// websocket 封装 enum ConnectionState { // websocket 连接状态 'CONNECTING', 'CONNECTED', 'DISCONNECTED', 'RECONNECTING', 'RECOVERY' } export interface ConnectCallback { (): void; } export interface MessageCallback { (response: MessageEvent<any>): void; } export interface ErrorCallback { (error: Error): void; } export interface RequestCallback { (error: Error): void; } export interface SuccessResponseCallback { (response: string): void; } export interface ErrorResponseCallback { (response: string): void; } export interface StateChangeCallback { (prevState: ConnectionState, state: ConnectionState, retryCount: number): void; } export interface ReconnectFailedCallback { (): void; } export interface HeartCheck { timeout: number; serverTimeout: number; timer: number; serverTimer: number; reset: () => {}; start: () => void; } export interface Options { wsUrl: string; extendInfo: Record<string, any>; onConnect: ConnectCallback; // websocket连接成功回调 onMessage: MessageCallback; // 客户接收服务端数据回调 one rror: ErrorCallback; // 通信发送错误回调 onWsStateChange?: StateChangeCallback;// websocket连接状态改变的回调 onWsReconnectFailed?: ReconnectFailedCallback; // 重连失败回调 } export class WS{ private wsUrl: string; private extendInfo: Record<string, any>; private options: Options; // websocket private wsSocket: WebSocket | null; public state: ConnectionState; // websocket当前连接状态 public prevState: ConnectionState; // websocket上次连接状态 private currentId: number; // 用于和请求消息匹配 private times: number; // 超时时间 默认 60s private timer: any; // 延迟器 public autoReconnected: boolean; // 自动重连标志 private lockReconnect: boolean; // 避免重复连接 private heartCheck: HeartCheck; // 心跳检测机制 private retryTimerId: number;// 重连定时器对象 private retryCount: number; // 当前重连次数 private maxRetryCount: number; // 最大重连次数 private pendingRequests: Array<string>; // websocket 未准备好时发送消息,缓存消息的队列 private successCallbacks: Map<string, SuccessResponseCallback>; // 发送消息,请求成功回调 private errorCallbacks: Map<string, ErrorResponseCallback>; // 发送消息,请求失败回调 public constructor (options: Options) { console.log('options', options); this.wsUrl = options.wsUrl; this.options = options; this.wsSocket = null; this.state = ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED; this.prevState = ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED; this.times = 60 * 1000; this.timer = null; this.autoReconnected = true; this.lockReconnect = false; this.retryTimerId = null; this.retryCount = 0; this.maxRetryCount = 30; this.pendingRequests = new Array<string>(); this.successCallbacks = new Map<string, SuccessResponseCallback>(); this.errorCallbacks = new Map<string, ErrorResponseCallback>(); this.heartCheck = this.initHeartCheck(); } // 建立websocket连接 public connect (): boolean { if (!this.wsUrl && !this.wsUrl.length) { console.error('Websocket url is empty!') return false } this.retryTimerId && clearTimeout(this.retryTimerId); if (!this.wsSocket) { this.updateWsStateChange(ConnectionState.CONNECTING); this.wsSocket = new WebSocket(this.wsUrl); if (this.wsUrl) { this.wsSocket.onopen = this.onConnect.bind(this); this.wsSocket.onmessage = this.onWsMessage.bind(this); this.wsSocket.onclose = this.onWsClose.bind(this); this.wsSocket.onerror = this.onWsError.bind(this); } } return !!this.wsSocket; } // 发送消息 public sendMessage (request: any, successCb?: SuccessResponseCallback, errorCb?: ErrorResponseCallback): boolean { if (!request) { return false; } const requestId = `${Date.now()}_${this.currentId++}`; request.id = requestId; // 需要后端配合,将id带给后端,后端再将id返回 if (this.wsSocket) { if (this.wsSocket.readyState < 1) { this.pendingRequests.push(request); } else { console.log(`send message:${request}`); this.send(request) } if (successCb && typeof successCb === 'function') { this.successCallbacks.set(requestId, successCb) } if (errorCb && typeof errorCb === 'function') { this.errorCallbacks.set(requestId, errorCb) } return true; } } /** * 发送消息 + 超时机制 */ private send (msg: any) { this.wsSocket.send(msg); if (!this.timer) { this.timer = setTimeout(() => { console.error('server timeout') if (typeof this.options.onError === 'function') { this.options.onError(new Error('server timeout')); } }, this.times); } } // 关闭websocket连接 public close (): void { if (this.wsSocket) { this.autoReconnected = false; this.pendingRequests = []; this.wsSocket.close(); this.resetWs(); this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer); this.retryTimerId && clearTimeout(this.retryTimerId) this.heartCheck.reset(); this.heartCheck = null; console.log('close websocket') } } // 清空websocket的绑定事件 private resetWs () { if (this.wsSocket) { this.wsSocket.onmessage = null; this.wsSocket.onclose = null; this.wsSocket.onerror = null; this.wsSocket.onopen = null; this.wsSocket = null; } } // 连接建立成功时触发 private onConnect () { this.heartCheck.start(); this.prevState = this.state; if (this.retryTimerId) { clearTimeout(this.retryTimerId); this.retryTimerId = null; this.updateWsStateChange(ConnectionState.RECOVERY); } else { this.updateWsStateChange(ConnectionState.CONNECTED); } if (this.pendingRequests.length) { let req: string | undefined; while ((req = this.pendingRequests.shift())) { this.send(req) } } } // 收到服务端消息时触发 private onWsMessage (event: MessageEvent<any>) { this.heartCheck && this.heartCheck.start(); this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; const message = JSON.parse(event.data); if (message === 'pong') return if (typeof this.options.onMessage === 'function') { this.options.onMessage(event) } // 根据消息id判断是否要执行请求回调 const id = message.id; if (id) { const successCb = this.successCallbacks.get(id); const errorCb = this.errorCallbacks.get(id); // 成功 successCb(message); // 失败 errorCb(message); this.successCallbacks.delete(id); this.errorCallbacks.delete(id); } } // 连接关闭时触发 private onWsClose (event) { console.log('onWsClose', event); this.heartCheck && this.heartCheck.reset(); this.pendingRequests = []; this.updateWsStateChange(ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED); } // 连接报错时触发 private onWsError (event) { console.log('onWsError', event); this.heartCheck && this.heartCheck.reset(); this.pendingRequests = []; this.updateWsStateChange(ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED); } /** * 更新websocket连接状态 */ private updateWsStateChange (state: ConnectionState) { this.prevState = this.state; this.state = state; if (this.options.onWsStateChange && typeof this.options.onWsStateChange === 'function') { this.prevState !== this.state && this.options.onWsStateChange(this.prevState, this.state, this.retryCount); } } /** * websocket 重连 */ public reconnect () { if (!this.autoReconnected && this.lockReconnect) return this.lockReconnect = true; this.retryTimerId && clearTimeout(this.retryTimerId) if (this.retryCount < this.maxRetryCount) { this.retryTimerId = window.setTimeout(() => { this.retryCount++; console.log(`${new Date().toLocaleString()} Try to reconnect, count: ${this.retryCount}`); this.updateWsStateChange(ConnectionState.RECONNECTING); this.resetWs(); this.connect(); this.lockReconnect = false; }, this.getReconnectDelay(this.retryCount)); } else { console.warn(`SDK has tried reconnect signal channel for ${this.maxRetryCount} times, but all failed. please check your network`); if (this.options.onWsReconnectFailed) { this.options.onWsReconnectFailed() } } } /** * 心跳机制 */ private initHeartCheck (): HeartCheck { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias const that = this; return { timeout: 2 * 1000, // 每2s向服务端发送一次消息 serverTimeout: 10 * 1000, // 10s收不到服务端消息算超时 timer: null, serverTimer: null, reset () { // 心跳检测重置 clearTimeout(this.timer); clearTimeout(this.serverTimer); this.timer = null; this.serverTimer = null; return this; }, start () { // 心跳检测启动 this.reset(); this.timer = setTimeout(() => { that.wsSocket.send('ping'); // 定时向服务端发送消息 if (!this.serverTimer) { this.serverTimer = setTimeout(() => { console.log(new Date().toLocaleString(), 'not received pong, close the websocket'); that.reconnect(); // 重连 }, this.serverTimeout); } }, this.timeout); } } } /** * 获取重连的定时时间 * @param count 重连次数 */ private getReconnectDelay (count: number) { const t = Math.round(count / 2) + 1; return t > 6 ? 13 * 1000 : 3 * 1000; } }
import {WS} from './ws.ts' const ws = new WS({ wsUrl:'xxxxx', onConnect:()=>{ // websocket的连接成功业务逻辑 }, onMessage:(data)=>{ // 接收到客户端数据逻辑 }, one rror:(err)=>{ // 通信发送错误逻辑 } }) // 建立连接 ws.connect(); // 发送消息 ws.sendMessage(msg,(data)=>{ //成功回调 },(err)=>{ // 失败回调 })标签:封装,前端,private,wsSocket,&&,WebSocket,websocket,null,options From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hyt09/p/17491531.html