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2020 某高校学生使用手机的目的调查。

时间:2023-07-28 23:33:56浏览次数:38  
标签:students phones 高校学生 2020 above 手机 college reading

As is apparently demonstrated in the chart above, we are informed some information concerning college students" reading intentions with mobile phones in a certain university. To be more specific, with the help of cell phones, the proportions of college students" spending on study take a lion"s share, accounting for up to 59.5%. Then those who would like to spend more time on goofing, browsing information and others occupy approximately 20%, 17% and 2% respectively.
There are diverse components contributing to the above trend, but generally speaking, they may put down to the following two aspects. Initially, there is no doubt that recent years have witnessed the rapid development of economy, and people"s living standards have been improved remarkably, as a result of which, an increasing number of parents are likely to buy their children a smart phone, which may provide possibility for students to apply more advanced equipment into study, to the extent that their learning efficiency and reading horizons would be improved. Simultaneously, along with the development of technology and the advancement of the Internet, a growing quantity of college students" reading habits have been changed because mobile phones would offer more convenience during their study, which should be taken into account.
Based on the discussion above, a conclusion can be drawn safely that college students" reading habits adhere to youngsters" characteristics and comply with the trait of the new era. Given the data above, it is well predicted that this trend as reflected by the pie chart above will continue for a while in the near future. Nevertheless, there are also some potential risks if college students are too addicted to mobile phones; therefore, it is advisable for youngsters to arrange time reasonably during using cell phones.



本篇英语二大作文的结构要分三段来写:第一段描述图表,第二段分析原因,第三段给出结论、趋势预测及建议。第一段描述图表要观察全面,不可遗漏有用信息。其中用手机学习的占主要比例,占59.5%,可以用这个句型来写:…take(s) a lion’s share, accounting for 59.5%,其它用手机的目的是打发时间、浏览信息和其它,分别占到20.5%,17%和2%,这三者可以放在一起用一个句子来搞定,……occupy 20.5%, 17% and 2% respectively。




From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wangprince2017/p/17589134.html


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