- Download:
- http://developer.android.com/sdk/download.html?v=android-sdk-windows-1.5_r3.zip
- http://rapidshare.de/files/47972320/orange-htc-hero-uk-boot.img-28-july-2009.zip.html
- Install HTC Sync from your HTC device
- Connect device to computer using USB cable.
- Mount the SD card from the HTC Alerts Menu (Drag from the top of the screen).
- Install the sync application from the newly discovered drive in Windows.
- Extract the two zip files into some folder (separate folders for each zip).
- Go to the Android SDK folder and open the tools folder.
- Copy the two files from the boot image zip (1.b) into the tools folder:
- boot.img.insecure
- boot.img
- Shutdown the phone.
- Press and hold the back key and power on the phone.
This is get you into the fastboot screen (the white screen with three androids at the bottom). - Connect the phone to the USB cable if it’s unplugged.
- On Windows, open cmd.exe (Start -> Run -> cmd.exe -> Enter):
- Change the directory to the tools directory you’ve created earlier.
- Run fastboot.exe boot boot.img.insecure from within the tools directory. Output: downloading 'boot.img'... OKAY booting... OKAY
- Now your device will start from the given image with root access.
- Gain root access:
- In the phone’s alerts menu, click HTC Sync. This will popup the HTC Sync tool in Windows. Ignore it!
- In cmd type: adb.exe shell Output:
# - From the prompt you got (#) run the following command to mount the phone’s file system in RW mode: mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
- Add su command to your Phone
- Run the the following commands in the shell (#) – Run each command separately (don’t just copy-paste all the lines!):
- cat /system/bin/sh > /system/bin/su
- chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
- Reboot the phone by typing reboot in the shell (#).
- The phone will restart and load the original Android ROM.
- Enjoy the your Rooted Device
标签:HTC,img,boot,system,phone,手机,folder,权限,root From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16166892/6535794