题目集7 7-1 菜单5
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Calendar; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); int cntTable=0;//桌号 int[] xu=new int[20]; int q=0; Menu mu = new Menu(); User[] u=new User[20]; int nm=0; int flag=0; Table[] tablemes = new Table[56]; int j = 0;//菜单数 int l = 0;//订单数 int k = 0;//代点菜数 int can=1; Dish tt; // sum = 0; int count; String[] temp; int a1,a2,a3,a4,a5; while (true) { String st = in.nextLine(); temp = st.split(" "); if(st.equals("end")) break; count = temp.length; if (count == 2) {//一个空格 //String[] temp1 = st.split(" "); if (temp[1].equals("delete")) {//第二个为delete a1 = Integer.parseInt(temp[0]); if(tablemes[cntTable].odt.findRecordByNum(a1)==null) { System.out.println("delete error"); } else { Record r=new Record(); r=tablemes[cntTable].odt.findRecordByNum(a1); if(mu.searthDish(r.d.name).type.equals("川菜")) { tablemes[cntTable].sum0-=r.num*r.grade; tablemes[cntTable]. num0-=r.num; } else if(mu.searthDish(r.d.name).type.equals("晋菜")) { tablemes[cntTable].sum3-=r.num*r.grade; tablemes[cntTable].num1+=r.num; } else if(mu.searthDish(r.d.name).type.equals("浙菜")) { tablemes[cntTable].sum4-=r.num*r.grade; tablemes[cntTable].num2-=r.num; } if(r.d.flag==1) { if(tablemes[cntTable].week>=6) { int a = r.getPrice(); tablemes[cntTable].sum2-=a; tablemes[cntTable].sum1-=r.getPrice(); } else { int a=Math.round(r.getPrice()*0.7F); tablemes[cntTable].sum1-=r.getPrice(); tablemes[cntTable].sum2 -=a; } } else { int a = r.getPrice(); tablemes[cntTable].sum1-=r.getPrice(); tablemes[cntTable].sum2 -=a; } } tablemes[cntTable].odt.delARecordByOrderNum(a1); } else {//菜单添加 if(flag==0) { if(temp[1].matches("[0-9]{1,2}$")) { a2 = Integer.parseInt(temp[1]); if(a2>300||a2<0) { System.out.println(temp[0]+" price out of range "); } else { int ex=0; for(int i=0;i<j;i++) { if(mu.dishs[i].name.equals(temp[0])) { mu.dishs[i] = mu.addDish(temp[0], a2, 0); ex=1; } } if(ex==0) { mu.dishs[j] = mu.addDish(temp[0], a2, 0); j++; } } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else { System.out.println("invalid dish"); } //continue; } } else if(count==4) { if(!temp[0].matches("[0-9]{1,2}$")) { if(flag==0) { if(temp[2].matches("[0-9]{1,2}$")) { a2 = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]); if(a2>300||a2<0) { System.out.println(temp[0]+" price out of range "); } else { int ex=0; for(int i=0;i<j;i++) { if(mu.dishs[i].name.equals(temp[0])) { mu.dishs[i] = mu.addDish(temp[0], temp[1],a2, 1); ex=1; } } if(ex==0) { mu.dishs[j] = mu.addDish(temp[0],temp[1], a2, 1); j++; } } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else { System.out.println("invalid dish"); } } else {//增加订单的情况; if(can==1) { a3 =Integer.parseInt(temp[0]); a4 = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]); a5=Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); if(temp[3].length()==2&&temp[3].charAt(0)=='0') { System.out.println("wrong format"); } else { tablemes[cntTable].odt.addARecord(a3, temp[1],a4 , a5); tt = mu.searthDish(temp[1]); if (tt != null) { if(a4>3) { System.out.println(a3+" portion out of range "+a4); } else if(a5>15||a5<0) { System.out.println(a3+" num out of range "+a5); } else { tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].d = tt; int a = tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice(); System.out.println(tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].orderNum + " " + tt.name + " " +a ); tablemes[cntTable].sum +=a; } } else { System.out.println(temp[1]+" does not exist"); } l++; } } } //continue; } else if(count ==5) { if(can==1) { a3 =Integer.parseInt(temp[0]); int a6 = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]); a4 = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); a5=Integer.parseInt(temp[4]); if(temp[4].length()==2&&temp[4].charAt(0)=='0') { System.out.println("wrong format"); } if(mu.searthDish(temp[1])==null) { System.out.println(temp[1]+" does not exist"); } else { if(mu.searthDish(temp[1]).type.equals("川菜")&&a6<0||a6>5) { System.out.println("spicy num out of range :"+a6); } else if(mu.searthDish(temp[1]).type.equals("晋菜")&&a6>4||a6<0) { System.out.println("acidity num out of range :"+a6); } else if(mu.searthDish(temp[1]).type.equals("浙菜")&&a6>3||a6<0) { System.out.println("sweetness num out of range :"+a6); } else{ tablemes[cntTable].odt.addARecord(a3, temp[1],a6,a4 , a5); tt = mu.searthDish(temp[1]); if (tt != null) { if(a4>3) { System.out.println(a3+" portion out of range "+a4); } else if(a5>15||a5<0) { System.out.println(a3+" num out of range "+a5); } else { if(mu.searthDish(temp[1]).type.equals("川菜")) { tablemes[cntTable].sum0+=a6*a5; tablemes[cntTable]. num0+=a5; } else if(mu.searthDish(temp[1]).type.equals("晋菜")) { tablemes[cntTable].sum3+=a6*a5; tablemes[cntTable].num1+=a5; } else if(mu.searthDish(temp[1]).type.equals("浙菜")) { tablemes[cntTable].sum4+=a6*a5; tablemes[cntTable].num2+=a5; } tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].d = tt; if(tt.flag==1) { if(tablemes[cntTable].week>=6) { int a = tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice(); System.out.println(tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].orderNum + " " + tt.name + " " +a ); tablemes[cntTable].sum2+=a; tablemes[cntTable].sum1+=tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice(); } else { int a=Math.round(tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice()*0.7F); System.out.println(tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].orderNum + " " + tt.name + " " + tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice() ); tablemes[cntTable].sum1+=tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice(); tablemes[cntTable].sum2 +=a; } } else { int a = tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice(); System.out.println(tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].orderNum + " " + tt.name + " " +a ); tablemes[cntTable].sum1+=tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice(); tablemes[cntTable].sum2 +=a; } } } else { System.out.println(temp[1]+" does not exist"); } l++; } } } } else if (count == 7) {//三个空格 //String[] temp2 = st.split(" "); if (temp[0].equals("table")) {//桌号 can=1; if(temp[1].matches("[0-9]{1,2}$")) { cntTable=Integer.parseInt(temp[1]); xu[q]=cntTable; q++; tablemes[cntTable] = new Table(); if(cntTable<1||cntTable>55) { System.out.println(cntTable+" table num out of range"); can=0; tablemes[cntTable].f=0; } else { if(temp[3].length()<10&&temp[4].length()==11&&temp[4].matches("^1(80|81|89|33|35|36)([0-9]{8})$")) { l = 0; //tablemes[cntTable].tableDtime = st; tablemes[cntTable].AheadProcess(st); if(tablemes[cntTable].f==1) { if(tablemes[cntTable].discnt!=-1) { flag=1; tablemes[cntTable].exit=1; tablemes[cntTable].username=temp[3]; tablemes[cntTable].usernum=temp[4]; System.out.println("table " + cntTable + ": "); if(nm==0) { u[nm]=new User(); u[nm].name=temp[3]; u[nm].num=temp[4]; nm++; } else { int fl=0; for(int w=0;w<nm;w++) { if(u[w].name.equals(temp[3])) { fl=1; } } if(fl==0) { u[nm]=new User(); u[nm].name=temp[3]; u[nm].num=temp[4]; nm++; } } } else { System.out.println("table "+cntTable+" out of opening hours"); can=0; tablemes[cntTable].f=0; } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); can=0; tablemes[cntTable].f=0; } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); can=0; tablemes[cntTable].f=0; } } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); can=0; tablemes[cntTable].f=0; } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); can=0; tablemes[cntTable].f=0; } } else if (count == 6) {//代点菜 //String[] temp3 = st.split(" "); if(can==1) { if(temp[0].matches("[0-9]{1,2}$")&&temp[1].matches("[0-9]{1,2}$")&&temp[3].matches("[0-9]{1,2}$")&&temp[4].matches("[0-9]{1,2}$")&&temp[5].matches("[0-9]{1,2}$")) { a1 = Integer.parseInt(temp[0]); a2 = Integer.parseInt(temp[1]); a3 = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); a4 = Integer.parseInt(temp[4]); int a6 = Integer.parseInt(temp[5]); if(a6>15||a6<0) { System.out.println(a3+" num out of range "+a6); } else if(temp[5].length()==2&&temp[5].charAt(0)=='0') { System.out.println("wrong format"); } else { if(mu.searthDish(temp[2]).type.equals("川菜")&&a6<0||a6>5) { System.out.println("spicy num out of range :"+a6); } else if(mu.searthDish(temp[2]).type.equals("晋菜")&&a6>4||a6<0) { System.out.println("acidity num out of range :"+a6); } else if(mu.searthDish(temp[2]).type.equals("浙菜")&&a6>3||a6<0) { System.out.println("sweetness num out of range :"+a6); } else { tablemes[cntTable].odt.addARecord(a2, temp[2],a3,a4 , a6); tt = mu.searthDish(temp[2]); if (tt != null) { if(a4>3) { System.out.println(a3+" portion out of range "+a4); } else { if(mu.searthDish(temp[2]).type.equals("川菜")) { tablemes[a1].sum0+=a3*a6; tablemes[a1]. num0+=a6; } else if(mu.searthDish(temp[2]).type.equals("晋菜")) { tablemes[a1].sum3+=a3*a6; tablemes[a1].num1+=a6; } else if(mu.searthDish(temp[2]).type.equals("浙菜")) { tablemes[a1].sum4+=a3*a6; tablemes[a1].num2+=a6; } tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].d = tt; if(tt.flag==1) { if(tablemes[cntTable].week>=6) { int a = tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice(); System.out.println(a2+ " table "+ cntTable+ " pay for table " + a1 + " " +a ); tablemes[cntTable].sum2+=a; tablemes[cntTable].sum1+=tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice(); } else { int a=Math.round(tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice()*0.7F); System.out.println(a2+ " table "+ cntTable+ " pay for table " + a1 + " " + tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice() ); tablemes[cntTable].sum1+=tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice(); tablemes[cntTable].sum2 +=a; } } else { int a = tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice(); System.out.println(a2+ " table "+ cntTable+ " pay for table " + a1 + " " +a ); tablemes[cntTable].sum1+=tablemes[cntTable].odt.records[l].getPrice(); tablemes[cntTable].sum2 +=a; } } } else { System.out.println(temp[2]+" does not exist"); } l++; } } } } } //st = sc.nextLine() else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } for(int i=0;i<q;i++) { if(tablemes[xu[i]].f==1) { if(xu[i]!=0&&tablemes[xu[i]].exit==1) { if(i!=0){ System.out.printf("\n"); } int Sum=tablemes[xu[i]].sum1+tablemes[xu[i]].sum; int sum1= Math.round(tablemes[xu[i]].sum2+tablemes[xu[i]].sum*tablemes[xu[i]].discnt); System.out.print("table " +tablemes[xu[i]].tableNum + ": " + Sum+" "+sum1); if(tablemes[xu[i]].num0!=0) { tablemes[xu[i]].spave=Math.round((float)(tablemes[xu[i]].sum0)/(float)(tablemes[xu[i]].num0)); if(tablemes[xu[i]].spave==0) System.out.print(" 川菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num0+" 不辣"); if(tablemes[xu[i]].spave==1) System.out.print(" 川菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num0+" 微辣"); if(tablemes[xu[i]].spave==2) System.out.print(" 川菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num0+" 稍辣"); if(tablemes[xu[i]].spave==3) System.out.print(" 川菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num0+" 辣"); if(tablemes[xu[i]].spave==4) System.out.print(" 川菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num0+" 很辣"); if(tablemes[xu[i]].spave==5) System.out.print(" 川菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num0+" 爆辣"); } if(tablemes[xu[i]].num1!=0) { tablemes[xu[i]].acidave=Math.round((float)(tablemes[xu[i]].sum3)/(float)(tablemes[xu[i]].num1)); if(tablemes[xu[i]].acidave==0) System.out.print(" 晋菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num1+" 不酸"); if(tablemes[xu[i]].acidave==1) System.out.print(" 晋菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num1+" 微酸"); if(tablemes[xu[i]].acidave==2) System.out.print(" 晋菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num1+" 稍酸"); if(tablemes[xu[i]].acidave==3) System.out.print(" 晋菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num1+" 酸"); if(tablemes[xu[i]].acidave==4) System.out.print(" 晋菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num1+" 很酸"); } if(tablemes[xu[i]].num2!=0) { tablemes[xu[i]].sweave=Math.round((float)(tablemes[xu[i]].sum4)/(float)(tablemes[xu[i]].num2)); if(tablemes[xu[i]].sweave==0) System.out.print(" 浙菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num2+" 不甜"); if(tablemes[xu[i]].sweave==1) System.out.print(" 浙菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num2+" 微甜"); if(tablemes[xu[i]].sweave==2) System.out.print(" 浙菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num2+" 稍甜"); if(tablemes[xu[i]].sweave==3) System.out.print(" 浙菜 "+tablemes[xu[i]].num2+" 甜"); } } } } for(int i=0;i<q;i++) { if(tablemes[xu[i]].f==1) { if(xu[i]!=0&&tablemes[xu[i]].exit==1) { int sum1= Math.round(tablemes[xu[i]].sum2+tablemes[xu[i]].sum*tablemes[xu[i]].discnt); for(int w=0;w<nm;w++) { if(u[w].name.equals(tablemes[xu[i]].username)) { u[w].cost+=sum1; } } } } } for(int i=0;i<nm;i++) { for(int s = i;s < nm-1;s++) { if(u[s].name.charAt(0)>u[s+1].name.charAt(0)) { User u2=new User(); u2=u[s]; u[s]=u[s+1]; u[s+1]=u2; } } } for(int w=0;w<nm;w++) { if(w==0) { System.out.printf("\n"); } System.out.println(u[w].name+" "+u[w].num+" "+u[w].cost); } } } class Dish { String name; int unit_price; //单价 String type; int flag=0; public int getPrice(int portion){//计算菜品价格的方法,输入参数是点菜的份额(输入数据只能是1/2/3,代表小/中/大份) int peice=0; if(portion==1) { peice = unit_price; } else if(portion==2) { peice = (int) Math.round(unit_price*1.5); } else{ peice = unit_price*2; } return peice; } } class Menu { Dish[] dishs =new Dish[20];//菜品数组,保存所有菜品信息 int count=0; public Dish searthDish(String dishName){ Dish fresh = null; for(int i=0;i<count;i++){ if(dishName.equals(dishs[i].name)){ fresh = dishs[i]; break; } } return fresh; }//根据菜名在菜谱中查找菜品信息,返回Dish对象。 public Dish addDish(String dishName,int unit_price,int flag){ dishs[count] = new Dish(); dishs[count].name = dishName; dishs[count].unit_price = unit_price; dishs[count].flag=flag; count++; return dishs[count-1]; }//添加一道菜品信息 public Dish addDish(String dishName,String type,int unit_price,int flag){ dishs[count] = new Dish(); dishs[count].name = dishName; dishs[count].type = type; dishs[count].unit_price = unit_price; dishs[count].flag=flag; count++; return dishs[count-1]; }//添加一道菜品信息 } class Table { int tableNum; String tableDtime; String username; String usernum; int year,month,day,week,hh,mm,ss; int sum = 0;//一桌价格 ; int sum1=0; int sum2=0; int sum0=0,sum3=0,sum4=0; int num0=0,num1=0,num2=0; int spave=0; int acidave=0; int sweave=0; int mon[]= {0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; // boolean f = true; int f=1; int exit=0; Order odt = new Order(); //Order odre = new Order(); float discnt = -1; public boolean validtime() { if(year>=2022&&year<=2023) { if(month>0||month<13) { if(year==2022) { mon[2]=29; } if(day<=mon[month]&&day>0) { return true; } else return false; } else return false; } else return false; } void AheadProcess(String tableDtime){ this.tableDtime = tableDtime; processTime(); if(validtime()==true){ if(hh<24&&hh>=0&&mm>=0&&mm<=60&&ss>=0&&ss<=60) { discount(); } else { f=0; } }//CheckAtime(); else{ System.out.println("not a valid time period"); } } void processTime(){//处理时间 String[] temp = tableDtime.split(" "); tableNum = Integer.parseInt(temp[1]); String[] temp1 = temp[5].split("/"); String[] temp2 = temp[6].split("/"); year = Integer.parseInt(temp1[0]); month = Integer.parseInt(temp1[1]); day = Integer.parseInt(temp1[2]); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set(year, (month-1), day); week = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if(week==1) week = 7; else week--; hh = Integer.parseInt(temp2[0]); mm = Integer.parseInt(temp2[1]); ss = Integer.parseInt(temp2[2]); } //void CheckAtime(){ // f= !(discnt < 0); // } void discount(){ if(week>5&&week<=7) { if(hh>=10&&hh<=20) discnt= 1.0F; else if(hh==9&&mm>=30) discnt= 1.0F; else if(hh==21&&mm<30||hh==21&&mm==30&&ss==0) discnt= 1.0F; } else { if(hh>=17&&hh<20) discnt=0.8F; else if(hh==20&&mm<30) discnt=0.8F; else if(hh==20&&mm==30&&ss==0) discnt=0.8F; else if(hh==10&&mm>=30||hh>=11&&hh<=13) discnt=0.6F; else if(hh==14&&mm<30) discnt=0.6F; else if(hh==14&&mm==30&&ss==0) discnt=0.6F; } } } class Order { Record[] records=new Record[20];//保存订单上每一道的记录 int count=0; int getTotalPrice(){ int all=0; for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { all+=records[i].getPrice(); } return all; }//计算订单的总价 void addARecord(int orderNum,String dishName,int portion,int num){ records[count] = new Record(); records[count].d.name = dishName; records[count].orderNum = orderNum; records[count].portion = portion; records[count].num = num; count++; }//添加一条菜品信息到订单中。 Record addARecord(int orderNum,String dishName,int grade,int portion,int num){ records[count] = new Record(); records[count].d.name = dishName; records[count].grade = grade; records[count].orderNum = orderNum; records[count].portion = portion; records[count].num = num; count++; return records[count]; }//添加一条菜品信息到订单中。 public void delARecordByOrderNum(int orderNum){ for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { if(orderNum==records[i].orderNum) { for(int j=i;j<count-1;j++) { records[j]=records[j+1]; } records[count-1]=null; count--; break; } } }//根据序号删除一条记录 public Record findRecordByNum(int orderNum){ Record r=null; for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { if(records[i].orderNum==orderNum) { r = records[i]; } } return r; }//根据序号查找一条记录 } class Record { int orderNum;//序号 int num; int grade; Dish d=new Dish();//菜品\\ int portion;//份额(1/2/3代表小/中/大份) int getPrice(){ return d.getPrice(portion)*num; }//计价,计算本条记录的价格 } class User { String name; String num; int cost = 0; }View Code
题目集8 课程成绩统计程序
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.List; import java.util.Collections; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String[] temp; int count; int count1 = 0; SelectCourse selectCourse = new SelectCourse(); Classroom classroom[] = new Classroom[10]; while(true) { String st = input.nextLine(); temp = st.split(" "); if (st.equals("end")) break; count = temp.length; if(count==2||count==3) { if (temp[0].length() <= 10&&temp[0].length()>0) { if(count ==3){ if (temp[1].matches(".*[必选]修.*")&&temp[2].matches(".*考[试察].*")) {//判断是否符合形式 if (temp[1].matches(".*必修.*") && temp[2].matches(".*考察.*")) { System.out.println(temp[0] + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); } else{ if(selectCourse.getCourse(temp[0])==null) { selectCourse.addCourse(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2]); } } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else if(count==2){ if(temp[1].matches(".*必修.*")) { if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[0])==null) { selectCourse.addCourse(temp[0], temp[1], "考试"); } } else if(temp[1].matches(".*选修.*")){ System.out.println(temp[0]+" : course type & access mode mismatch"); } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else if(count == 4||count == 5){ if (temp[3].matches("[0-9]{1,3}$")) { int a = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); int f1=0; int a1 =0; if(count ==5){ if(temp[4].matches("[0-9]{1,3}$")){ a1 = Integer.parseInt(temp[4]); if(a1>100||a1<0){ f1=1; } } else{ f1=1; } } if(f1==0){ if (a <= 100 && a >= 0) { if (temp[0].matches("^([0-9]{8})$")) { int flag = 0, g = 0; String str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { str += temp[0].charAt(i); } if (count1 != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) { if (classroom[i].getNum().equals(str)) { g = i; flag = 1; } } } if (flag == 0) { classroom[count1] = new Classroom(); classroom[count1].setNum(str); count1++; } if (temp[1].length() <= 10) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]) == null) { selectCourse.addStudent(temp[1], temp[0]); if(flag == 1){ classroom[g].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } else{ classroom[count1-1].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } } else if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]) != null && !selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).getNum().equals(temp[0])) { selectCourse.addStudent(temp[1], temp[0]); if(flag == 1){ classroom[g].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } else{ classroom[count1-1].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } } if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]) != null && temp[2].length() <= 10) { if (count == 4 && selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]).getAssessment().equals("考察")) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).isExist(temp[2])) { selectCourse.addScore(-1, a); selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).adderCourse(selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]), selectCourse.getScore(selectCourse.e - 1)); } } else if (count == 5 && selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]).getAssessment().equals("考试")) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).isExist(temp[2])) { selectCourse.addScore(a, a1); selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).adderCourse(selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]), selectCourse.getScore(selectCourse.e - 1)); } } else { System.out.println(temp[0] + " " + temp[1] + " : access mode mismatch"); } } else { System.out.println(temp[2] + " does not exist"); } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } }else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } selectCourse.listStudents(); for(int i = 0;i< selectCourse.s;i++){ if(selectCourse.getStudent(i).c!=0) { int sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < selectCourse.getStudent(i).c; j++) { sum+=selectCourse.getStudent(i).getScore(j).getTotalScore(); } int ave = (int)(sum/selectCourse.getStudent(i).c); System.out.println(selectCourse.getStudent(i).getNum() + " " + selectCourse.getStudent(i).getName() + " " + ave); } else{ System.out.println(selectCourse.getStudent(i).getNum()+" "+selectCourse.getStudent(i).getName()+" did not take any exams"); } } for(int i = 0;i < selectCourse.k;i++) { if (selectCourse.getCourse(i) != null) { int sum = 0, ave = 0; int sum1 = 0, ave1 = 0; int sum2 = 0, ave2 = 0; int n = 0; for (int j = 0; j < selectCourse.s; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < selectCourse.getStudent(j).c; k++) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(j).getCourse(k).getName().equals(selectCourse.getCourse(i).getName())) { sum += selectCourse.getStudent(j).getScore(k).getTotalScore(); sum1 += selectCourse.getStudent(j).getScore(k).getGradualScore(); sum2 += selectCourse.getStudent(j).getScore(k).getEndTestScore(); n++; } } } if (n != 0) { ave =(int)((float)(sum)/(float)(n)); ave1 =(int)((float)(sum1)/(float)(n)); ave2 =(int)((float)(sum2)/(float)(n)); selectCourse.getCourse(i).setAve(ave); selectCourse.getCourse(i).setAve1(ave1); selectCourse.getCourse(i).setAve2(ave2); } } } Course course[]=selectCourse.listCoruse(); for (int i = 0;i< selectCourse.k;i++) { if (course[i].getAve() != -1) { if (course[i].getAve1() != -1) { System.out.println(course[i].getName() + " " + course[i].getAve1() + " " + course[i].getAve2() + " " + course[i].getAve()); } else { System.out.println(course[i].getName() + " " + course[i].getAve2() + " " + course[i].getAve()); } } else { System.out.println(course[i].getName()+" has no grades yet"); } } for(int i = 0;i<count1;i++) { int sum = 0; int n = 0; for (int j = 0; j < classroom[i].students.size(); j++) { int ave = 0,sum1=0; if(classroom[i].getStudent(j).c!=0) { for (int l = 0; l < classroom[i].getStudent(j).c; l++) { sum1 += classroom[i].getStudent(j).getScore(l).getTotalScore(); n++; } ave = (int)((float)(sum1)/(float)(classroom[i].getStudent(j).c)); } sum+=ave; } if (n != 0) { int ave = (int) ((float)(sum)/(float)(classroom[i].students.size())); classroom[i].setAve(ave); } } for (int i=0;i<count1;i++){ for (int j = i;j<count1;j++){ int a =Integer.parseInt(classroom[i].getNum()); int b = Integer.parseInt(classroom[j].getNum()); if(a>b){ Classroom c = null; c = classroom[i]; classroom[i]=classroom[j]; classroom[j]=c; } } } for (int i =0;i<count1;i++) { if(classroom[i].getAve()!=-1){ System.out.println(classroom[i].getNum()+" "+classroom[i].getAve()); } else{ System.out.println(classroom[i].getNum()+" has no grades yet"); } } } } class Student { private String num; private String name; ArrayList<Course> courses = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Score>scores=new ArrayList<>(); int c = 0; int e = 0; public Student(){ } public String getName() { return name; } public String getNum() { return num; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void setNum(String num) { this.num = num; } public void adderCourse(Course course,int num) { courses.add(course); courses.get(c).score.setEndTestScore(num); c++; } public void adderCourse(Course course,Score score){ courses.add(course); scores.add(score); c++; } public Course getCourse(int i){ return courses.get(i); } public Score getScore(int i){ return scores.get(i); } public boolean isExist(String name){ int flag = 0; for(int i =0 ;i<c;i++){ if(courses.get(i).getName().equals(name)){ flag =1; } } if(flag==1) return false; else return true; } } class Classroom { private String num; ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<>(); private int ave = -1; public int getAve() { return ave; } public void setAve(int ave) { this.ave = ave; } public void adderStudent(Student s){ students.add(s); } public Student getStudent(int i){ return students.get(i); } public void setNum(String num) { this.num = num; } public String getNum() { return num; } } class SelectCourse { private Student student; private Course[] courses = new Course[10]; private Student[] students = new Student[10]; private Score[] scores = new Score[10]; int k=0; int s=0; int e = 0; public Course getCourse(int i){ return courses[i]; } public Student getStudent(int i){ return students[i]; } public Course getCourse(String name) { Course c = null; for(int i = 0;i<k;i++) { if (courses[i].getName().equals(name)) c = courses[i]; } return c; } public void addStudent(String name,String num) { students[s]=new Student(); students[s].setName(name); students[s].setNum(num); s++; } public Student getStudent(String name) { Student c = null; for(int i = 0;i<s;i++) { if (students[i].getName().equals(name)) c = students[i]; } return c; } public void listStudents(){ for(int i =0;i<s;i++){ for(int j = i;j<s;j++){ int a = Integer.parseInt(students[i].getNum()); int a1 = Integer.parseInt(students[j].getNum()); if(a>a1){ Student s =null; s=students[i]; students[i]=students[j]; students[j]=s; } } } } public void addCourse(String name,String nature,String assessment) { courses[k]= new Course(); courses[k].setName(name); courses[k].setNature(nature); courses[k].setAssessment(assessment); k++; } public Score getScore(int i) { return scores[i]; } public void addScore(int num,int num1) { this.scores[e] =new Score(); scores[e].setGradualScore(num); scores[e].setEndTestScore(num1); e++; } public Student getStudent() { return student; } public void setStudent(Student student) { this.student = student; } public Course[] listCoruse(){ Course courses1[] =new Course[k]; for(int i =0;i<k;i++){ courses1[i]=courses[i]; } List<Course>list=Arrays.asList(courses1); Collections.sort(list); return courses1; } } class Score { private int endTestScore = -1;//期末成绩 private int gradualScore = -1;//平时成绩 private int totalScore;//总成绩 public void setEndTestScore(int endTestScore) { this.endTestScore = endTestScore; } public void setGradualScore(int gradualScore) { this.gradualScore = gradualScore; } public int getEndTestScore() { return endTestScore; } public int getGradualScore() { return gradualScore; } public int getTotalScore(){ int total; if(getGradualScore()==-1){ total =getEndTestScore(); } else { total = (int)((float)(getGradualScore())*0.3+(float)(getEndTestScore())*0.7); } return total; } } class Course implements Comparable<Course>{ private String name;//课程名称 private String nature;//课程种类 private String assessment = "考试";//考核方式 Score score =new Score(); private int totalScore;//总成绩 private int ave =-1; private int ave1; private int ave2; public int getAve1() { return ave1; } public int getAve2() { return ave2; } public void setAve1(int ave1) { this.ave1 = ave1; } public void setAve2(int ave2) { this.ave2 = ave2; } public int getAve(){ return ave; } public void setAve(int ave){ this.ave =ave; } public Course(){ } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getAssessment() { return assessment; } public String getNature() { return nature; } public void setAssessment(String assessment) { this.assessment = assessment; } public void setNature(String nature) { this.nature = nature; } public Course(String name,String nature,String assessment){ this.name = name; this.nature = nature; this.assessment = assessment; } public int compareTo(Course course) { Comparator<Object>com = Collator.getInstance(Locale.CHINA); return ((Collator)com).compare(this.name,course.getName()); } }View Code
题目集9 统计Java程序中关键词的出现次数
可以使用Scanner类从控制台逐行读取输入的Java源码,直到遇到"exit"时结束读取。用字符数组表示所有相关的java关键字,然后输入相关代码,在对内部关键字进行查找之前要对代码进行处理,这里采用的是用正则表达式和if,else的判别方法来区分是否为可用数据的,注意这里是要有判别顺序的,首先排除/* */中的代码,然后将“ ”中的代码去除,然后将注释//后的代码去掉,这里有一个点是要将=替换为“1”;这是一种会出错的情况;对多余的数据去除后。我们将可以的代码添加到一个新的字符串中,然后对相关判别,首先对是否含有数据进行判别,有后利用
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\b" + str + "\\b");//创建关键词的正则表达式
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(b);//字符串与关键词匹配
用matcher.find()相关方法来匹配符合的关键字,将其就加入添加至对应的关键字个数中没发现一个符合条件的就加一,最后将相关数据加入TreeMap中;最后判别是否存在关键字,存在即输出;不存在则 wrong foramt;
题目集10 容器-HashMap-排序
代码如下import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); HashMap<Integer, Student> hashMap = new HashMap<>(); while (true) { String num = in.nextLine(); if (num.equals("end")) { break; } String stu[] = num.split(" "); int choice = stu.length; if (choice == 3) { int score = Integer.parseInt(stu[2]); Student student = new Student(stu[1], score); hashMap.put(Integer.parseInt(stu[0]),student); } } ArrayList<HashMap.Entry<Integer, Student>> list = new ArrayList<>(hashMap.entrySet()); Collections.sort(list, (o1, o2) -> (o2.getKey() - o1.getKey())); for (HashMap.Entry<Integer, Student> entry : list) { System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue().getName() + " " + entry.getValue().getScore()); } } } class Student { private String name; private int score; public Student(String name, int score) { this.name = name; this.score = score; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getScore() { return score; } }
题目集10 7-3 课程成绩统计程序-2
本题为课程成绩统计程序-1的迭代,该题在原有的思路中增加了实验课的信息,在这里就存在相关的思路的变化,由于实验课程中信息的格式特殊性,以及成绩信息中的格式特殊性,我们要增加长度的情况,由于实验类课程成绩信息格式为:学号 姓名 课程名 实验次数 实验分数1 。。。故要根据实验次数变化调整,当满足count ==4+a时格式成立由于实验总成绩取平均分,故可以在计算好对应平均分后再加入到学生成绩和课程成绩中去;以该方向切入可以发现思路与1中必修选修处理模式相差不大; 在计算平均分时要注意精度的问题,以防出现非零返回: 这里要考虑各项错误输出顺序,同样要整理好以防止出现对应的输出错误;例如该测试点的答案错误,无法找出其中存在的问题;
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.List; import java.util.Collections; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String[] temp; int count; int count1 = 0; SelectCourse selectCourse = new SelectCourse(); Classroom classroom[] = new Classroom[10]; while(true) { String st = input.nextLine(); temp = st.split(" "); if (st.equals("end")) break; count = temp.length; if(count==2||count==3) { if (temp[0].length() <= 10&&temp[0].length()>0) { if(count ==3){ if (temp[1].matches(".*[必选]修.*")) {//判断是否符合形式 if(temp[2].matches("实验")){ System.out.println(temp[0] + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); } else if(temp[2].matches(".*考[试察].*")) { if (temp[1].matches(".*必修.*") && temp[2].matches(".*考察.*")) { System.out.println(temp[0] + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); } else { if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[0]) == null) { selectCourse.addCourse(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2]); } } } } else if(temp[1].matches(".*实验.*")){ if(temp[2].matches(".*考[试察].*")){ System.out.println(temp[0] + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); } else if(temp[2].matches(".*实验.*")) { if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[0]) == null) { selectCourse.addCourse(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2]); } } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else if(count==2){ if(temp[1].matches(".*必修.*")) { if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[0])==null) { selectCourse.addCourse(temp[0], temp[1], "考试"); } } else if(temp[1].matches(".*选修.*")){ System.out.println(temp[0]+" : course type & access mode mismatch"); } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else if(count == 4||count == 5){ if (temp[3].matches("[0-9]{1,3}$")) { int a = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); int f1=0; int a1 =0; if(count ==5){ if(temp[4].matches("[0-9]{1,3}$")){ a1 = Integer.parseInt(temp[4]); if(a1>100||a1<0){ f1=1; } } else{ f1=1; } } if(f1==0){ if (a <= 100 && a >= 0) { if (temp[0].matches("^([0-9]{8})$")) { int flag = 0, g = 0; String str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { str += temp[0].charAt(i); } if (count1 != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) { if (classroom[i].getNum().equals(str)) { g = i; flag = 1; } } } if (flag == 0) { classroom[count1] = new Classroom(); classroom[count1].setNum(str); count1++; } if (temp[1].length() <= 10) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]) == null) { selectCourse.addStudent(temp[1], temp[0]); if(flag == 1){ classroom[g].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } else{ classroom[count1-1].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } } else if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]) != null && !selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).getNum().equals(temp[0])) { selectCourse.addStudent(temp[1], temp[0]); if(flag == 1){ classroom[g].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } else{ classroom[count1-1].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } } if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]) != null && temp[2].length() <= 10) { if (count == 4 && selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]).getAssessment().equals("考察")) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).isExist(temp[2])) { selectCourse.addScore(-1, a); selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).adderCourse(selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]), selectCourse.getScore(selectCourse.e - 1)); } } else if (count == 5 && selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]).getAssessment().equals("考试")) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).isExist(temp[2])) { selectCourse.addScore(a, a1); selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).adderCourse(selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]), selectCourse.getScore(selectCourse.e - 1)); } } else { System.out.println(temp[0] + " " + temp[1] + " : access mode mismatch"); } } else { System.out.println(temp[2] + " does not exist"); } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } }else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else if(count>=4){ if (temp[3].matches("[4-9]{1}$")) { int a = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); int f1=0; int a1 =0,sum =0; if(count ==4+a){ for(int i = 4;i<4+a;i++){ int score =Integer.parseInt(temp[i]); if(score>100||score<0){ f1=1; } sum+=score; } if(f1==0){ a1 = (int)((float)(sum)/(float)(a)); } } if(f1==0){ if (temp[0].matches("^([0-9]{8})$")) { int flag = 0, g = 0; String str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { str += temp[0].charAt(i); } if (count1 != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) { if (classroom[i].getNum().equals(str)) { g = i; flag = 1; } } } if (flag == 0) { classroom[count1] = new Classroom(); classroom[count1].setNum(str); count1++; } if (temp[1].length() <= 10) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]) == null) { selectCourse.addStudent(temp[1], temp[0]); if(flag == 1){ classroom[g].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } else{ classroom[count1-1].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } } else if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]) != null && !selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).getNum().equals(temp[0])) { selectCourse.addStudent(temp[1], temp[0]); if(flag == 1){ classroom[g].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } else{ classroom[count1-1].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } } if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]) != null && temp[2].length() <= 10) { if (count == 4+a && selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]).getAssessment().equals("实验")) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).isExist(temp[2])) { selectCourse.addScore(-1, a1); selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).adderCourse(selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]), selectCourse.getScore(selectCourse.e - 1)); } } else { System.out.println(temp[0] + " " + temp[1] + " : access mode mismatch"); } } else { System.out.println(temp[2] + " does not exist"); } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } }else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } selectCourse.listStudents(); for(int i = 0;i< selectCourse.s;i++){ if(selectCourse.getStudent(i).c!=0) { int sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < selectCourse.getStudent(i).c; j++) { sum+=selectCourse.getStudent(i).getScore(j).getTotalScore(); } int ave = (int)(sum/selectCourse.getStudent(i).c); System.out.println(selectCourse.getStudent(i).getNum() + " " + selectCourse.getStudent(i).getName() + " " + ave); } else{ System.out.println(selectCourse.getStudent(i).getNum()+" "+selectCourse.getStudent(i).getName()+" did not take any exams"); } } for(int i = 0;i < selectCourse.k;i++) { if (selectCourse.getCourse(i) != null) { int sum = 0, ave = 0; int sum1 = 0, ave1 = 0; int sum2 = 0, ave2 = 0; int n = 0; for (int j = 0; j < selectCourse.s; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < selectCourse.getStudent(j).c; k++) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(j).getCourse(k).getName().equals(selectCourse.getCourse(i).getName())) { sum += selectCourse.getStudent(j).getScore(k).getTotalScore(); sum1 += selectCourse.getStudent(j).getScore(k).getGradualScore(); sum2 += selectCourse.getStudent(j).getScore(k).getEndTestScore(); n++; } } } if (n != 0) { ave =(int)((float)(sum)/(float)(n)); ave1 =(int)((float)(sum1)/(float)(n)); ave2 =(int)((float)(sum2)/(float)(n)); selectCourse.getCourse(i).setAve(ave); selectCourse.getCourse(i).setAve1(ave1); selectCourse.getCourse(i).setAve2(ave2); } } } Course course[]=selectCourse.listCoruse(); for (int i = 0;i< selectCourse.k;i++) { if (course[i].getAve() != -1) { if(course[i].getAssessment().equals("实验")){ System.out.println(course[i].getName()+ " " + course[i].getAve()); } else { if (course[i].getAve1() != -1) { System.out.println(course[i].getName() + " " + course[i].getAve1() + " " + course[i].getAve2() + " " + course[i].getAve()); } else { System.out.println(course[i].getName() + " " + course[i].getAve2() + " " + course[i].getAve()); } } } else { System.out.println(course[i].getName()+" has no grades yet"); } } for(int i = 0;i<count1;i++) { int sum = 0; int n = 0; for (int j = 0; j < classroom[i].students.size(); j++) { int ave = 0,sum1=0; if(classroom[i].getStudent(j).c!=0) { for (int l = 0; l < classroom[i].getStudent(j).c; l++) { sum1 += classroom[i].getStudent(j).getScore(l).getTotalScore(); n++; } ave = (int)((float)(sum1)/(float)(classroom[i].getStudent(j).c)); } sum+=ave; } if (n != 0) { int ave = (int) ((float)(sum)/(float)(classroom[i].students.size())); classroom[i].setAve(ave); } } for (int i=0;i<count1;i++){ for (int j = i;j<count1;j++){ int a =Integer.parseInt(classroom[i].getNum()); int b = Integer.parseInt(classroom[j].getNum()); if(a>b){ Classroom c = null; c = classroom[i]; classroom[i]=classroom[j]; classroom[j]=c; } } } for (int i =0;i<count1;i++) { if(classroom[i].getAve()!=-1){ System.out.println(classroom[i].getNum()+" "+classroom[i].getAve()); } else{ System.out.println(classroom[i].getNum()+" has no grades yet"); } } } } class Student { private String num; private String name; ArrayList<Course> courses = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Score>scores=new ArrayList<>(); int c = 0; int e = 0; public Student(){ } public String getName() { return name; } public String getNum() { return num; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void setNum(String num) { this.num = num; } public void adderCourse(Course course,int num) { courses.add(course); courses.get(c).score.setEndTestScore(num); c++; } public void adderCourse(Course course,Score score){ courses.add(course); scores.add(score); c++; } public Course getCourse(int i){ return courses.get(i); } public Score getScore(int i){ return scores.get(i); } public boolean isExist(String name){ int flag = 0; for(int i =0 ;i<c;i++){ if(courses.get(i).getName().equals(name)){ flag =1; } } if(flag==1) return false; else return true; } } class Classroom { private String num; ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<>(); private int ave = -1; public int getAve() { return ave; } public void setAve(int ave) { this.ave = ave; } public void adderStudent(Student s){ students.add(s); } public Student getStudent(int i){ return students.get(i); } public void setNum(String num) { this.num = num; } public String getNum() { return num; } } class SelectCourse { private Student student; private Course[] courses = new Course[20]; private Student[] students = new Student[20]; private Score[] scores = new Score[20]; int k=0; int s=0; int e = 0; public Course getCourse(int i){ return courses[i]; } public Student getStudent(int i){ return students[i]; } public Course getCourse(String name) { Course c = null; for(int i = 0;i<k;i++) { if (courses[i].getName().equals(name)) c = courses[i]; } return c; } public void addStudent(String name,String num) { students[s]=new Student(); students[s].setName(name); students[s].setNum(num); s++; } public Student getStudent(String name) { Student c = null; for(int i = 0;i<s;i++) { if (students[i].getName().equals(name)) c = students[i]; } return c; } public void listStudents(){ for(int i =0;i<s;i++){ for(int j = i;j<s;j++){ int a = Integer.parseInt(students[i].getNum()); int a1 = Integer.parseInt(students[j].getNum()); if(a>a1){ Student s =null; s=students[i]; students[i]=students[j]; students[j]=s; } } } } public void addCourse(String name,String nature,String assessment) { courses[k]= new Course(); courses[k].setName(name); courses[k].setNature(nature); courses[k].setAssessment(assessment); k++; } public Score getScore(int i) { return scores[i]; } public void addScore(int num,int num1) { this.scores[e] =new Score(); scores[e].setGradualScore(num); scores[e].setEndTestScore(num1); e++; } public Student getStudent() { return student; } public void setStudent(Student student) { this.student = student; } public Course[] listCoruse(){ Course courses1[] =new Course[k]; for(int i =0;i<k;i++){ courses1[i]=courses[i]; } List<Course>list=Arrays.asList(courses1); Collections.sort(list); return courses1; } } class Score { private int endTestScore = -1;//期末成绩 private int gradualScore = -1;//平时成绩 private int totalScore;//总成绩 public void setEndTestScore(int endTestScore) { this.endTestScore = endTestScore; } public void setGradualScore(int gradualScore) { this.gradualScore = gradualScore; } public int getEndTestScore() { return endTestScore; } public int getGradualScore() { return gradualScore; } public int getTotalScore(){ int total; if(getGradualScore()==-1){ total =getEndTestScore(); } else { total = (int)((float)(getGradualScore())*0.3+(float)(getEndTestScore())*0.7); } return total; } } class Course implements Comparable<Course>{ private String name;//课程名称 private String nature;//课程种类 private String assessment = "考试";//考核方式 Score score =new Score(); private int totalScore;//总成绩 private int ave =-1; private int ave1; private int ave2; public int getAve1() { return ave1; } public int getAve2() { return ave2; } public void setAve1(int ave1) { this.ave1 = ave1; } public void setAve2(int ave2) { this.ave2 = ave2; } public int getAve(){ return ave; } public void setAve(int ave){ this.ave =ave; } public Course(){ } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getAssessment() { return assessment; } public String getNature() { return nature; } public void setAssessment(String assessment) { this.assessment = assessment; } public void setNature(String nature) { this.nature = nature; } public Course(String name,String nature,String assessment){ this.name = name; this.nature = nature; this.assessment = assessment; } public int compareTo(Course course) { Comparator<Object>com = Collator.getInstance(Locale.CHINA); return ((Collator)com).compare(this.name,course.getName()); } }View Code
题目集11 课程成绩统计程序-3
本次题目为2的迭代,要求设计一个综合性的Java程序来记录学生的课程成绩信息,并且统计课程的总成绩和不同分项成绩的加权,最终计算出学生、班级、课程的平均成绩。为了实现该功能,我们需要逐步分析所有输入和输出的要求,并且设计程序来处理输入数据、处理计算、排序以及输出结果等。本题目要求使用组合而非继承的方式设计成绩类,这意味着课程成绩由课程成绩类和分项成绩类两部分组成,而课程成绩类具备组合分项成绩类的能力。此外,需要注意输入格式以及数据清洗过程,比如成绩格式的正确性、权值之和是否为1等问题。可以将学生信息、分项成绩信息、课程成绩信息、课程信息、班级信息等数据进行建模。此时可以采用组合关系,用课程成绩类组合分项成绩类,而不是利用继承方式。 我的代码如下:import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.List; import java.util.Collections; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String[] temp; int count; int count1 = 0; SelectCourse selectCourse = new SelectCourse(); Classroom classroom[] = new Classroom[10]; while(true) { String st = input.nextLine(); temp = st.split(" "); if (st.equals("end")) break; count = temp.length; if(count == 4||count == 5) { if (temp[0].matches("[0-9]{8}")) { if (temp[3].matches("[0-9]{1,3}$")) { int a = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); int f1 = 0; int a1 = 0; if (count == 5) { if (temp[4].matches("[0-9]{1,3}$")) { a1 = Integer.parseInt(temp[4]); if (a1 > 100 || a1 < 0) { f1 = 1; } } else { f1 = 1; } } if (f1 == 0) { if (a <= 100 && a >= 0) { if (temp[0].matches("^([0-9]{8})$")) { int flag = 0, g = 0; String str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { str += temp[0].charAt(i); } if (count1 != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) { if (classroom[i].getNum().equals(str)) { g = i; flag = 1; } } } if (flag == 0) { classroom[count1] = new Classroom(); classroom[count1].setNum(str); count1++; } if (temp[1].length() <= 10) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]) == null) { selectCourse.addStudent(temp[1], temp[0]); if (flag == 1) { classroom[g].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } else { classroom[count1 - 1].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } } else if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]) != null && !selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).getNum().equals(temp[0])) { selectCourse.addStudent(temp[1], temp[0]); if (flag == 1) { classroom[g].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } else { classroom[count1 - 1].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } } if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]) != null && temp[2].length() <= 10) { if (count == 4 && selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]).getAssessment().equals("考察")) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).isExist(temp[2])) { selectCourse.addScore(-1, a); selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).adderCourse(selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]), selectCourse.getScore(selectCourse.e - 1)); } } else if (count == 5 && selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]).getAssessment().equals("考试")) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).isExist(temp[2])) { selectCourse.addScore(a, a1); selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).adderCourse(selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]), selectCourse.getScore(selectCourse.e - 1)); } } else { System.out.println(temp[0] + " " + temp[1] + " : access mode mismatch"); } } else { System.out.println(temp[2] + " does not exist"); } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else { if (temp[0].length() <= 10 && temp[0].length() > 0) { if (count == 5) { if (temp[2].matches("[0-9]{1}")) { if (temp[1].matches(".*必修.*")) { if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[0]) == null) { int n = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]); if(Double.parseDouble(temp[3])+ Double.parseDouble(temp[4])==1){ double[] q = {Double.parseDouble(temp[3]), Double.parseDouble(temp[4])}; selectCourse.addCourse(temp[0], temp[1], "考试", n, q); } else{ System.out.println(temp[0]+" : weight value error"); } } } else if (temp[1].matches(".*选修.*")) { System.out.println(temp[0] + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else { if (temp[0].length() <= 10 && temp[0].length() > 0) { if (temp[1].matches(".*[必选]修.*") && temp[2].matches(".*考[试察].*")) {//判断是否符合形式 if (temp[1].matches(".*必修.*") && temp[2].matches(".*考察.*")) { System.out.println(temp[0] + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); } else { if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[0]) == null) { int n = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); if(Double.parseDouble(temp[4])==1){ double[] q = {Double.parseDouble(temp[4])}; selectCourse.addCourse(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], n, q); } else{ System.out.println(temp[0]+" : weight value error"); } } } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } } else if(count>=3) { if (!temp[0].matches("[0-9]{8}")) { if(temp[0].length()<=10){ if(temp[1].equals("实验")&&temp[2].equals("实验")){ if(temp[3].matches("[4-9]{1}")){ if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[0]) == null) { int o = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); if(count==4+o){ double sum = 0; for(int i = 0;i<o;i++){ sum+=Double.parseDouble(temp[4+i]); } if(sum == 1.0){ double[] q = new double[o]; for(int i = 0;i<o;i++){ q[i] = Double.parseDouble(temp[4+i]); } if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[0]) == null) { selectCourse.addCourse(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], o, q); } } else{ System.out.println(temp[0]+" : weight value error"); } } else{ System.out.println(temp[0]+" : number of scores does not match"); } } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } } else { if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2])!=null&&selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]).getAssessment().equals("实验")) { int a = selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]).getN(); int f1 = 0; int a1 = 0; double sum = 0; if (count == 3 + a) { for (int i = 3; i < 3 + a; i++) { int score = Integer.parseInt(temp[i]); if (score > 100 || score < 0) { f1 = 1; } sum += score * selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]).getQ()[i - 3]; } if (f1 == 0) { a1 = (int)(sum); } } if (f1 == 0) { if (temp[0].matches("^([0-9]{8})$")) { int flag = 0, g = 0; String str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { str += temp[0].charAt(i); } if (count1 != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) { if (classroom[i].getNum().equals(str)) { g = i; flag = 1; } } } if (flag == 0) { classroom[count1] = new Classroom(); classroom[count1].setNum(str); count1++; } if (temp[1].length() <= 10) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]) == null) { selectCourse.addStudent(temp[1], temp[0]); if (flag == 1) { classroom[g].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } else { classroom[count1 - 1].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } } else if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]) != null && !selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).getNum().equals(temp[0])) { selectCourse.addStudent(temp[1], temp[0]); if (flag == 1) { classroom[g].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } else { classroom[count1 - 1].adderStudent(selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1])); } } if (selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]) != null && temp[2].length() <= 10) { if (count == 3 + a && selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]).getAssessment().equals("实验")) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).isExist(temp[2])) { selectCourse.addScore(-1, a1); selectCourse.getStudent(temp[1]).adderCourse(selectCourse.getCourse(temp[2]), selectCourse.getScore(selectCourse.e - 1)); } } else { System.out.println(temp[0] + " " + temp[1] + " : access mode mismatch"); } } else { System.out.println(temp[2] + " does not exist"); } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } } else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } selectCourse.listStudents(); for(int i = 0;i< selectCourse.s;i++){ if(selectCourse.getStudent(i).c!=0) { int sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < selectCourse.getStudent(i).c; j++) { sum+=selectCourse.getStudent(i).getScore(j).getTotalScore(); } int ave = (int)(sum/selectCourse.getStudent(i).c); System.out.println(selectCourse.getStudent(i).getNum() + " " + selectCourse.getStudent(i).getName() + " " + ave); } else{ System.out.println(selectCourse.getStudent(i).getNum()+" "+selectCourse.getStudent(i).getName()+" did not take any exams"); } } for(int i = 0;i < selectCourse.k;i++) { if (selectCourse.getCourse(i) != null) { int sum = 0, ave = 0; int sum1 = 0, ave1 = 0; int sum2 = 0, ave2 = 0; int n = 0; for (int j = 0; j < selectCourse.s; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < selectCourse.getStudent(j).c; k++) { if (selectCourse.getStudent(j).getCourse(k).getName().equals(selectCourse.getCourse(i).getName())) { sum += selectCourse.getStudent(j).getScore(k).getTotalScore(); sum1 += selectCourse.getStudent(j).getScore(k).getGradualScore(); sum2 += selectCourse.getStudent(j).getScore(k).getEndTestScore(); n++; } } } if (n != 0) { ave =(int)((float)(sum)/(float)(n)); ave1 =(int)((float)(sum1)/(float)(n)); ave2 =(int)((float)(sum2)/(float)(n)); selectCourse.getCourse(i).setAve(ave); selectCourse.getCourse(i).setAve1(ave1); selectCourse.getCourse(i).setAve2(ave2); } } } Course course[]=selectCourse.listCoruse(); for (int i = 0;i< selectCourse.k;i++) { if (course[i].getAve() != -1) { if(course[i].getAssessment().equals("实验")){ System.out.println(course[i].getName()+ " " + course[i].getAve()); } else { if (course[i].getAve1() != -1) { System.out.println(course[i].getName() + " " + course[i].getAve1() + " " + course[i].getAve2() + " " + course[i].getAve()); } else { System.out.println(course[i].getName() + " " + course[i].getAve2() + " " + course[i].getAve()); } } } else { System.out.println(course[i].getName()+" has no grades yet"); } } for(int i = 0;i<count1;i++) { int sum = 0; int n = 0; for (int j = 0; j < classroom[i].students.size(); j++) { if(classroom[i].getStudent(j).c!=0) { for (int l = 0; l < classroom[i].getStudent(j).c; l++) { sum += classroom[i].getStudent(j).getScore(l).getTotalScore(); n++; } } } if (n != 0) { int ave = (int)((float)(sum)/(float)(n)); classroom[i].setAve(ave); } } for (int i=0;i<count1;i++){ for (int j = i;j<count1;j++){ int a =Integer.parseInt(classroom[i].getNum()); int b = Integer.parseInt(classroom[j].getNum()); if(a>b){ Classroom c = null; c = classroom[i]; classroom[i]=classroom[j]; classroom[j]=c; } } } for (int i =0;i<count1;i++) { if(classroom[i].getAve()!=-1){ System.out.println(classroom[i].getNum()+" "+classroom[i].getAve()); } else{ System.out.println(classroom[i].getNum()+" has no grades yet"); } } } } class Student { private String num; private String name; ArrayList<Course> courses = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Score>scores=new ArrayList<>(); int c = 0; int e = 0; public Student(){ } public String getName() { return name; } public String getNum() { return num; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void setNum(String num) { this.num = num; } public void adderCourse(Course course,int num) { courses.add(course); courses.get(c).score.setEndTestScore(num); c++; } public void adderCourse(Course course,Score score){ courses.add(course); scores.add(score); c++; } public Course getCourse(int i){ return courses.get(i); } public Score getScore(int i){ return scores.get(i); } public boolean isExist(String name){ int flag = 0; for(int i =0 ;i<c;i++){ if(courses.get(i).getName().equals(name)){ flag =1; } } if(flag==1) return false; else return true; } } class Classroom { private String num; ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<>(); private int ave = -1; public int getAve() { return ave; } public void setAve(int ave) { this.ave = ave; } public void adderStudent(Student s){ students.add(s); } public Student getStudent(int i){ return students.get(i); } public void setNum(String num) { this.num = num; } public String getNum() { return num; } } class SelectCourse { private Student student; private Course[] courses = new Course[20]; private Student[] students = new Student[20]; private Score[] scores = new Score[20]; int k=0; int s=0; int e = 0; public Course getCourse(int i){ return courses[i]; } public Student getStudent(int i){ return students[i]; } public Course getCourse(String name) { Course c = null; for(int i = 0;i<k;i++) { if (courses[i].getName().equals(name)) c = courses[i]; } return c; } public void addStudent(String name,String num) { students[s]=new Student(); students[s].setName(name); students[s].setNum(num); s++; } public Student getStudent(String name) { Student c = null; for(int i = 0;i<s;i++) { if (students[i].getName().equals(name)) c = students[i]; } return c; } public void listStudents(){ for(int i =0;i<s;i++){ for(int j = i;j<s;j++){ int a = Integer.parseInt(students[i].getNum()); int a1 = Integer.parseInt(students[j].getNum()); if(a>a1){ Student s =null; s=students[i]; students[i]=students[j]; students[j]=s; } } } } public void addCourse(String name,String nature,String assessment) { courses[k]= new Course(); courses[k].setName(name); courses[k].setNature(nature); courses[k].setAssessment(assessment); k++; } public void addCourse(String name,String nature,String assessment,int n,double[] q) { courses[k]= new Course(); courses[k].setName(name); courses[k].setNature(nature); courses[k].setAssessment(assessment); courses[k].setN(n); courses[k].setQ(q); k++; } public Score getScore(int i) { return scores[i]; } public void addScore(int num,int num1) { this.scores[e] =new Score(); scores[e].setGradualScore(num); scores[e].setEndTestScore(num1); e++; } public Student getStudent() { return student; } public void setStudent(Student student) { this.student = student; } public Course[] listCoruse(){ Course courses1[] =new Course[k]; for(int i =0;i<k;i++){ courses1[i]=courses[i]; } List<Course>list=Arrays.asList(courses1); Collections.sort(list); return courses1; } } class Score { private int endTestScore = -1;//期末成绩 private int gradualScore = -1;//平时成绩 private int totalScore;//总成绩 public void setEndTestScore(int endTestScore) { this.endTestScore = endTestScore; } public void setGradualScore(int gradualScore) { this.gradualScore = gradualScore; } public int getEndTestScore() { return endTestScore; } public int getGradualScore() { return gradualScore; } public int getTotalScore(){ int total; if(getGradualScore()==-1){ total =getEndTestScore(); } else { total = (int)((float)(getGradualScore())*0.3+(float)(getEndTestScore())*0.7); } return total; } } class Course implements Comparable<Course>{ private String name;//课程名称 private String nature;//课程种类 private String assessment = "考试";//考核方式 private int n; private double[] q; public void setN(int n) { this.n = n; } public void setQ(double[] q) { this.q = q; } public int getN() { return n; } public double[] getQ() { return q; } Score score =new Score(); private int totalScore;//总成绩 private int ave =-1; private int ave1; private int ave2; public int getAve1() { return ave1; } public int getAve2() { return ave2; } public void setAve1(int ave1) { this.ave1 = ave1; } public void setAve2(int ave2) { this.ave2 = ave2; } public int getAve(){ return ave; } public void setAve(int ave){ this.ave =ave; } public Course(){ } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getAssessment() { return assessment; } public String getNature() { return nature; } public void setAssessment(String assessment) { this.assessment = assessment; } public void setNature(String nature) { this.nature = nature; } public Course(String name,String nature,String assessment){ this.name = name; this.nature = nature; this.assessment = assessment; } public Course(String name,String nature,String assessment,int n,double[] q){ this.name = name; this.nature = nature; this.assessment = assessment; this.n = n; this.q = q; } public int compareTo(Course course) { Comparator<Object>com = Collator.getInstance(Locale.CHINA); return ((Collator)com).compare(this.name,course.getName()); } }View Code
踩坑心得 1.对菜单题目中的各个问题,在对相关数据处理如对错误信息处理的判断中存在顺序的错误问题要着重考虑,以防止出现类似的输出顺序错误; 2.在处理数据时,要考虑相关精度问题,利用float改变精度以防止可能存在的结果为小数的状况,而且对应相除的形式要排除是否会存在分母为0的情况,否则会出现非零返回; 3.在使用类中的属性或者方法时,务必记得创建对象;同时在创建类的数组,需要使用其元素时也需要对当前元素new一下,否则会报空指针或者非零返回,java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field "******" because "******" is null。 4.对四舍五入我们可以使用Math.round的方式; 5.在字符串判断是否相同的情况,一定用equals()判断,对数据的匹配处理使用matches(); 6.对字符串中查找关键字问题中,按顺序查找很关键,例如首先要排除/**/中数据,其次肯在“ ”中存在//的符号,所以应该将“ ”先排除后排除//,同时要认真·审题,对没有数据和输入为空时要做出相应输出。 7.对HashMap的排序可以使用Arraylist的方式,利用Collection类的方法处理;注意该方式是从大到小的排序方式;
改进建议 1.在处理类数据排序时,一昧的追求用冒泡去排序,逻辑较为复杂,可以通过Comparable中对compareTo方法复写以实现对类数组中的顺序排序; 2.在输出时用for循环输出,太过老套,可以通过foreach的方式去遍历输出,更加新颖而且速度快; 3.对逻辑的处理,对正则表达式的应用还是较少,普遍通过if方式去判断,逻辑太过于混乱,代码量也太大了; 总结 从10-16周里我学到了HashMap和TreeMap(有序)中相关的知识和概念,明确了两者区分;同时对javafx中的构图和各个知识点有了了解和运用,对轨迹、布局、反应、插图、动画都有了一定的了解和运用,能够自主去完成雨刷可视化和农夫过河可视化;同时认识了Stack和Queen的栈问题,一个正向一个反向,对其中的方法运用有了很大的理解;同时学会了对数据的排序方法复写CompareTo实现,sort();对正则表达式也有了进一步的人生,也更加深刻了对类的继承、多态和方法覆盖的意义,对HashSet的排序也有了对应的理解,对其中的方法和其不可重复的规则有了初步认识;当然还有很多不足,在做题时对题目的研究不够透彻,老是会因此花费很长时间,同时对一些高级简单的方法掌握不够透彻,对Arraylist和Hashset中的方法运用不够到位,在javafx中对轨迹的掌握不是很熟练; Java课程的教学理念“OBE”(以学生为中心),它带来了更加关注学生以及学生学习效果的教学方法,从而提高学生对课程的理解和掌握程度。我认为这是一个非常有用的教学理念。建议老师在教学中注重学生的个性化需求和差异化教育,根据学生不同的学习风格和学习能力,采用不同的教学策略和方法,以激发学生的学习热情,在课堂上老师对知识点进行扩充后再让我们进行练习;边讲边练的模式能让我们更加熟悉刚掌握的知识;线上线下的同时授课的方式,能让我们涉及到的知识也越丰富,但是可能会存在由于个人问题漏掉课程而无法跟紧步伐的情况,希望老师可以加强对线上课的监督和要求;教学过程中使用PTA题目集驱动,既能够及时发现学生的疑惑和难点,也可以促进学生的思考和创造能力,增加学生的自主学习时间。然而,需要注意作业的难度和数量,不能过于拖累学生。建议老师在指定作业的时候要注意作业难度和数量,以免伤害学生的学习积极性。;实验课程的设立能让我们对各个知识的运用更加的去探讨和研究,深化对各知识点的理解; 标签:总结,return,第三次,temp,int,pta,name,public,String From: https://www.cnblogs.com/haidong-liu/p/17507623.html