Classical approach: First studies of management, which emphasized:
- rationality
- making organizations and workers as efficient as possible
Max Weber’s Bureaucracy(Organational Machine)
was an attempt to formulate the Bureaucracy an ideal prototype for organizations
is a lot like scientific management in its ideology. Both emphasized:
- technical competence
- rationality
- predictability
- impersonality
- authoritarianism.
Henri Fayol’s 1916 "Principles of Management(Theoretical Machine)"
In Administration Industrielle et Générale, translated by C. Storrs as General and Industrial Management (London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1949).
- Unity of direction
- Unity of command
Frederick Taylor’s : Scientific Management Principles(Actional Machine):
An approach that involves:
- using the scientific method to find the “one best way” for a job to be done.