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docker kms

时间:2023-07-19 13:05:02浏览次数:36  
标签:plugin encryption KMS key kms docker Docker containers

Docker KMS: A Comprehensive Guide


Docker is a popular open-source platform that allows developers to automate the deployment of applications inside containers. These containers provide a lightweight and isolated environment for running applications, ensuring consistency across different environments. Docker Key Management Service (KMS) is a tool that helps manage encryption keys in Docker containers.

What is Docker KMS?

Docker KMS is a plugin for Docker that provides key management capabilities for encrypting and decrypting data within containers. It integrates with various key management systems, such as AWS Key Management Service (KMS), Azure Key Vault, or Google Cloud KMS, to securely store and manage encryption keys.

Why do we need Docker KMS?

Encryption is essential for protecting sensitive data in transit and at rest. However, managing encryption keys can be challenging, especially in a containerized environment. Docker KMS solves this problem by providing a seamless integration between Docker containers and external key management systems.

Using Docker KMS, developers can easily encrypt and decrypt data within their containers without worrying about managing encryption keys manually. It simplifies the process of securing sensitive information and ensures that encryption keys are safely stored and managed by trusted key management systems.

How does Docker KMS work?

Docker KMS works as a Docker plugin, extending Docker's functionality to integrate with key management systems. It leverages the plugin architecture introduced in Docker 1.13 to provide a seamless integration between Docker containers and external key management systems.

To use Docker KMS, you need to install the plugin and configure it to connect to your preferred key management system. Once configured, Docker KMS intercepts encryption and decryption requests from containers and forwards them to the external key management system for processing. It ensures that encryption keys are securely managed and not exposed within the container environment.

Example Usage

Let's take a look at how Docker KMS can be used in a practical scenario. Assume we have a Docker container running a Node.js application that needs to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data using AWS KMS.

First, we need to install the Docker KMS plugin:

$ docker plugin install --grant-all-permissions dockerkms/docker-kms-plugin

Next, we configure Docker KMS to use AWS KMS:

$ docker plugin set dockerkms/docker-kms-plugin AWS_REGION=us-west-2
$ docker plugin set dockerkms/docker-kms-plugin AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your-access-key-id
$ docker plugin set dockerkms/docker-kms-plugin AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your-secret-access-key

Now, we can run our Node.js application inside a Docker container and encrypt and decrypt sensitive data:

$ docker run -d --name myapp -e DOCKER_KMS_ENCRYPT=my-encryption-key -e DOCKER_KMS_DECRYPT=my-encryption-key my-node-app

In the above example, we specify the encryption and decryption keys using environment variables. Docker KMS intercepts the encryption and decryption requests and forwards them to AWS KMS for processing.


Docker KMS is a powerful tool that simplifies key management in Docker containers. It provides seamless integration with external key management systems, ensuring that encryption keys are securely managed and not exposed within the container environment. By using Docker KMS, developers can easily encrypt and decrypt sensitive data within their containers, without worrying about managing encryption keys manually.

Overall, Docker KMS enhances the security of Docker containers and helps protect sensitive data, making it an essential tool for developers working with Docker.

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16175437/6774428


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