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时间:2022-09-28 16:24:27浏览次数:52  
标签:struct OpenFlow 端口 实践 header ofp uint16 实验

  • 实验3:OpenFlow协议分析实践

  • 一、实验目的
    能够运用 wireshark 对 OpenFlow 协议数据交互过程进行抓包;
    能够借助包解析工具,分析与解释 OpenFlow协议的数据包交互过程与机制。

  • 二、实验环境
    Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop amd64

  • 三、实验要求

  • (一)基本要求

  • 搭建下图所示拓扑,完成相关 IP 配置,并实现主机与主机之间的 IP 通信。用抓包软件获取控制器与交换机之间的通信数据

  • hello

  • 控制器6633端口(我最高能支持OpenFlow 1.0) ---> 交换机42736端口

  • 交换机42736端口(我最高能支持OpenFlow 1.5) ---> 控制器6633端口

  • Features Request:控制器6633端口(我需要你的特征信息) ---> 交换机42736端口

  • Set Conig:控制器6633端口(请按照我给你的flag和max bytes of packet进行配置) ---> 交换机42736端口

  • Port_Status:当交换机端口发生变化时,告知控制器相应的端口状态

  • Features Reply:交换机42736端口(这是我的特征信息,请查收) ---> 控制器6633端口

  • Packet_in

  • Packet_out

  • Flow_mod:分析抓取的flow_mod数据包,控制器通过6633端口向交换机42736端口、交换机60028端口下发流表项,指导数据的转发处理

  • 2、查看抓包结果,分析OpenFlow协议中交换机与控制器的消息交互过程,画出相关交互图或流程图。

  • 3、回答问题:交换机与控制器建立通信时是使用TCP协议还是UDP协议?
    ​ TCP协议。

  • (二)进阶要求

  • openflow数据包头通用格式
    /* Header on all OpenFlow packets. */ struct ofp_header { uint8_t version; /* OFP_VERSION. */ uint8_t type; /* One of the OFPT_ constants. */ uint16_t length; /* Length including this ofp_header. */ uint32_t xid; /* Transaction id associated with this packet. Replies use the same id as was in the request to facilitate pairing. */ };

    `OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_header) == 8);

/* OFPT_HELLO. This message has an empty body, but implementations must

  • ignore any data included in the body, to allow for future extensions. */
    struct ofp_hello {
    struct ofp_header header;
    struct ofp_stats_request { struct ofp_header header; uint16_t type; /* One of the OFPST_* constants. */ uint16_t flags; /* OFPSF_REQ_* flags (none yet defined). */ uint8_t body[0]; /* Body of the request. */ };
  • 3、Set Config
    /* Switch configuration. */ struct ofp_switch_config { struct ofp_header header; uint16_t flags; /* OFPC_* flags. */ uint16_t miss_send_len; /* Max bytes of new flow that datapath should send to the controller. */ };
  • 4、Port_Status
    /* A physical port has changed in the datapath */ struct ofp_port_status { struct ofp_header header; uint8_t reason; /* One of OFPPR_*. */ uint8_t pad[7]; /* Align to 64-bits. */ struct ofp_phy_port desc; };
    `struct ofp_stats_reply {
    struct ofp_header header;
    uint16_t type; /* One of the OFPST_* constants. /
    uint16_t flags; /
    OFPSF_REPLY_* flags. /
    uint8_t body[0]; /
    Body of the reply. */
    OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_stats_reply) == 12);

define DESC_STR_LEN 256

define SERIAL_NUM_LEN 32

/* Body of reply to OFPST_DESC request. Each entry is a NULL-terminated

  • ASCII string. /
    struct ofp_desc_stats {
    char mfr_desc[DESC_STR_LEN]; /
    Manufacturer description. /
    char hw_desc[DESC_STR_LEN]; /
    Hardware description. /
    char sw_desc[DESC_STR_LEN]; /
    Software description. /
    char serial_num[SERIAL_NUM_LEN]; /
    Serial number. /
    char dp_desc[DESC_STR_LEN]; /
    Human readable description of datapath. */
    OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_desc_stats) == 1056);

/* Body for ofp_stats_request of type OFPST_FLOW. /
struct ofp_flow_stats_request {
struct ofp_match match; /
Fields to match. /
uint8_t table_id; /
ID of table to read (from ofp_table_stats),
0xff for all tables or 0xfe for emergency. /
uint8_t pad; /
Align to 32 bits. /
uint16_t out_port; /
Require matching entries to include this
as an output port. A value of OFPP_NONE
indicates no restriction. */
OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_flow_stats_request) == 44);

  • 6、Packet_In
    `/* Why is this packet being sent to the controller? /
    enum ofp_packet_in_reason {
    No matching flow. /
    Action explicitly output to controller. */

/* Packet received on port (datapath -> controller). /
struct ofp_packet_in {
struct ofp_header header;
uint32_t buffer_id; /
ID assigned by datapath. /
uint16_t total_len; /
Full length of frame. /
uint16_t in_port; /
Port on which frame was received. /
uint8_t reason; /
Reason packet is being sent (one of OFPR_*) /
uint8_t pad;
uint8_t data[0]; /
Ethernet frame, halfway through 32-bit word,
so the IP header is 32-bit aligned. The
amount of data is inferred from the length
field in the header. Because of padding,
offsetof(struct ofp_packet_in, data) ==
sizeof(struct ofp_packet_in) - 2. */
OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_packet_in) == 20);

  • 7、Flow_Mod
    `/* Flow setup and teardown (controller -> datapath). /
    struct ofp_flow_mod {
    struct ofp_header header;
    struct ofp_match match; /
    Fields to match /
    uint64_t cookie; /
    Opaque controller-issued identifier. */

    /* Flow actions. /
    uint16_t command; /
    One of OFPFC_. /
    uint16_t idle_timeout; /
    Idle time before discarding (seconds). /
    uint16_t hard_timeout; /
    Max time before discarding (seconds). /
    uint16_t priority; /
    Priority level of flow entry. /
    uint32_t buffer_id; /
    Buffered packet to apply to (or -1).
    Not meaningful for OFPFC_DELETE
    . /
    uint16_t out_port; /
    For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, require
    matching entries to include this as an
    output port. A value of OFPP_NONE
    indicates no restriction. /
    uint16_t flags; /
    One of OFPFF_*. /
    struct ofp_action_header actions[0]; /
    The action length is inferred
    from the length field in the
    header. */
    OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_flow_mod) == 72);

  • (三)实验总结
    首先实验过程中要先启动wireshark之后在执行python文件,不然的话hello包一直出不来,我在这个地方卡了很久,问了群里的人才知道要先启动wireshark,然后要执行pingall命令,否则会导致一些包丢失,像flow mod 包就一直找不到,还是得问同学才能找到实验中细节的地方。在进行拓扑实验时要清除之前的拓扑结构,不然运行不了新构建的拓扑。跟着老师的实验报告还是能写出大部分的实验内容。

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hahabuhuina/p/16738469.html


  • 实验3:OpenFlow协议分析实践
  • 实验3:OpenFlow协议分析实践
  • # 实验3:OpenFlow协议分析实践
  • 实验3:OpenFlow协议分析实践
  • OpenFlow协议分析实践
  • 实验3:OpenFlow协议分析实践
  • 实验3:OpenFlow协议分析实践
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  • 实验3:OpenFlow协议分析实践
  • 实验3:OpenFlow协议分析实践