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Buyer's Call

时间:2023-07-02 13:32:58浏览次数:60  
标签:barrels oil ten price future Call Buyer call



Definition of 'Buyer's Call'
An agreement between a buyer and seller whereby a commodity purchase occurs at a specific price above a futures contract for an identical grade and quantity.

Also known as a call sale, this agreement gives the buyer the option to fix the price of the commodity by either purchasing a future from the seller or indicating to the seller a time in which the price of the transaction will be set. A buyer's call is used instead of buying the commodity on the spot market because of the possibility that its price will depreciate.  Investopedia explains 'Buyer's Call'
Suppose, for example, I was in need of ten barrels of sweet crude today. I could purchase these barrels on the spot market for $50/barrel or enter into a buyer's call with an oil company that presently has the ten barrels but doesn't require them for another six months. By entering into the call, I would either offer to buy a six-month future contract for the oil company in exchange for the barrels of oil or offer to buy ten barrels of oil some point in the future at a fixed market price. The oil company is able to make a profit from my purchase while still obtaining their required amount of oil six months in the future. And I benefit from obtaining the oil today

Investopedia explains 'Buyer's Call'
Suppose, for example, I was in need of ten barrels of sweet crude today. I could purchase these barrels on the spot market for $50/barrel or enter into a buyer's call with an oil company that presently has the ten barrels but doesn't require them for another six months. By entering into the call, I would either offer to buy a six-month future contract for the oil company in exchange for the barrels of oil or offer to buy ten barrels of oil some point in the future at a fixed market price. The oil company is able to make a profit from my purchase while still obtaining their required amount of oil six months in the future. And I benefit from obtaining the oil today


Definition of 'Call'
1. The period of time between the opening and closing of some future markets wherein the prices are established through an auction process.

2. An option contract giving the owner the right (but not the obligation) to buy a specified amount of an underlying security at a specified price within a specified time.


Investopedia explains 'Call'
1. In some exchanges, the call period is an important time in which to match and execute a large number of orders before opening and closing.

2. A call becomes more valuable as the price of the underlying asset (stock) appreciates.



From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16174476/6604527


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