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时间:2023-06-10 17:23:49浏览次数:39  
标签:http ucr girke edu small data projects



The Girke lab focuses on fundamental research questions at the intersection of genome biology and chemical genomics. These include: Which factors in genomes, proteomes and metabolomes are functionally relevant and perturbable by small molecules? What properties of small molecules and their targets are the main drivers for compound-target interactions? How can these insights be used to develop precision perturbation strategies for biological processes with translational applications in both agriculture and human health? To address these questions, the group develops computational methods for analyzing both large-scale omics and small molecule bioactivity data. This includes discovery-oriented projects, as well as algorithm and software development projects for data types from a variety of Big Data technologies, such as NGS, genome-wide profiling approaches and chemical genomics. As part of the multidisciplinary nature of my field, the group frequently collaborates with experimental scientists on data analysis projects of complex biological problems. Another important activity is the development of integrated data analysis systems for the open source software projects R and Bioconductor. The following gives a short summary of a few selected projects.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wangprince2017/p/17471587.html


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