In data.table , the order() in DT[i] can rearrange the order of the whole table with specific conditions, which works exactly the same with arrange() in dplyr .
flights[carrier == "AA", .(.N), by = .(origin, dest)][order(origin, -dest)] origin dest N <char> <char> <int> 1: EWR PHX 121 2: EWR MIA 848 3: EWR LAX 62 4: EWR DFW 1618 5: JFK STT 229 6: JFK SJU 690 7: JFK SFO 1312 8: JFK SEA 298 9: JFK SAN 299 10: JFK ORD 432 11: JFK MIA 1876 12: JFK MCO 597 13: JFK LAX 3387 14: JFK LAS 595 15: JFK IAH 7 16: JFK EGE 85 17: JFK DFW 474 18: JFK DCA 172 19: JFK BOS 1173 20: JFK AUS 297 21: LGA PBI 245 22: LGA ORD 4366 23: LGA MIA 3334 24: LGA DFW 3785 origin dest N
flights %>% arrange(origin) flights %>% arrange(desc(origin))
标签:JFK,origin,dest,EWR,table,data,order From: