首页 > 其他分享 >os: pv 命令 - 显示数据处理的进度条

os: pv 命令 - 显示数据处理的进度条

时间:2023-07-12 14:57:37浏览次数:32  
标签:pv show -- 进度条 bytes output os size

os: pv 命令  -  显示数据处理的进度条





一、pv  命令


  1、pv  命令功能:显示数据处理的进度条


  2、pv  命令安装:

    sudo  apt  install  -y    pv

    dnf  install  -y     pv


  3、pv  命令说明:

[wit@on tmp]$ pv --help
Usage: pv [OPTION] [FILE]...
Concatenate FILE(s), or standard input, to standard output,
with monitoring.

  -p, --progress           show progress bar
  -t, --timer              show elapsed time
  -e, --eta                show estimated time of arrival (completion)
  -I, --fineta             show absolute estimated time of arrival
  -r, --rate               show data transfer rate counter
  -a, --average-rate       show data transfer average rate counter
  -b, --bytes              show number of bytes transferred
  -T, --buffer-percent     show percentage of transfer buffer in use
  -A, --last-written NUM   show NUM bytes last written
  -F, --format FORMAT      set output format to FORMAT
  -n, --numeric            output percentages, not visual information
  -q, --quiet              do not output any transfer information at all

  -W, --wait               display nothing until first byte transferred
  -D, --delay-start SEC    display nothing until SEC seconds have passed
  -s, --size SIZE          set estimated data size to SIZE bytes
  -l, --line-mode          count lines instead of bytes
  -0, --null               lines are null-terminated
  -i, --interval SEC       update every SEC seconds
  -w, --width WIDTH        assume terminal is WIDTH characters wide
  -H, --height HEIGHT      assume terminal is HEIGHT rows high
  -N, --name NAME          prefix visual information with NAME
  -f, --force              output even if standard error is not a terminal
  -c, --cursor             use cursor positioning escape sequences

  -L, --rate-limit RATE    limit transfer to RATE bytes per second
  -B, --buffer-size BYTES  use a buffer size of BYTES
  -C, --no-splice          never use splice(), always use read/write
  -E, --skip-errors        skip read errors in input
  -S, --stop-at-size       stop after --size bytes have been transferred
  -R, --remote PID         update settings of process PID

  -P, --pidfile FILE       save process ID in FILE

  -d, --watchfd PID[:FD]   watch file FD opened by process PID

  -h, --help               show this help and exit
  -V, --version            show version information and exit

Please report any bugs to <[email protected]>.





二、pv  命令示例


  1、pv  命令:https://linux265.com/course/linux-command-pv.html

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lnlidawei/p/17547472.html


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