(2) 再开始书写主类,首先对输入进行构架。由题意可知每一次输出都由“end”才截至。故须采用while循环,当输入语句不是“end“时循环读取一行数据。
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Scanner; import java.text.ParseException; public class Main { //判断日期的数值是否正确的方法 public static boolean ifDate(String s1,String s2) { boolean flag=true; //首先拆分,其次对值 String[] str1 = s1.split("/"); String[] str2 = s2.split("/"); int year = Integer.parseInt(str1[0]); int month = Integer.parseInt(str1[1]); int day = Integer.parseInt(str1[2]); int hour = Integer.parseInt(str2[0]); int mintue = Integer.parseInt(str1[1]); int second = Integer.parseInt(str1[2]); if(hour<0||hour>60||mintue<0||mintue>60||second<0||second>60||month<0||month>12) { return false; } //判断闰年 int a1=0; if((year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||(year%400==0)){ a1=1; } //判断大小月 if(month==1||month==3||month==5||month==7||month==8||month==10||month==12){ if(day<0||day>31){ flag=false; } if(month==2){ if(a1==0&&(day<0||day>28)){ flag=false; }else if(a1==1&&(day<0||day>29)){ flag=false; } }else if(month==4||month==6||month==9||month==11){ if(day<0||day>30){ flag=false; } } } return flag; } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String s = input.next(); //菜单只有一份 caidan m = new caidan(); //设置控制数量变化 int num=0; //桌号最多有55桌 Table[] a = new Table[55]; //订单最多有55份 Order[] dingdan = new Order[55]; //标记的作用:(1)因为出了桌子就没有菜单了,所以标记一下:只要出了桌子再出现菜单的语句时就非法输入 //(2)用Flag可以区分二次输入,及裁剪出菜单中的菜是否为特色菜 int Flag=0; //标记由于(1)桌号输入错误(2)由于日期的位数输出错误而导致输出wrong format且跳出循环的情况 int Flagyi=1; //标记由于日期的数据输入错误而导致的输出 int Flager=1; while(!s.equals("end")&&Flagyi==1&&Flager==1) { if (s.charAt(0)!='t'&&(s.charAt(0)<'1'||s.charAt(0)>'9')) { if(Flag==0) { String q = input.nextLine(); //通过字符串去查输入的菜是否为特色菜 boolean biaoji = q.contains("T"); //通过字符串查点判断输入是否是浮点数 boolean status = q.contains("."); if(status) { System.out.println("wrong format"); }else { //把q字符串拆开取前一部分计价 String[] str1 = q.split(" "); //System.out.println(str1[1]); int n=Integer.parseInt(str1[1]); if(biaoji) { m.addDish(s,n,1); }else { m.addDish(s,n); } } }else { String qita = input.nextLine(); System.out.println("invalid dish"); } } //只要开了一张桌子就要与此同时开一张订单 if(s.charAt(0)=='t') { Flag=1; String zhuohao = input.next(); if(zhuohao.charAt(0)-'0'>=1&&zhuohao.charAt(0)-'0'<=9) { int n1 = Integer.parseInt(zhuohao); //判断日期格式是否正确 String s1 = input.next(); String s2 = input.next(); String[] str1 = s1.split("/"); String[] str2 = s2.split("/"); //第一个要求数据的格式要正确 if(str1[0].length()==4&&str1[1].length()<=2&&str1[2].length()<=2&&str2[0].length()<=2&&str2[1].length()<=2&&str2[2].length()<=2) { //第二个要求数据的数值要合法 boolean DateTrue=ifDate(s1,s2); if(DateTrue) { num++; a[num] = new Table(n1,s1,s2); dingdan[num] = new Order(); if(a[num].InTime()) { System.out.println("table "+a[num].getNumber()+": "); }else { System.out.println("not a valid time period"); } }else { Flager=0; System.out.println("table "+n1+": "+" date error"); } }else { Flagyi=0; } }else { //本行读入的第二个数据有两种情况 //(1)table a 2023/3/15 12/00/00*****第二次输入后会产生一个空格 //(2)tab le 2 2023/3/15 12/00/00*****第二次输入后一起读会产生两个空格 //读入后面的非法无效数据 String feifa = input.nextLine(); String[] str3 = feifa.split(" "); if(str3.length==3) { Flagyi=0; }else { //"table"格式非法->输出wrong format,但后面的记录上一桌 System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } //***//订单里面有输出 if((s.charAt(0)-'0')>=1&&(s.charAt(0)-'0')<=9&&Flagyi==1&&Flager==1) { Dish a1 = new Dish(); int n2 = Integer.parseInt(s); String s2 = input.next(); if(!s2.equals("delete")) { a1 = m.searthDish(s2); int n3 = input.nextInt(); int n4 = input.nextInt(); if(a1!=null) { dingdan[num].addARecord(n2, a1, n3, n4); } }else { dingdan[num].delARecordByOrderNum(n2); } } s = input.next(); } //总的输出 if(Flagyi==1&&Flager==1) { for(int i=1;i<=num;i++) { System.out.println("table "+a[i].getNumber()+": "+(int)dingdan[i].getTotalPrice()+" "+(int)dingdan[i].getTotalPrice(a[i].ifOpen())); } }else { if(Flager==1) { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } input.close(); } } //每条菜品记录包含:菜名、基础价格 两个信息。 class Dish { private String name; private double unit_price; private int tese=0; public Dish(String name, double unit_price, int tese) { super(); this.name = name; this.unit_price = unit_price; this.tese = tese; } public Dish(String name, double unit_price) { super(); this.name = name; this.unit_price = unit_price; } public Dish() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public String getName() { return name; } public double getprice() { return unit_price; } public int getTese() { return tese; } //判断单份菜价是否合理 public boolean Inprice() { boolean flag=false; if(this.unit_price<=300&&this.unit_price>=0) { flag=true; } return flag; } //计算单道菜的价格(加上份额) public double getPrice(int portion) { double sum=0; double[] a = new double[3]; a[0]=1; a[1]=1.5; a[2]=2; sum=this.getprice()*a[portion-1]; return Math.round(sum); } } //菜单由一条或多条菜品记录组成,每条记录一行 class caidan { private Dish[] dishs = new Dish[100];//菜品数组,保存所有菜品信息 public Dish[] getDishs() { return dishs; } public void setDishs(Dish[] dishs) { this.dishs = dishs; } private static int cent=0; //根据菜名在菜谱中查找菜品信息,返回Dish对象。 public Dish searthDish(String dishName){ int flag=-1; for(int i=0;i<cent;i++) { if(dishs[i].getName().compareTo(dishName)==0) { flag=i; break; } } if(flag!=-1) { return dishs[flag]; }else { System.out.println(dishName+" does not exist"); return null; } } //特色菜的菜品添加方法 public void addDish(String dishName,double unit_price,int tese){ dishs[cent]=new Dish(dishName,unit_price,tese); cent++; } //非特色菜的菜品添加方法 public void addDish(String dishName,double unit_price){ dishs[cent]=new Dish(dishName,unit_price); cent++; } public void ShowCaidan() { for(int i=0;i<cent;i++) { System.out.println(dishs[i].getName()+" "+dishs[i].getprice()); } } } //订单分:桌号标识、点菜记录和删除信息、代点菜信息。每一类信息都可包含一条或多条记录,每条记录一行或多行。 class Order { private Record[] records = new Record[100];//保存订单上每一道的记录 private static int cent1 = 0; public static int getCent1() { return cent1; } //计算打折前的总价格 public double getTotalPrice(){ double sum = 0; for(int i=0;i<cent1;i++) { if(records[i].flag==1) { sum+=records[i].getPrice(); } } return Math.round(sum); } //计算打折后的总价格(由时间段产生的折扣和特色菜产生的折扣) //菜价的计算方法: //周一至周五 7折, 周末全价。 //所以传参要传它是周几 public double getTotalPrice(double flag){ double sum = 0; if(flag!=-1) { for(int i=0;i<cent1;i++) { if(records[i].flag==1) { if(flag==0.8||flag==0.6) {//周一到周五 if(records[i].getD().getTese()==1) {//特色菜情况 sum+=records[i].getPrice()*0.7; }else {//非特色菜情况 sum+=records[i].getPrice()*flag; } }else if(flag==1) {//周末 sum+=records[i].getPrice(); } } } } return Math.round(sum); } public void addARecord(int orderNum,Dish d,int portion,int fenshu){//添加一条菜品信息到订单中 //订单顺序的序号必须按照从小到大输入 if(cent1==0) { records[cent1]=new Record(orderNum,d,portion,fenshu); records[cent1].showTheResultOfRecord(); cent1++; }else if(cent1!=0&&records[cent1-1].getOrderNum()<orderNum) { records[cent1]=new Record(orderNum,d,portion,fenshu); records[cent1].showTheResultOfRecord(); cent1++; }else { System.out.println("record serial number sequence error"); } } //根据序号删除一条记录 //还需产生记录重复删除的数组,通过比对数字中的数据确定是否为重复删除 private int[] chachong = new int[55]; public void delARecordByOrderNum(int orderNum){ //首先判断是否为重复删除 int flag=0; int j; for(j=0;this.chachong[j]!=0;j++) { if(this.chachong[j]==orderNum) { flag=1;//找到说明已经删除过 break; } } if(flag==1) { System.out.println("deduplication "+orderNum); }else { this.chachong[j]=orderNum; //其次在所有记录中寻找该条记录 if(this.findRecordByNum(orderNum)) { records[orderNum-1].flag=0; }else { System.out.println("delete error"); } } } public boolean findRecordByNum(int orderNum){//根据序号查找一条记录 boolean flag=false; for(int i=0;i<cent1;i++) { if(records[i].getOrderNum()==orderNum) { flag=true; break; } } return flag; } } //桌号标识独占一行,包含两个信息:桌号、时间。 //桌号以下的所有记录都是本桌的记录,直至下一个桌号标识。 class Table { private int number; private String time1; private String time2; //带参构造器 public Table(int number, String time1, String time2) { super(); this.number = number; this.time1 = time1; this.time2 = time2; } public int getNumber() { return number; } //最先判断时间的有效性 public boolean InTime() { boolean a=false; String[] str1 = time1.split("/"); int year = Integer.parseInt(str1[0]); //System.out.println(year); if(year>=2022&&year<=2023) { a=true; } return true; } //返回周几 public int dateToWeek() { SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); int[] weekDays = {7,1,2,3,4,5,6}; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date date; try { date = f.parse(this.time1); cal.setTime(date); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // 一周的第几天 int w = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1; if (w < 0) w = 0; return weekDays[w]; } //返回小时 public int dateToHour() { SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("HHHH/mm/ss"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date date; try { date = f.parse(this.time2); cal.setTime(date); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //24时中的第几个小时 int w = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); return w; } //返回分钟 public int dateToMINTUE() { SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("HHHH/mm/ss"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date date; try { date = f.parse(this.time2); cal.setTime(date); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //第几分钟 int w = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); return w; } /*折扣的计算方法(注:以下时间段均按闭区间计算): 周一至周五营业时间与折扣:晚上(17:00-20:30)8折,周一至周五中午(10:30--14:30)6折,其余时间不营业。 周末全价,营业时间:9:30-21:30 如果下单时间不在营业范围内,输出"table " + t.tableNum + " out of opening hours"*/ //首先能营业则返回等于0的数,不能营业则返回折扣数 public double ifOpen() { double flag=-1; if(this.dateToWeek()>=1&&this.dateToWeek()<=5) { if((this.dateToHour()>=17&&this.dateToHour()<20)||(this.dateToHour()==20&&this.dateToMINTUE()<=30)) { flag=0.8; }else if(this.dateToHour()>=10&&this.dateToHour()<=14) { if((this.dateToHour()==10&&this.dateToMINTUE()<30)||(this.dateToHour()==14&&this.dateToMINTUE()>30)) { flag=-1; }else { flag=0.6; } } }else { if(this.dateToHour()>=9&&this.dateToHour()<=21) { if((this.dateToHour()==9&&this.dateToMINTUE()<30)||(this.dateToHour()==21&&this.dateToMINTUE()>30)) { flag=-1; }else { flag=1; } } } if(flag==-1) { System.out.println("table "+this.number+" out of opening hours"); } return flag; } //判断桌号是否合法 public boolean Intable() { boolean flag=false; if(this.number>=1&&this.number<=55) { flag=true; } return flag; } } //点菜记录包含:序号、菜名、份额、份数。份额可选项包括:1、2、3,分别代表小、中、大份。 class Record { private int orderNum;//序号 private Dish d;//菜名 private int portion;//份额 private int fenshu;//份数 public int flag=1;//用于标记记录是否被删除 public Record(int orderNum, Dish d, int portion, int fenshu) { super(); this.orderNum = orderNum; this.d = d; this.portion = portion; this.fenshu = fenshu; } public int getOrderNum() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.orderNum; } public Dish getD() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.d; } public int getPortion() { return this.portion; } public int getFenshu() { return this.fenshu; } public int getPrice(){//计价,计算本条记录的价格 int sum=0; sum+=this.d.getPrice(this.portion)*this.fenshu; return sum; } public void setOrderNum(int orderNum) { this.orderNum = orderNum; } public void setD(Dish d) { this.d = d; } public void setPortion(int portion) { this.portion = portion; } public void setFenshu(int fenshu) { this.fenshu = fenshu; } //判断份额是否超标 public boolean Inportion() { boolean flag=false; if(this.portion>=1&&this.portion<=3) { flag=true; } return flag; } //份数是否超标 public boolean Infenshu() { boolean flag=false; if(this.fenshu<=15) { flag=true; } return flag; } //实现对一条记录的判出 public void showTheResultOfRecord() { if(this.Inportion()&&this.Infenshu()) { System.out.println(this.getOrderNum()+" "+this.getD().getName()+" "+this.getPrice()); }else if(!this.Inportion()){ this.flag=0; System.out.println(this.getOrderNum()+" portion out of range "+this.getPortion()); }else if(!this.Infenshu()) { this.flag=0; System.out.println(this.getOrderNum()+" num out of range "+this.getFenshu()); } } }
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); ArrayList<Shape> list = new ArrayList<>(); int choice = input.nextInt(); while (choice != 0) { switch (choice) { case 1:// Circle double radiums = input.nextDouble(); Shape circle = new Circle(radiums); list.add(circle); break; case 2:// Rectangle double x1 = input.nextDouble(); double y1 = input.nextDouble(); double x2 = input.nextDouble(); double y2 = input.nextDouble(); Point leftTopPoint = new Point(x1, y1); Point lowerRightPoint = new Point(x2, y2); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(leftTopPoint, lowerRightPoint); list.add(rectangle); break; } choice = input.nextInt(); } list.sort(Comparator.naturalOrder());// 正向排序 for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { System.out.print(String.format("%.2f", list.get(i).getArea()) + " "); } } static void printArea(Shape shape) { double f = shape.getArea(); if (shape instanceof Circle) { if (f <= 0) System.out.print("Wrong Format"); else { String tmp = String.format("%.2f", f); System.out.print(tmp); } } else { String tmp = String.format("%.2f", f); System.out.print(tmp); } } } class Point { Point(double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public double getX() { return x; } public void setX(double x) { this.x = x; } public double getY() { return y; } public void setY(double y) { this.y = y; } double x, y; } class Shape implements Comparable<Shape> { public Shape() { } public double getArea() { return 0; } public int compareTo(Shape shape) { double s1, s2; s1 = getArea(); s2 = shape.getArea(); if (s1 > s2) return 1; else if (s1 < s2) return -1; return 0; } } class Circle extends Shape { double radius; Circle(double r) { radius = r; } public double getArea() { return (double) (Math.PI * radius * radius); } } class Rectangle extends Shape { public Rectangle(Point topLeftPoint, Point lowerRightPoint) { super(); this.topLeftPoint = topLeftPoint; this.lowerRightPoint = lowerRightPoint; } public Point getTopLeftPoint() { return topLeftPoint; } public void setTopLeftPoint(Point topLeftPoint) { this.topLeftPoint = topLeftPoint; } public Point getLowerRightPoint() { return lowerRightPoint; } public void setLowerRightPoint(Point lowerRightPoint) { this.lowerRightPoint = lowerRightPoint; } Point topLeftPoint; Point lowerRightPoint; double getLength() { return Math.abs(topLeftPoint.x - lowerRightPoint.x); } double getHeight() { return Math.abs(topLeftPoint.y - lowerRightPoint.y); } public double getArea() { return getLength() * getHeight(); } }
import java.util.Scanner; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Menu m = new Menu(); Order[] order = new Order[55]; int cent1 = 0;//用于记录桌数 Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String s = input.nextLine(); while(!s.equals("end")) { //用一句话读入,再用slip分割 //先建立菜单,再建立table,再建立订单,期间均用第一个字符进行区别 //菜单 if(s.charAt(0)!='t'&&(s.charAt(0)<'1'||s.charAt(0)>'9')) { //将一句话的各个成分拆开,从而以各种形式建立dish String[] str1 = s.split(" "); if(str1.length==2) { int price1 = Integer.parseInt(str1[1]); m.addDish(str1[0],price1); }else if(str1.length==4) { int price2 = Integer.parseInt(str1[2]); int tese = 0; if(str1[3].equals("T")) { tese = 1; } m.addDish(str1[0],str1[1],price2,tese); }else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } if(s.charAt(0)=='t') { String[] str2 = s.split(" "); //判断用户信息是否合法 if(str2[3].length()<10&&str2[4].length()==11) { int tableNumber = Integer.parseInt(str2[1]); order[cent1] = new Order(tableNumber,str2[3],str2[4],str2[5],str2[6]); cent1++; }else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } if((s.charAt(0)-'0')>=1&&(s.charAt(0)-'0')<=9&¢1-1>=0&&order[cent1-1]!=null) { String[] str3 = s.split(" "); if(str3.length==4) { //数据整数话,名字找dish int recordNumber = Integer.parseInt(str3[0]); int portion = Integer.parseInt(str3[2]); int fenshu = Integer.parseInt(str3[3]); Dish a = m.searthDish(str3[1]); if(a!=null) { order[cent1-1].addARecord(recordNumber,a,portion,fenshu); } }else if(str3.length==5){ int recordNumber = Integer.parseInt(str3[0]); int degree = Integer.parseInt(str3[2]); int portion = Integer.parseInt(str3[3]); int fenshu = Integer.parseInt(str3[4]); Dish a = m.searthDish(str3[1]); if(a!=null) { order[cent1-1].addARecord(recordNumber,a,degree,portion,fenshu); } } } s = input.nextLine(); } //输出每个用户的订单 for(int i=0;i<cent1;i++) { if(order[i].ifOpen()!=0) { order[i].showOrder(m); }else { //table 1 out of opening hours System.out.println("table "+order[i].getOrderNum()+" out of opening hours"); } } //输出每桌价格以及口味 for(int i=0;i<cent1;i++) { if(order[i].ifOpen()!=0) { order[i].totalTaste(); order[i].showTaste(); } } //按拼音输出用户信息 //从小到大输出 for(int i=0;i<cent1;i++) { int flag=i; for(int j=i+1;j<cent1;j++) { if(order[flag].getName().charAt(0)>order[j].getName().charAt(0)) { flag=j; } } Order temp = order[i]; order[i] = order[flag]; order[flag] = temp; } for(int i=0;i<cent1;i++) { for(int j=i+1;j<cent1;j++) { if(order[i]!=null&&order[j]!=null) { if(order[i].getName().equals(order[j].getName())) { int n = order[i].getPrice(); n+=order[j].getPrice(); order[i].setPrice(n); order[j]=null; } } } } for(int i=0;i<cent1;i++) { if(order[i]!=null) { if(order[i].ifOpen()!=0) { System.out.println(order[i].getName()+" "+order[i].getPhnoeNumber()+" "+order[i].getPrice()); } } } } } class Dish { private String name; private String taste; private double unit_price; private int tese=0; public String getName() { return name; } public String getTaste() { return taste; } public int getTese() { return tese; } //建立一道菜有两种形式 //其一:油淋生菜 9 //其二:东坡肉 浙菜 25 T Dish(String name,double unit_price) { this.name=name; this.unit_price=unit_price; } Dish(String name,String taste,double unit_price,int tese) { this.name=name; this.taste=taste; this.unit_price=unit_price; this.tese=tese; } public int getPrice(int portion) { double []a = new double [3]; a[0]=1; a[1]=1.5; a[2]=2; double sum=0; sum+=this.unit_price*a[portion-1]; double price = Math.round(sum); return (int)price; } } class Menu { private Dish[] dishs = new Dish[100];//菜品数组,保存所有菜品信息 private static int cent=0; //特色菜的菜品添加方法 public void addDish(String name,double unit_price){ dishs[cent]=new Dish(name,unit_price); cent++; } //非特色菜的菜品添加方法 public void addDish(String name,String taste,double unit_price,int tese){ dishs[cent]=new Dish(name,taste,unit_price,tese); cent++; } //根据菜名在菜谱中查找菜品信息,返回Dish对象 public Dish searthDish(String dishName) { int flag=-1; for(int i=0;i<cent;i++) { if(dishs[i].getName().compareTo(dishName)==0) { flag=i; break; } } if(flag!=-1) { return dishs[flag]; }else { System.out.println(dishName+" does not exist"); return null; } } } class Record { private int num; private Dish dish; private int degree; private int portion; private int fen; public int getNum() { return num; } public Dish getDish() { return dish; } public int getDegree() { return degree; } public int getFen() { return fen; } //有两种建立订单的方式 //其一:2 油淋生菜 2 1 //其二:3 麻婆豆腐 2 3 2 Record(int num,Dish dish,int portion,int fen){ this.num=num; this.dish=dish; this.portion=portion; this.fen=fen; } Record(int num,Dish dish,int degree,int portion,int fen){ this.num=num; this.dish=dish; this.degree=degree; this.portion=portion; this.fen=fen; } //计价,计算本条记录的价格 public double getPrice() { double sum=0; if(this.ifTaste().equals("no")) { sum+=Math.round(this.dish.getPrice(this.portion))*this.fen; } return sum; } //该条订单的口味度判断 public String ifTaste() { String flag="no"; if(this.dish.getTese()==1) { if(this.dish.getTaste().equals("川菜")&&this.degree>5) { flag="spicy"; }else if(this.dish.getTaste().equals("晋菜")&&this.degree>4) { flag="acidity"; }else if(this.dish.getTaste().equals("浙菜")&&this.degree>3) { flag="sweetness"; } } return flag; } } class Order { private int price; public int getPrice() { return price; } public void setPrice(int price) { this.price = price; } //订单对应用户信息 private int orderNum; private String name; private String phnoeNumber; private String time1; private String time2; public String getName() { return name; } public int getOrderNum() { return orderNum; } //各种口味菜的份数 private int chuancai; private int jincai; private int zhecai; //各种口味菜的平均酸甜辣度 private String chuancaiDegree ; private String jincaiDegree; private String zhecaiDegree; //每个用户信息都对应一组点菜记录 private Record[] records = new Record[100]; private int cent=0; Order(int n,String s1,String s2,String time1,String time2){ this.orderNum=n; this.name=s1; this.phnoeNumber=s2; this.time1=time1; this.time2=time2; } public String getPhnoeNumber() { return phnoeNumber; } public void addARecord(int orderNum,Dish dish,int portion,int num) { records[cent] = new Record(orderNum,dish,portion,num); cent++; } public void addARecord(int num,Dish dish,int degree,int portion,int fen) { records[cent] = new Record(num,dish,degree,portion,fen); cent++; } //计算各种菜系的份数以及每种菜系的平均酸辣甜度 public void totalTaste() { int sum1=0;//川菜口味度总和 int sum2=0;//晋菜口味度总和 int sum3=0;//浙菜口味度总和 int n1;//川菜平均口味度 int n2;//晋菜平均口味度 int n3;//浙菜平均口味度 for(int i=0;i<cent;i++) { String s = this.records[i].getDish().getTaste(); if(s!=null&&this.records[i].ifTaste().equals("no")) { if(s.equals("川菜")) { sum1+=this.records[i].getDegree()*this.records[i].getFen(); this.chuancai+=records[i].getFen(); }else if(s.equals("晋菜")) { sum2+=this.records[i].getDegree()*this.records[i].getFen(); this.jincai+=this.records[i].getFen(); }else if(s.equals("浙菜")) { sum3+=this.records[i].getDegree()*this.records[i].getFen(); this.zhecai+=this.records[i].getFen(); } } } String[] chuancai = {"不辣","微辣","稍辣","辣","很辣","爆辣"}; String[] jincai = {"不酸","微酸","稍酸","酸","很酸"}; String[] zhecai = {"不甜","微甜","稍甜","甜"}; if(this.chuancai!=0) { n1=Math.round(sum1/this.chuancai); this.chuancaiDegree=chuancai[n1]; } if(this.jincai!=0) { n2=Math.round(sum2/this.jincai); this.jincaiDegree=jincai[n2]; } if(this.zhecai!=0) { n3=Math.round(sum3/this.zhecai); this.zhecaiDegree=zhecai[n3]; } } //返回周几 public int dateToWeek() { SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); int[] weekDays = {7,1,2,3,4,5,6}; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date date; try { date = f.parse(this.time1); cal.setTime(date); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // 一周的第几天 int w = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1; if (w < 0) w = 0; return weekDays[w]; } //先判断具体时间,根据时间确定是否营业以及营业的具体时间用于计算折扣 public double ifOpen() { double flag = 0; String[] s1 = this.time1.split("/"); String[] s2 = this.time2.split("/"); int hour = Integer.parseInt(s2[0]); int mintue = Integer.parseInt(s2[1]); if(this.dateToWeek()>=1&&this.dateToWeek()<=5) { if((hour>=17&&hour<20)||(hour==20&&mintue<=30)) { flag=0.8; }else if((hour>10&&hour<14)||(hour==10&&mintue>=30)||(hour==14&&mintue<=30)) { flag=0.6; } }else { if((hour>9&&hour<21)||(hour==9&&mintue>=30)||(hour==21&&mintue<=30)) { flag=1; } } return flag; } //计算订单的总价 public int[] getTotalPrice(){ //首先计算每桌菜的总价,再用总价乘以折扣 double price1=0; double price2=0; double price3=0; int[] sum = new int[2]; sum[0]=0; sum[1]=0; //计算打折前的总价格(小数) for(int i=0;i<cent;i++) { price1+=this.records[i].getPrice(); } //折扣计算:每条记录菜品在乘以份额后的价格后四舍五入,再乘以折扣后在四舍五入 //再把所有条记录加和取整 for(int i=0;i<cent;i++) { //非特色菜 if(this.records[i].getDish().getTese()==0) { price2+=Math.round(records[i].getPrice()*this.ifOpen()); }else {//特色菜 if(this.dateToWeek()>=1&&this.dateToWeek()<=5) { price3+=Math.round(records[i].getPrice()*0.7); }else { price3+=Math.round(records[i].getPrice()*1); } } } sum[0]=(int)price1;//折扣前的总价格 sum[1]=(int)price2+(int)price3;//折扣后的总价格 this.price=sum[1]; return sum; } //每桌订单的输出 public void showOrder(Menu menu) { System.out.println("table "+orderNum+": "); for(int i=0;i<cent;i++) { if(this.records[i].ifTaste().equals("no")) { System.out.println(this.records[i].getNum()+" "+this.records[i].getDish().getName()+" "+(int)this.records[i].getPrice()); }else { System.out.println(this.records[i].ifTaste()+" num out of range :"+this.records[i].getDegree()); } } } //每桌价格以及折后价以及口味的输出 public void showTaste() { if(this.chuancai==0&&this.jincai==0&&this.zhecai==0) { System.out.println("table "+orderNum+": "+this.getTotalPrice()[0]+" "+this.getTotalPrice()[1]); }else if(this.chuancai!=0&&this.jincai==0&&this.zhecai==0) { System.out.println("table "+orderNum+": "+this.getTotalPrice()[0]+" "+this.getTotalPrice()[1]+" 川菜 "+this.chuancai+" "+this.chuancaiDegree); }else if(this.chuancai==0&&this.jincai!=0&&this.zhecai==0) { System.out.println("table "+orderNum+": "+this.getTotalPrice()[0]+" "+this.getTotalPrice()[1]+" 晋菜 "+this.jincai+" "+this.jincaiDegree); }else if(this.chuancai==0&&this.jincai==0&&this.zhecai!=0) { System.out.println("table "+orderNum+": "+this.getTotalPrice()[0]+" "+this.getTotalPrice()[1]+" 浙菜 "+this.zhecai+" "+this.zhecaiDegree); }else if(this.chuancai!=0&&this.jincai!=0&&this.zhecai==0) { System.out.println("table "+orderNum+": "+this.getTotalPrice()[0]+" "+this.getTotalPrice()[1]+" 川菜 "+this.chuancai+" "+this.chuancaiDegree+" 晋菜 "+this.jincai+" "+this.jincaiDegree); }else if(this.chuancai!=0&&this.jincai==0&&this.zhecai!=0) { System.out.println("table "+orderNum+": "+this.getTotalPrice()[0]+" "+this.getTotalPrice()[1]+" 川菜 "+this.chuancai+" "+this.chuancaiDegree+" 浙菜 "+this.zhecai+" "+this.zhecaiDegree); }else if(this.chuancai==0&&this.jincai!=0&&this.zhecai!=0) { System.out.println("table "+orderNum+": "+this.getTotalPrice()[0]+" "+this.getTotalPrice()[1]+" 晋菜 "+this.jincai+" "+this.jincaiDegree+" 浙菜 "+this.zhecai+" "+this.zhecaiDegree); }else if(this.chuancai!=0&&this.jincai!=0&&this.zhecai!=0) { System.out.println("table "+orderNum+": "+this.getTotalPrice()[0]+" "+this.getTotalPrice()[1]+" 川菜 "+this.chuancai+" "+this.chuancaiDegree+" 晋菜 "+this.jincai+" "+this.jincaiDegree+" 浙菜 "+this.zhecai+" "+this.zhecaiDegree); } } //根据序号删除一条记录 public void delARecordByOrderNum(int orderNum) { } }
1、 掌握类与对象的基本概念;
2、 掌握类的声明、创建与使用方法;
3、 掌握类的构造方法的定义与使用方法
4、 掌握类的成员变量、成员方法的定义与使用方法;
5、 理解类变量、类方法与实例变量、实例方法的区别;
6、 理解Java语言中包的概念以及package、import语句的使用;
7、 理解引用变量与对象实例之间的关系与区别;
8、 理解方法调用时引用类型参数的传递过程;
标签:return,String,int,BLOG,flag,&&,public From: https://www.cnblogs.com/centaury/p/17514660.html