UFDATA_012_2014.dbo.ap_vouch(cLink, cVouchType, cVouchID, cVouchID1, dVouchDate, cDwCode, cDeptCode, cPerson, cItem_Class, cItemCode, cDigest, cCode, cexch_name, iExchRate, bd_c, iAmount, iAmount_f, iRAmount, iRAmount_f, cPayCode, cOperator, cCheckMan, cCoVouchType, cDestNo, cSrcNo, bStartFlag, cPZid, cFlag, cDefine1, cDefine2, cDefine3, cDefine4, cDefine5, cDefine6, cDefine7, cDefine8, cDefine9, cDefine10, iAmount_s, iRAmount_s, VT_ID, --Ufts, iClosesID, iCoClosesID, cDefine11, cDefine12, cDefine13, cDefine14, cDefine15, cDefine16, cItemName, cGatheringPlan, dCreditStart, iCreditPeriod, dGatheringDate, dcreatesystime, dverifysystime, dmodifysystime, cmodifier, dmoddate, dverifydate, Auto_ID, cPZNum, doutbilldate, iPrintCount, cPluginsourcetype, iPluginsourceautoid, cPluginsourceautoid, iBusType, cagentcuscode, cOrderNo, cContractType, iSource, cContractID, csysbarcode, iDiscountTaxType, iTaxRate) SELECT @cLink, cVouchType, @cVouchID, cVouchID1, convert(date,getdate(),112) as dVouchDate, cDwCode, cDeptCode, cPerson, cItem_Class, cItemCode, cDigest, cCode, cexch_name, iExchRate, bd_c, iAmount, iAmount_f, iRAmount, iRAmount_f, cPayCode, @user_name as cOperator, null as cCheckMan, cCoVouchType, cDestNo, cSrcNo, bStartFlag, cPZid, cFlag, cDefine1, cDefine2, cDefine3, cDefine4, cDefine5, cDefine6, cDefine7, cDefine8, cDefine9, cDefine10, iAmount_s, iRAmount_s, VT_ID, --Ufts, iClosesID, iCoClosesID, cDefine11, cDefine12, cDefine13, cDefine14, cDefine15, cDefine16, cItemName, cGatheringPlan, dCreditStart, iCreditPeriod, dGatheringDate, getdate() as dcreatesystime, null as dverifysystime, getdate() dmodifysystime, @user_name as cmodifier, null as dmoddate, null dverifydate, @Auto_ID, cPZNum, doutbilldate, iPrintCount, cPluginsourcetype, iPluginsourceautoid, cPluginsourceautoid, iBusType, cagentcuscode, cOrderNo, cContractType, iSource, cContractID, '||app0|'+@cVouchID csysbarcode, iDiscountTaxType, iTaxRate FROM U8API.DBO.Ap_Vouch_Iface where -- cLink = 'P02306002' cBatchNum = @cBatchNum and row_id = @row_id ; -- 第三步: 2.导入应付录入明细 INSERT INTO UFDATA_012_2014.DBO.Ap_Vouchs ( --Auto_ID, cLink, cDwCode, cDeptCode, cPerson, cItem_Class, cItemCode, cDigest, cCode, cexch_name, iExchRate, bd_c, iAmount, iAmount_f, cItemName, iAmt_s, cExpCode, iTaxRate, iTax, iNatTax, cDefine22, cDefine23, cDefine24, cDefine25, cDefine26, cDefine27, cDefine28, cDefine29, cDefine30, cDefine31, cDefine32, cDefine33, cDefine34, cDefine35, cDefine36, cDefine37, iNoTaxAmount_f, iNoTaxAmount) select --Auto_ID, @cLink, cDwCode, cDeptCode, cPerson, cItem_Class, cItemCode, cDigest, cCode, cexch_name, iExchRate, bd_c, iAmount, iAmount_f, cItemName, iAmt_s, cExpCode, iTaxRate, iTax, iNatTax, cDefine22, cDefine23, cDefine24, cDefine25, cDefine26, cDefine27, cDefine28, cDefine29, cDefine30, cDefine31, cDefine32, cDefine33, cDefine34, cDefine35, cDefine36, cDefine37, iNoTaxAmount_f, iNoTaxAmount from U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouchs_Iface avi where --avi.cLink ='P02306002' -- row_id = @row_id cBatchNum = @cBatchNum ; fetch next from c_iface into @row_id,@cStatus, @cBatchNum; set @fetch_status = @@FETCH_STATUS end; close c_iface; deallocate c_iface; /*待解决问题:2023-07-08 1、接口表 AP_Vouch_iface增加字段: 部门名称、业务员名称(工号)、供应商名称、付款条件名称、项目名称 ,以供用户在EXCEL表上填写名称. 2、对增加字段转化代码,写入对应字段:cDeptCode、cPerson、cDwCode、cPayCode、未知 3、接口表 AP_Vouch_iface增加字段:状态:(初始状态为空, S:表示导入成功, E:有错误, F:导入失败) */ END; -- select CONVERT(nvarchar(6), getdate(), 112) /* -- 前置环境:先创建数据库U8API,再在U8API库中创建两个接口表Ap_Vouch_Iface、Ap_Vouchs_Iface. -- 应付录入头表接口表 alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface add cDeptName nvarchar(150); -- 部门名称 alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface add cPersonCode nvarchar(150); -- 业务员名称(工号) alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface add cPersonName nvarchar(150); --业务员名称(姓名) alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface add cDwName nvarchar(150); -- 供应商名称 alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface add cPayName nvarchar(150); -- 付款条件名称 alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface add cStatus nvarchar(20); -- 状态:(初始状态为空, S:表示导入成功, E:有错误, F:导入失败) alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface add cMsgCode nvarchar(150); -- 错误代码 alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface add cMsg nvarchar(250); -- 错误信息 alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface add row_id int identity(1,1) not null; -- 自动流水号 alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface add cBatchNum nvarchar(30); -- 导入的批次号,建议一张AP,一个号, alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface add cTrxNum nvarchar(50); -- 发票编号,用户可以要求指定生成的应付发票编号. alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouch_Iface add debitCredit nvarchar(20); -- 借贷方向(值范围:借:1,贷:0) */ /* 方向,对应科目,币种,汇率,原币金额,本币金额,部门,业务员,项目,摘要 借 -- 应付录入明细表接口表 --alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouchs_Iface add row_id int identity(1,1) not null; -- 自动流水号 (已存在 AUTO_ID字段) alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouchs_Iface add cBatchNum nvarchar(30); -- 导入的批次号,建议一张AP,一个号, alter table U8API.dbo.Ap_Vouchs_Iface add debitCredit nvarchar(20); -- 借贷方向(值范围:借:1,贷:0) */
标签:U8,dbo,Ap,--,nvarchar,用友,录入,id,row From: https://www.cnblogs.com/samrv/p/17604661.html