摩尔斯电码通过不同的排列顺序来表达不同的英文字母、数字和标点符号等。在今天,国际摩尔斯电码依然被使用着。比如,摩尔斯电码最广为人知的用法发送求救信号SOS,SOS信号的组合方式为:。再比如,假设我们通过摩尔斯电码发送“Arduino”,组合方式为:“.- .-. -.. ..- .. -. —”。
- 引脚D2连接到按钮1的一端,再通过电阻接地,按钮1另一端接5V。
- 引脚D7连接到按钮2的一端,再通过电阻接地,按钮2另一端接5V。
- 引脚D8通过电阻连接到LED正极,负极接地。
- 引脚D12通过电阻与蜂鸣器正极连接,负极接地。
文末是完整的代码,将其保存为MorseCode.ino,然后打开Arduino IDE “File->Open->MorseCode.ino”,上传到Arduino。上传完成后,打开串口监视器,你将看到如下的显示内容:
摩尔斯码译码器的操作顺序:首先通过点击按钮1和按钮2来写摩尔斯码;字母之间的空格,可在上面的输入框中填2,然后按回车键。单词之间的空格,在上面的输入框中填3,然后按回车键。所有输入完成后,在上面的输入框中填1,然后按回车键,将会翻译摩尔斯码的内容。翻译后的莫尔斯电码将显示在串口监视器的下面。例如:我们来写“.- .-. -.. ..- .. -. —”,翻译后将显示为“ARDUINO”。
/* This Program is for demonstration of MORSE CODE Communication which was use to send information secretly using codes of combinations dots . and dashes - Thanks to open source community */ #define SIZE 26 const int ledPin = 8; const int speakerPin = 12; const int dotButton = 2; const int dashButton = 7; String morseCode = ""; String text = ""; int characterAscii = 0; int startPos = 0, endPos = 0; int startPos1 = 0, endPos1 = 0; String characterCode = ""; int dashButtonState = 0; int dotButtonState = 0; //Array of MorseCode for letters of English Language A to Z String letters[SIZE] = { // A to I ".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".", "..-.", "--.", "....", "..", // J to R ".---", "-.-", ".-..", "--", "-.", "---", ".--.", "--.-", ".-.", // S to Z "...", "-", "..-", "...-", ".--", "-..-", "-.--", "--.." }; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: //Getting things Ready pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(dotButton, INPUT); pinMode(dashButton, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("*************************************************************"); Serial.println(" Demonstration of Morse Code "); Serial.println("************************************************************* "); Serial.println("\nInstructions"); Serial.println("1. First Write Your Morse code"); Serial.println("2. When you are done Write 1 on above input box and Press Enter or click Send Button "); Serial.println("3. For Space between letters write 2 and Press Enter "); Serial.println("4. For Space between words write 3 and Press Enter "); Serial.println("5. Thats all Translation of Morse Code will then be Shown "); Serial.println("\n\nEnter Your Morse Code Here "); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: while (Serial.available() > 0) { int ascii = Serial.read(); switch (ascii) { case 49: // 49 is Ascii value of 1 Serial.print("\n"); morseCode.concat('#'); // Placeing # at the end of morseCode to simplify further processing Serial.print("\nYour Morse code Translation : "); endPos1 = morseCode.indexOf('#'); while (endPos1 < morseCode.length()) { extractLetters(morseCode.substring(startPos1, endPos1)); // This function would extract Letter as name suggest and would convert code to text SIMPLE! startPos1 = endPos1 + 1; if (startPos1 == morseCode.length()) { break; } endPos1 = morseCode.indexOf('#', startPos1); } startPos1 = 0; endPos1 = 0; text = ""; // For New Translation morseCode = ""; Serial.println("\n\nEnter Your Morse Code Here "); break; case 50: // 50 is Ascii value of 2 morseCode.concat("@"); Serial.print("@"); delay(200); break; case 51: // 51 is Ascii value of 3 morseCode.concat("#"); Serial.print("#"); delay(200); break; } } process(); } void turnONLedSpeaker(int du) { //Turn ON LED digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); tone(speakerPin, 4699, du); // tone(speakerPin, frequency, duration in milliSec) } void process() { dotButtonState = digitalRead(dotButton); dashButtonState = digitalRead(dashButton); if (dashButtonState == HIGH) { turnONLedSpeaker(400); morseCode.concat("-"); // Storing code in variable morseCode with the help of concatenation function Serial.print("-"); //Prints User entered Code delay(200); } else if (dotButtonState == HIGH) { turnONLedSpeaker(300); morseCode.concat("."); Serial.print("."); delay(200); } else { //Turn OFF LED digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); } } char convertIntoText(String characterCode) { characterAscii = 65; for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++) { if (characterCode == letters[index]) { return characterAscii; } characterAscii++; } } void extractLetters(String words) { words.concat('@'); // Placeing @ at the end of word to simplify further processing endPos = words.indexOf('@'); //Loop to extracting single character morse Code from string of word while (endPos < words.length()) { characterCode = words.substring(startPos, endPos); //Now CharacterCode will now convert in text text.concat(convertIntoText(characterCode)); startPos = endPos + 1; characterCode = ""; // if condition is just to terminate loop when our extracting single character code is complete thats all if (startPos == words.length()) { break; } endPos = words.indexOf('@', startPos); } Serial.print(text); Serial.print(" "); startPos = 0; endPos = 0; text = ""; }
标签:morseCode,Arduino,int,摩尔,收发器,println,Serial,电码 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/flyingsir/p/17532761.html