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10 个 jQuery 动态效果

时间:2023-07-04 20:32:31浏览次数:56  
标签:jQuery 10 http menu 动态效果 Demo Download com

Whatever content you have to present, you can present them in a more interactive & more responsive ways. In this article we’d like to present 10 Brilliant techniques using some jQuery magic to grab the attention of your users with a simple, rich user experience that gets them excited about your website.

1. Fluid Navigation – How to create an informative menu-bar with jQuery & CSS

Learn how to create a menu that appears like a standard menu bar in it’s default state, but which on rollover pulls down an information area that covers both the original menubar item and has an expanded section containing the text we want to display.


摘自 http://addyosmani.com/blog/fluid-navigation-how-to-create-an-informative-menu-bar-with-jquery-in-just-a-few-minutes/

Demo: http://addyosmani.com/resources/fluid-menu/fluid-menu.html

Download: http://addyosmani.com/resources/fluid-menu/fluid-menu.zip

2. Move Elements with Style

Roundabout is a jQuery plugin that converts a structure of static HTML elements into a highly customizable turntable-like interactive area. In its simplest configuration, Roundabout works with ordered- and unordered-lists, however after some quick configuration, Roundabout can work with an set of nested elements.




Demo: http://fredhq.com/projects/roundabout/#demo

Download: http://fredhq.com/projects/roundabout/#demo

3. Automatic Image Slider w/ CSS & jQuery

A simple image slider using HTML/CSS/Javascript. The html based image slider will have its benefits with SEO and will also degrade gracefully for those w/out js.




Demo: http://www.sohtanaka.com/web-design/examples/image-slider/

Download: http://www.sohtanaka.com/web-design/automatic-image-slider-w-css-jquery/

4. jQuery Quicksand Plugin

With Quicksand you can reorder and filter items with a nice shuffling animation. At the very basic level, Quicksand replaces one collection of items with another. All you need to do is provide those two sets of items. You can do it in a couple of ways:

  • 1. Use plain HTML, like an unordered list.
  • 2. Download data by an Ajax call
  • 3. Transform HTML items by JavaScript (for example, sort them differently)



Demo: http://razorjack.net/quicksand/demos/one-set-clone.html

Download: http://razorjack.net/quicksand/

5. jQuery Magic Line Sliding Style Navigation

The idea is to have a highlight of some kind (a background or an underline) follow you around as you mouse over the different links in the navigation. This will happen with jQuery and it’s animation abilities. As such, the “magic line” will only be appended via JavaScript. Once added to the list and styled, as you mouse over the different links, it figures out the left positioning and the width and animates to match.



Demo: http://css-tricks.com/examples/MagicLine/

Download: http://css-tricks.com/jquery-magicline-navigation/

6. Text with Moving Backgrounds

The idea is to create a container which has a moving background, but only a set of letters will be visible of the background. It will be as if there are holes in your container.

Normally you would create a PNG file containing anti-aliased letters and place it inside some container on top of a background. Here what you need to do is place a full image over a background, covering parts that shouldn’t be seen. Just like a mask!



Demo: http://www.gayadesign.com/scripts/textmovingbg/

Download: http://www.gayadesign.com/diy/text-with-moving-backgrounds-with-jquery/

7. jDiv: A jQuery navigation menu alternative

A drop-down menu that displayed any content you need. Specifically a combination of images and lists, without being limited to only an unordered list. The advantages:

  • More flexibility in design that your usual UL style;
  • The use of the H4 tag and a UL for the hidden content adds some potential SEO but be sure that your header tag choice is in keeping with your copy’s layout;
  • As long as your first-level nav item is linked to a page, you still retain accessibility with JS disabled.


Demo: http://www.skyrocketlabs.com/categories/tutorials/jdiv/demo/index.html

Download: http://www.skyrocketlabs.com/articles/jdiv-a-jquery-navigation-menu-alternative.php

8. Halftone Navigation Menu With jQuery & CSS3

A CSS3 & jQuery halftone-style navigation menu, which will allow you to display animated halftone-style shapes in accordance with the navigation links, and will provide a simple editor for creating additional shapes as well.



Demo: http://demo.tutorialzine.com/2010/01/halftone-navigation-menu-jquery-css/demo.html#

Download: http://tutorialzine.com/2010/01/halftone-navigation-menu-jquery-css/

9. Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery

Highly visual websites rely on the ability to showcase imagery automatically. Whether it be a professional photographer or zoo, slideshows pop up so frequently because they work well. In this tutorial we’ll have a slideshow that transitions by changing the visible window.



Demo: http://s3.amazonaws.com/buildinternet/live-tutorials/panning-slideshow/panning-slideshow.htm

Download: http://buildinternet.com/2010/02/animate-panning-slideshow-with-jquery/

10. SlideDeck

SlideDeck is a new way to display content on websites, mobile phones and kiosks. It delivers a better user experience by removing the information overload and providing a fun, quick and beautiful way to interact with digital devices.


Demo: http://www.slidedeck.com/

Download: http://www.slidedeck.com/

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_8895844/6625132


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