(1)lab6 world cup
# Simulate a sports tournament import csv import sys import random # Number of simluations to run N = 1000000 #1000 def main(): # Ensure correct usage if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.exit("Usage: python tournament.py FILENAME") teams = [] # TODO: Read teams into memory from file filename = sys.argv[1] with open(filename,"r") as file: reader = csv.DictReader(file) for row in reader: row["rating"] = int(row["rating"]) teams.append(row) counts = { } # TODO: Simulate N tournaments and keep track of win counts for i in range(N): win_team = simulate_tournament(teams) if win_team in counts: counts[win_team] += 1 else: counts[win_team] = 1 # Print each team's chances of winning, according to simulation for team in sorted(counts, key=lambda team: counts[team], reverse=True): print(f"{team}: {counts[team] * 100 / N:.1f}% chance of winning") def simulate_game(team1, team2): """Simulate a game. Return True if team1 wins, False otherwise.""" rating1 = team1["rating"] rating2 = team2["rating"] probability = 1 / (1 + 10 ** ((rating2 - rating1) / 600)) return random.random() < probability def simulate_round(teams): """Simulate a round. Return a list of winning teams.""" winners = [] # Simulate games for all pairs of teams for i in range(0, len(teams), 2): if simulate_game(teams[i], teams[i + 1]): winners.append(teams[i]) else: winners.append(teams[i + 1]) return winners def simulate_tournament(teams): """Simulate a tournament. Return name of winning team.""" # TODO while len(teams) > 1: teams = simulate_round(teams) return teams[0]["team"] if __name__ == "__main__": main()
(2)problemsrt1 : hello
from cs50 import get_string name = get_string("what is your name?\n") print(f"hello,{name}")
from cs50 import get_int while True: try: height = get_int("Height: ") if height>0 and height<9: break except: print("Error!") exit() for i in range(1,height+1): print(' '*(height-i)+'#'*i)
# TODO from cs50 import get_float def main(): dollar = get_dollar() cents = int(dollar*100) quarters = calculate_quarters(cents) cents -= quarters*25 dimes = calculate_dimes(cents) cents -= dimes*10 nickels = calculate_nickels(cents) cents -= nickels*5 pennies = calculate_pennies(cents) cents -= pennies*1 coin = quarters + dimes + nickels + pennies print(coin) def get_dollar(): while True: try: cents = get_float("Change owed: ") if cents >= 0: break except: print("error") exit() return cents def calculate_quarters(cents): return cents // 25 def calculate_dimes(cents): return cents//10 def calculate_nickels(cents): return cents//5 def calculate_pennies(cents): return cents main()
from cs50 import get_string def main(): text = get_string("Text:") grade = get_grade(text) if grade < 0: print("Before Grade 1") elif grade >= 16: print("Grade 16+") else: print(f"Grade {grade}") def get_grade(text): letter = 0 word = 0 sentence = 0 number = 0 check = 0 n = len(text) new_text = text.split(' ') word = len(new_text) for s in text: if s.isalpha(): letter += 1 elif s == '.' or s == '!' or s =='?': sentence += 1 #print("letter:",letter) #print("sentence:",sentence) #print("word:",word) L = letter / word * 100 S = sentence / word * 100 #print("L:",L) #print("S:",S) grade = round(0.0588*L- 0.296*S - 15.8) return grade main()
import csv import sys from cs50 import get_string def main(): # TODO: Check for command-line usage n = len(sys.argv) if(n == 1 or n == 2): text = get_string("Usage:") question = text.spilit(' ') csvfile = "databases/" + question[-2] txtfile = "sequences/" + question[-1] elif(n == 3): csvfile = sys.argv[-2] txtfile = sys.argv[-1] else: print("check your input") exit() # TODO: Read database file into a variable data = [] with open(csvfile,"r") as file: reader = csv.reader(file) for row in reader: data.append(row) title = data[0][1:] #print("title",title) # TODO: Read DNA sequence file into a variable DNA = [] with open(txtfile,"r") as file: line = file.readline() DNA.append(line) #print("DNA:",DNA) # TODO: Find longest match of each STR in DNA sequence count_list = [] for i in range(len(title)): #print("title",title[i]) longest = longest_match(DNA[0],title[i]) #print("match",longest) count_list.append(longest) # TODO: Check database for matching profiles flag = 0 for i in range(1,len(data)): number = data[i][1:] #print(data[i][0]) mid = 0 for j in range(len(count_list)): #print(j) #print(number[j]) #print(count_list[j]) if int(number[j]) == int(count_list[j]): mid += 1 #print(mid) if mid == len(count_list): #print("mid",mid) print(data[i][0]) flag = 1 #print("-----") if(flag == 0): print("no match") return def longest_match(sequence, subsequence): """Returns length of longest run of subsequence in sequence.""" # Initialize variables longest_run = 0 subsequence_length = len(subsequence) sequence_length = len(sequence) # Check each character in sequence for most consecutive runs of subsequence for i in range(sequence_length): # Initialize count of consecutive runs count = 0 # Check for a subsequence match in a "substring" (a subset of characters) within sequence # If a match, move substring to next potential match in sequence # Continue moving substring and checking for matches until out of consecutive matches while True: # Adjust substring start and end start = i + count * subsequence_length end = start + subsequence_length # If there is a match in the substring if sequence[start:end] == subsequence: count += 1 # If there is no match in the substring else: break # Update most consecutive matches found longest_run = max(longest_run, count) # After checking for runs at each character in seqeuence, return longest run found return longest_run main()
标签:return,cs50,get,cents,teams,problemset6,lab6,print,def From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhimingyiji/p/17535543.html