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A First course in FEM —— matlab代码实现求解传热问题(瞬态)

时间:2023-06-22 17:23:10浏览次数:63  
标签:FEM ye kn xe ii course matlab dNdx dxdxi

这一篇Blog是在A First course in FEM —— matlab代码实现求解传热问题(稳态) 基础上更进一步,求解瞬态传热问题。



1. 问题描述




2. 模型和网格

模型和网格设置详见A First course in FEM —— matlab代码实现求解传热问题(稳态)


3. 系统矩阵


4. 代码实现



% Clear variables

clear all;

% Set gas temperature and wall heat transfer coefficients at
% boundaries of the blade.  Note: Tcool(i) and hwall(i) are the
% values of Tcool and hwall for the ith boundary which are numbered
% as follows:  
%   1 = external boundary (airfoil surface)
%   2 = 1st internal cooling passage (from leading edge)
%   3 = 2nd internal cooling passage (from leading edge)
%   3 = 3rd internal cooling passage (from leading edge)
%   3 = 4th internal cooling passage (from leading edge)

Tcool = [1573, 473, 473, 473, 473];
hwall = [205.8*10^-6, 65.8*10^-6, 65.8*10^-6, 65.8*10^-6, 65.8*10^-6];
ro= 4.5*10^-6;

% Load in the grid file
% NOTE:  after loading a gridfile using the load(fname) command,
%        three important grid variables and data arrays exist.  These are:
% Nt: Number of triangles (i.e. elements) in mesh
% Nv: Number of nodes (i.e. vertices) in mesh
% Nbc: Number of edges which lie on a boundary of the computational
%      domain.
% tri2nod(3,Nt):  list of the 3 node numbers which form the current
%                 triangle.  Thus, tri2nod(1,i) is the 1st node of
%                 the i'th triangle, tri2nod(2,i) is the 2nd node
%                 of the i'th triangle, etc.
% xy(2,Nv): list of the x and y locations of each node.  Thus,
%           xy(1,i) is the x-location of the i'th node, xy(2,i)
%           is the y-location of the i'th node, etc.
% bedge(3,Nbc): For each boundary edge, bedge(1,i) and bedge(2,i) 
%               are the node numbers for the nodes at the end
%               points of the i'th boundary edge.  bedge(3,i) is an
%               integer which identifies which boundary the edge is
%               on. In this solver, the third value has the
%               following meaning:
%               bedge(3,i) = 0: edge is on the airfoil
%               bedge(3,i) = 1: edge is on the first cooling passage
%               bedge(3,i) = 2: edge is on the second cooling passage
%               bedge(3,i) = 3: edge is on the third cooling passage
%               bedge(3,i) = 4: edge is on the fourth cooling passage

% Start timer
Time0 = cputime;

% Zero stiffness matrix

K = zeros(Nv, Nv);
b = zeros(Nv, 1);
C= zeros(Nv, Nv);
% Zero maximum element size
hmax = 0;

% Loop over elements and calculate residual and stiffness matrix

for ii = 1:Nt,
  kn(1) = tri2nod(1,ii);        
  kn(2) = tri2nod(2,ii);
  kn(3) = tri2nod(3,ii);
  xe(1) = xy(1,kn(1));       
  xe(2) = xy(1,kn(2));
  xe(3) = xy(1,kn(3));

  ye(1) = xy(2,kn(1));
  ye(2) = xy(2,kn(2));
  ye(3) = xy(2,kn(3));

  % Calculate circumcircle radius for the element
  % First, find the center of the circle by intersecting the median
  % segments from two of the triangle edges.
  dx21 = xe(2) - xe(1);
  dy21 = ye(2) - ye(1);

  dx31 = xe(3) - xe(1);
  dy31 = ye(3) - ye(1);

  x21  = 0.5*(xe(2) + xe(1));
  y21  = 0.5*(ye(2) + ye(1));

  x31  = 0.5*(xe(3) + xe(1));
  y31  = 0.5*(ye(3) + ye(1));

  b21 = x21*dx21 + y21*dy21;
  b31 = x31*dx31 + y31*dy31;

  xydet = dx21*dy31 - dy21*dx31;
  x0 = (dy31*b21 - dy21*b31)/xydet;
  y0 = (dx21*b31 - dx31*b21)/xydet;
  Rlocal = sqrt((xe(1)-x0)^2 + (ye(1)-y0)^2);

  if (hmax < Rlocal),
    hmax = Rlocal;
  % Calculate all of the necessary shape function derivatives, the
  % Jacobian of the element, etc.
  % Derivatives of node 1's interpolant 
  dNdxi(1,1) = -1.0; % with respect to xi1
  dNdxi(1,2) = -1.0; % with respect to xi2
  % Derivatives of node 2's interpolant
  dNdxi(2,1) =  1.0; % with respect to xi1
  dNdxi(2,2) =  0.0; % with respect to xi2

  % Derivatives of node 3's interpolant
  dNdxi(3,1) =  0.0; % with respect to xi1
  dNdxi(3,2) =  1.0; % with respect to xi2
  % Sum these to find dxdxi (note: these are constant within an element)
  dxdxi = zeros(2,2);
  for nn = 1:3
    dxdxi(1,:) = dxdxi(1,:) + xe(nn)*dNdxi(nn,:);
    dxdxi(2,:) = dxdxi(2,:) + ye(nn)*dNdxi(nn,:);
  % Calculate determinant for area weighting
  J = dxdxi(1,1)*dxdxi(2,2) - dxdxi(1,2)*dxdxi(2,1);
  A = 0.5*abs(J); % Area is half of the Jacobian
  % Invert dxdxi to find dxidx using inversion rule for a 2x2 matrix
  dxidx = [ dxdxi(2,2)/J, -dxdxi(1,2)/J; ...
	   -dxdxi(2,1)/J,  dxdxi(1,1)/J];
  % Calculate dNdx 
  dNdx = dNdxi*dxidx;    %lian shi fa ze

  % Add contributions to stiffness matrix for node 1 weighted residual
  K(kn(1), kn(1)) = K(kn(1), kn(1)) + k*(dNdx(1,1)*dNdx(1,1) + dNdx(1,2)*dNdx(1,2))*A;  %2*1/2A
  K(kn(1), kn(2)) = K(kn(1), kn(2)) + k*(dNdx(1,1)*dNdx(2,1) + dNdx(1,2)*dNdx(2,2))*A;
  K(kn(1), kn(3)) = K(kn(1), kn(3)) + k*(dNdx(1,1)*dNdx(3,1) + dNdx(1,2)*dNdx(3,2))*A;
  % Add contributions to stiffness matrix for node 2 weighted residual
  K(kn(2), kn(1)) = K(kn(2), kn(1)) + k*(dNdx(2,1)*dNdx(1,1) + dNdx(2,2)*dNdx(1,2))*A;
  K(kn(2), kn(2)) = K(kn(2), kn(2)) + k*(dNdx(2,1)*dNdx(2,1) + dNdx(2,2)*dNdx(2,2))*A;
  K(kn(2), kn(3)) = K(kn(2), kn(3)) + k*(dNdx(2,1)*dNdx(3,1) + dNdx(2,2)*dNdx(3,2))*A;
  % Add contributions to stiffness matrix for node 3 weighted residual
  K(kn(3), kn(1)) = K(kn(3), kn(1)) + k*(dNdx(3,1)*dNdx(1,1) + dNdx(3,2)*dNdx(1,2))*A;
  K(kn(3), kn(2)) = K(kn(3), kn(2)) + k*(dNdx(3,1)*dNdx(2,1) + dNdx(3,2)*dNdx(2,2))*A;
  K(kn(3), kn(3)) = K(kn(3), kn(3)) + k*(dNdx(3,1)*dNdx(3,1) + dNdx(3,2)*dNdx(3,2))*A;
  C(kn(1), kn(1)) = C(kn(1), kn(1)) + ro*c*A/6;
  C(kn(1), kn(2)) = C(kn(1), kn(2)) + ro*c*A/12;
  C(kn(1), kn(3)) = C(kn(1), kn(3)) + ro*c*A/12;
  C(kn(2), kn(1)) = C(kn(2), kn(1)) + ro*c*A/12;
  C(kn(2), kn(2)) = C(kn(2), kn(2)) + ro*c*A/6;
  C(kn(2), kn(3)) = C(kn(2), kn(3)) + ro*c*A/12;
  C(kn(3), kn(1)) = C(kn(3), kn(1)) + ro*c*A/12;
  C(kn(3), kn(2)) = C(kn(3), kn(2)) + ro*c*A/12;
  C(kn(3), kn(3)) = C(kn(3), kn(3)) + ro*c*A/6;


% Loop over boundary edges and account for bc's
% Note: the bc's are all convective heat transfer coefficient bc's
% so the are of 'Robin' form.  This requires modification of the
% stiffness matrix as well as impacting the right-hand side, b.

for ii = 1:Nbc,

  % Get node numbers on edge
  kn(1) = bedge(1,ii);
  kn(2) = bedge(2,ii);
  % Get node coordinates
  xe(1) = xy(1,kn(1));
  xe(2) = xy(1,kn(2));
  ye(1) = xy(2,kn(1));
  ye(2) = xy(2,kn(2));

  % Calculate edge length
  ds = sqrt((xe(1)-xe(2))^2 + (ye(1)-ye(2))^2);
  % Determine the boundary number
  bnum = bedge(3,ii) + 1;

  % Based on boundary number, set heat transfer bc
  K(kn(1), kn(1)) = K(kn(1), kn(1)) + hwall(bnum)*ds*(1/3);
  K(kn(1), kn(2)) = K(kn(1), kn(2)) + hwall(bnum)*ds*(1/6);
  b(kn(1))        = b(kn(1))        + hwall(bnum)*ds*0.5*Tcool(bnum);
  K(kn(2), kn(1)) = K(kn(2), kn(1)) + hwall(bnum)*ds*(1/6);
  K(kn(2), kn(2)) = K(kn(2), kn(2)) + hwall(bnum)*ds*(1/3);
  b(kn(2))        = b(kn(2))        + hwall(bnum)*ds*0.5*Tcool(bnum);


%methode to run

% Solve for temperature
for i=1:n
Tmax = max(max(Tsol));
Tmin = min(min(Tsol));
Tmaxx = max(max(Tsol(:,n+1)));
Tminn = min(min(Tsol(:,n+1)));
% Finish timer
Time1 = cputime;

% Plot solution

% Report outputs

fprintf('Number of nodes      = %i\n',Nv);
fprintf('Number of elements   = %i\n',Nt);
fprintf('Maximum element size = %5.3f\n',hmax);
fprintf('Minimum temperature  = %6.1f\n',Tmin);
fprintf('Maximum temperature  = %6.1f\n',Tmax);
fprintf('Minimum temperature at last  = %6.1f\n',Tminn);
fprintf('Maximum temperature at last = %6.1f\n',Tmaxx);
fprintf('CPU Time (secs)      = %f\n',Time1 - Time0); 



% Plot T in triangles
for i=0:num-1
for ii = 1:Nt
  for nn = 1:3
    xtri(nn,ii) = xy(1,tri2nod(nn,ii));
    ytri(nn,ii) = xy(2,tri2nod(nn,ii));
    Ttri(nn,ii) = Tsol(tri2nod(nn,ii),1+f*i);
HT = patch(xtri,ytri,Ttri);
HC = colorbar;
hold on; bladeplotgrid; hold off;


 5. 计算结果

全过程最低温度=  282.1 K

全过程最高温度  = 1572.1 K

1200s时最低温度  = 1013.0 K

1200s时最高温度 = 1572.1 K



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/spacerunnerZ/p/17489238.html
