[color=red]1. [b]System.getProperty()获取tomcat自定义变量[/b][/color]
环境 tomcat 集群 有一个定时器
选择其中一台服务器 修改tomcat bin 目录下的
windows catalina.bat
linux catalina.sh
你定义的变量 必须以-D开头 否则System.getProperty()无法获取到该参数值
以 scheduler.start为例子
set JAVA_OPTS= -Dscheduler.start=true
System.getProperty('scheduler.start')可以获取到 true值
当获取到true时 那台服务器就会开始定时任务 其他服务器就不会开启
[color=red][b]2. catalina.bat或者eclipse服务器里面设定的环境变量[/b]
A:在catalina.bat增加JAVA_OPTS="...... -DPANDY_HOME=e:/aaa ...... "
<bean id="appProperties" class="com.pandy.config.AppProperties">
<property name="locations">
@Value("#{ systemProperties['JAVA_MY_ENV'] }")
private String myVar;
<property name ="myVar" value="#{systemProperties['JAVA_MY_ENV']}"/>
<bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="locations">
<property name="ignoreResourceNotFound" value="true" />
<property name="searchSystemEnvironment" value="true" />
<property name="systemPropertiesModeName" value="SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_MODE_OVERRIDE" />
You must also remember to pass the parameter into the program using
[color=blue] -DJAVA_MY_ENV=xyz[/color]
This way when you run the production version you can pass one thing and when you are running tests another.
Also what I often what I do is something like this:
<property name="locations">
where environment is prod/stage/test/int/ci/local (1 per environment - you may only have 2 or 3 for now). You can pass the environment variable to the program. Any properties which should be the same regardless of if its production/running on your local pc/tests would be in the someprops.properties property file. Any ones specific to the environment/way its being run as will go in the more specific file (you should put it in the someprops.properties file as well as a default unless overridden mechanism)
E.g. in classpath:someprops.properties
in classpath:someprops-local.properties
By using this basic idea you can separate tests and the program's normal running properties in a clean manner.