首页 > 其他分享 >介绍下hutool这个工具,分别以1,2,3等等列举全部功能


时间:2023-06-20 09:02:51浏览次数:43  
标签:working hutool Hutool classes provides such 列举 工具 utility

Sure, here are some of the main features of Hutool:

  1. String manipulation: Hutool provides a variety of string manipulation methods such as converting between different character sets, formatting strings, and searching for substrings.
  2. Date and time manipulation: Hutool simplifies the handling of dates and times in Java by providing a range of useful methods for formatting, parsing, and calculating dates and times.
  3. File and IO operations: Hutool provides a set of utility classes for working with files and IO operations, such as reading and writing files, creating directories, and copying files.
  4. Network operations: Hutool provides a set of utility classes for working with network operations, such as sending HTTP requests, working with URLs, and parsing URLs.
  5. Encryption and decryption: Hutool provides a set of utility classes for working with encryption and decryption, such as MD5 hashing, Base64 encoding and decoding, and AES encryption and decryption.
  6. XML parsing: Hutool provides a set of utility classes for working with XML files, such as parsing XML files, creating XML files, and transforming XML data.
  7. JSON parsing: Hutool provides a set of utility classes for working with JSON data, such as parsing JSON data, creating JSON data, and manipulating JSON objects.
  8. Excel operations: Hutool provides a set of utility classes for working with Excel files, such as reading and writing Excel files, manipulating Excel data, and formatting Excel cells.
  9. Image processing: Hutool provides a set of utility classes for working with images, such as resizing images, cropping images, and adding watermarks to images.
  10. Collection manipulation: Hutool provides a variety of utility classes for working with collections, such as sorting collections, filtering collections, and transforming collections.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ukzq/p/17492700.html


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