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COMP3350 业务智能

时间:2023-06-26 12:57:12浏览次数:47  
标签:group items 业务 COMP3350 智能 WWI data your stock

Assignment 2 – Business Intelligence
Semester 1, 2023
Due Date Apr 24th 5pm
Assignment 2 is due on Apr 24th 5pm. Each group will
• upload the assignment files to Canvas and
• present your BI report and demonstrate your assignment on tutorial session on Apr
- 26
All members must be present for the demonstration. Groups without demonstrations
will be penalised for sections which are not demonstrated.
20% of course mark
Assignment Information
This is a group assignment. This assignment has 3 sections.
Group Formation
You need to work in groups of two for this assignment. You may continue with your
group members in Assignment 1 or form different groups for Assignment 2. If you are
forming a different group from Assignment 2, you must email the lecturer (CCing your
new group member and old group member from Assignment 1) by on 5
th April
11:59pm. Otherwise, your group is assumed to be the same as in Assignment 1.
Assignment Specifications
This assignment has 3 sections.
Section 1: Datawarehouse Design (5 marks)
In this section you will design a data warehouse schema for the LeisureAustralasia
(the scenario discussed in Assignment 1).
Design a data warehouse schema to satisfy LeisureAustralasia’s decision makers’
information needs. You need to only design the data warehouse schema only. You
do not need to implement it.
You need to write a short report explaining subject-area/s covered by your data
warehouse, illustrate the documented schema and discuss how the data warehouse
satisfies the information analysis needs of the University. Give examples of analysis
queries that your design supports.
Save your document as DatawarehouseDesign_LeisureAustralasia_<group
Section 2: ETL Exercise (3 marks)
In this section, you will create an ETL task to load Customer Data to a table. Your
group is already provided with sample text data of Customer data.
• Customer data: Data on customers (CustomerData.txt)
Your group is asked to load this data into SQL Server database called Staging_Area
by creating a Server Integration Services (SSIS) project, called Assignment3_<group
Next, create an SSIS Package called LoadingCustomerData to load Customer data.
Input File Package Name Destination Table Name
CustomerData.txt LoadingCustomerData.dtsx CustomerDimension
Ensure that the following data type conversions are included in the loading package
for data:
Destination Table Column Name Data Type
CustomerDimension CustomerKey Integer
DateOfBirth Date
You have been informed that there have been errors in your SSIS package when
loading Customer data. That is, in some records, the following fields have incorrect
• City
• StateProvinceCode
• StateProvinceName
• CountryCode
• CountryName
• PostCode
You need to create a SSIS package called LoadingCustomersCorrected which loads
the data correctly for all records in the CustomerData.txt file
• In CustomerData.txt file, the StreetAddress field in some instances contains a “,”
(comma) which is also the value used to denote the end of a field value.
• You may need to explore constructs for data cleaning and transformation in SSIS
such as Conditional Splits and Derived Columns*
Section 3: Business Intelligence Report (12 marks)
Download and restore the WorldWideImporters (WWI) Data Warehouse sample
database. Download WideWorldImportersDW-Full.bak file from
The following information about WWI are extracted from
Wide World Importers (WWI) is a wholesale novelty goods importer and distributor
operating from the San Francisco bay area.
As a wholesaler, WWI's  代写COMP3350程序 customers are mostly companies who resell to individuals.
WWI sells to retail customers across the United States including specialty stores,
supermarkets, computing stores, tourist attraction shops, and some individuals. WWI
also sells to other wholesalers via a network of agents who promote the products on
WWI's behalf. While all of WWI's customers are currently based in the United States,
the company is intending to push for expansion into other countries.
WWI buys goods from suppliers including novelty and toy manufacturers, and other
novelty wholesalers. They stock the goods in their WWI warehouse and reorder from
suppliers as needed to fulfil customer orders. They also purchase large volumes of
packaging materials and sell these in smaller quantities as a convenience for the
Recently WWI started to sell a variety of edible novelties such as chilli chocolates. The
company previously did not have to handle chilled items. Now, to meet food handling
requirements, they must monitor the temperature in their chiller room and any of their
trucks that have chiller sections.
Workflow for warehouse stock items
The typical flow for how items are stocked and distributed is as follows:
• WWI creates purchase orders and submits the orders to the suppliers.
• Suppliers send the items, WWI receives them and stocks them in their
• Customers order items from WWI
• WWI fills the customer order with stock items in the warehouse, and when they
do not have sufficient stock, they order the additional stock from the suppliers.
• Some customers do not want to wait for items that are not in stock. If they order
say five different stock items, and four are available, they want to receive the
four items and backorder the remaining item. The item would them be sent later
in a separate shipment.
• WWI invoices customers for the stock items, typically by converting the order
to an invoice.
• Customers might order items that are not in stock. These items are
• WWI delivers stock items to customers either via their own delivery vans, or via
other couriers or freight methods.
• Customers pay invoices to WWI.
• Periodically, WWI pays suppliers for items that were on purchase orders. This
is often sometime after they have received the goods.
Additional workflows
These are additional workflows.
• WWI issues credit notes when a customer does not receive the good for some
reason, or when the goods are faulty. These are treated as negative invoices.
• WWI periodically counts the on-hand quantities of stock items to ensure that
the stock quantities shown as available on their system are accurate. (The
process of doing this is called a stocktake).
• Cold room temperatures. Perishable goods are stored in refrigerated rooms.
Sensor data from these rooms is ingested into the database for monitoring and
analytics purposes.
• Vehicle location tracking. Vehicles that transport goods for WWI include
sensors that track the location. This location is again ingested into the database
for monitoring and further analytics.
Part A: Reporting (2 marks)
You are asked to create a report using SQL Server’s Reporting Services. Save the
project as Assignment2_<group number>_SQLReports. The report provides the
monthly and yearly sales for Califormia for all years.
The format of the report is given below:
Monthly-Yearly Sales Report
Note that the data is sample data and does not pertain to correct values in the actual
Part B: Data Analytics (10 marks)
Explore the data warehouse schema and data. Select subject area(s) that your group
would like to analyse in WWI. Create data mart(s) either using SQL Server Analysis
Server or directly import the data to Power BI data model to analyse. Save the
project/file as Assignment2_<team number>_DataMarts.
Year Month Monthly Sales Amount
2013 January $2,345.98
February $2,532.99

Yearly Sales $1,232,322.99
2014 …
Analyse the data and write a Business Intelligence report based on World Wide. Use
PowerBI’s visuals, dashboards etc. in your analysis, data visualisation and
Note that your BI report is presented to the business management team of World Wide
Importers such as CEO and senior management, so your BI report should be
understood by business decision makers of WWI.
Write a report detailing data analysis, information discovered and present helpful
insights and actions items from your data analysis. Use appropriate tables, charts,
graphs etc. to present your findings. In addition to the written report, you need to
present your BI report to class on Apr 25th
th tutorial session. Your group’s
presentation should not exceed 10 minutes.
Save your report as BusinessIntelligenceReport_<group number>.docx.
Your submission to this assignment contains 3 parts:
Section 1: A softcopy of DatawarehouseDesign_LeisureAustralasia _<group
number>.pdf document with a signed group assessment cover sheet submitted via
Assignment2_Section1 link.
Section 2: Your root assignment folder zipped named as Assignment2_< group
number>.zip and submitted to Canvas link.
Section 3: A softcopy BusinessIntelligenceReport_< group number>.pdf should be
submitted to Assignment2_Section3 link.
The root folder Assignment2_< group number> should contain the Setup.docx file
which outlines any specification for installation and configuration for the submitted
project and the following subfolders:
A group demonstration and presentation will be held by the tutor on Apr 25th
- 26th
tutorial session. Each group member must be present to explain the implementation
of the Assignment. Projects that are not demonstrated and presented will not be
marked and may result in a zero mark for the Assignment.
Subfolder Contents Description
Assignment2_< group

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/javanew/p/17505350.html


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