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2013 某高校不同年级学生 兼职情况

时间:2023-07-28 17:05:36浏览次数:43  
标签:students However job part time 年级 兼职 2013 more

As is clearly reflected in the bar chart above,the proportion of the students taking part time jobs,at a certain college. Among freshmen,the participation percentage of part-time job is 67.77%.For sophomores,there is a slight rise,which is 71.13%.And the percentage of juniors is 71.93,a slight rise as well.However,the percentage of seniors has a dramatics increase,which is 88.24%.It is not difficult for us to come up with some possible factors to account for this phenomenon.The obvious factor is that students of grade four have much more time for taking a part-time job.What's more,students can make some money from part-time job,which helps to ease their families' financial burden.And we know,to take a part-time job provides the students with a valuable opportunity to put what he has learned from books into practice.However,another important factor that can not be ignored is that as the graduation date is around the corner,students realize that they need to gain more working experience. In view of the analysis above,it can be predicted that the phenomenon will continue in the forthcoming years.However,we should keep a balance between study and part-time job.After all,study is always the major task for college students.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wangprince2017/p/17588082.html


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