Vegeta 是一个万能的 HTTP 负载测试工具,提供命令行工具和一个开发包。
$ vegeta attack -h
Usage of attack:
-duration=10s: Duration of the test
-header=: Targets request header
-ordering="random": Attack ordering [sequential, random]
-output="stdout": Output file
-rate=50: Requests per second
-targets="stdin": Targets file
gor 是一个网络流量抓包和重放工具。
$ gor listen -h
Usage of ./bin/gor-linux:
-i="any": By default it try to listen on all network interfaces.To get list of interfaces run `ifconfig`
-p=80: Specify the http server port whose traffic you want to capture
-r="localhost:28020": Address of replay server. $ gor replay -h
Usage of ./bin/gor-linux:
-f="http://localhost:8080": http address to forward traffic.
You can limit requests per second by adding `|#{num}` after address.
If you have multiple addresses with different limits. For example: http://staging.example.com|100,http://dev.example.com|10
-ip="": ip addresses to listen on
-p=28020: specify port number
标签:http,性能,Golang,Usage,工具,listen,com,example,gor From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15588078/6535315