[root@host106 salt]# salt '*' sys.list_functions archive host104: - archive.cmd_unzip - archive.cmd_zip - archive.gunzip - archive.gzip - archive.is_encrypted - archive.list - archive.rar - archive.tar - archive.unrar - archive.unzip - archive.zip host105: - archive.cmd_unzip - archive.cmd_zip - archive.gunzip - archive.gzip - archive.is_encrypted - archive.list - archive.rar - archive.tar - archive.unrar - archive.unzip - archive.zip
[root@host106 ~]# salt '*' archive.zip /opt/t.zip /tmp/t1,/tmp/t2 host104: - tmp/t1 - tmp/t2 host105: - tmp/t1 - tmp/t2
[root@host106 ~]# salt '*' archive.unzip /opt/t.zip /tmp/ host104: - tmp/t1 - tmp/t2 host105: - tmp/t1 - tmp/t2
[root@host106 ~]# salt '*' sys.list_functions cmd host104: - cmd.exec_code - cmd.exec_code_all - cmd.has_exec - cmd.powershell - cmd.retcode - cmd.run - cmd.run_all - cmd.run_bg - cmd.run_chroot - cmd.run_stderr - cmd.run_stdout - cmd.script - cmd.script_retcode - cmd.sdecode - cmd.shell - cmd.shell_info - cmd.shells - cmd.tty - cmd.which - cmd.which_bin host105: - cmd.exec_code - cmd.exec_code_all - cmd.has_exec - cmd.powershell - cmd.powershell_all - cmd.retcode - cmd.run - cmd.run_all - cmd.run_bg - cmd.run_chroot - cmd.run_stderr - cmd.run_stdout - cmd.script - cmd.script_retcode - cmd.shell - cmd.shell_info - cmd.shells - cmd.tty - cmd.which - cmd.which_bin
salt '*' cmd.run 'free -m' # 命令cmd.run
salt '*' cmd.script /tmp/t.sh # cmd.script
salt 'host105' cmd.shell 'rm /tmp/lsfz* -rf' # cmd.shell
[root@host106 ~]# salt '*' sys.list_functions cp host104: - cp.cache_dir - cp.cache_file - cp.cache_files - cp.cache_local_file - cp.cache_master - cp.get_dir - cp.get_file - cp.get_file_str - cp.get_template - cp.get_url - cp.hash_file - cp.is_cached - cp.list_master - cp.list_master_dirs - cp.list_master_symlinks - cp.list_minion - cp.list_states - cp.push - cp.push_dir - cp.recv - cp.recv_chunked - cp.stat_file host105: - cp.cache_dest - cp.cache_dir - cp.cache_file - cp.cache_files - cp.cache_local_file - cp.cache_master - cp.envs - cp.get_dir - cp.get_file - cp.get_file_str - cp.get_template - cp.get_url - cp.hash_file - cp.is_cached - cp.list_master - cp.list_master_dirs - cp.list_master_symlinks - cp.list_minion - cp.list_states - cp.push - cp.push_dir - cp.recv - cp.recv_chunked - cp.stat_fileView Code
将master端的/etc/hosts文件复制到minion端的salt cache目录(/var/cache/salt/minion/localfiles/)
[root@host106 ~]# salt '*' cp.cache_local_file /etc/hosts host104: /var/cache/salt/minion/localfiles/etc/hosts host105: /var/cache/salt/minion/localfiles/etc/hosts
[root@host106 ~]# ls /srv/salt/ apache.sls _modules nginx top.sls [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' cp.get_dir salt://nginx/ /opt/ host104: - /opt//nginx/files/nginx-1.25.0.tar.gz - /opt//nginx/files/nginx.conf - /opt//nginx/files/nginx.service - /opt//nginx/init.sls host105: - /opt//nginx/files/nginx-1.25.0.tar.gz - /opt//nginx/files/nginx.conf - /opt//nginx/files/nginx.service - /opt//nginx/init.slsView Code
[root@host106 ~]# salt '*' cp.get_url https://www.cyy123.com /tmp/index.html host105: /tmp/index.html host104: /tmp/index.html
[root@host106 ~]# salt '*' dnsutil.hosts_append /etc/hosts www.baidu.com host104: The following line was added to /etc/hosts: www.baidu.com host105: The following line was added to /etc/hosts: www.baidu.com
[root@host106 ~]# salt '*' dnsutils.hosts_remove /etc/hosts www.baidu.com
[root@host106 ~]# salt '*' sys.list_functions file host104: - file.access - file.append - file.apply_template_on_contents - file.basename - file.blockreplace - file.check_file_meta - file.check_hash - file.check_managed - file.check_managed_changes - file.check_perms - file.chgrp - file.chown - file.comment - file.comment_line - file.contains - file.contains_glob - file.contains_regex - file.copy - file.delete_backup - file.directory_exists - file.dirname - file.diskusage - file.extract_hash - file.file_exists - file.find - file.get_devmm - file.get_diff - file.get_gid - file.get_group - file.get_hash - file.get_managed - file.get_mode - file.get_selinux_context - file.get_source_sum - file.get_sum - file.get_uid - file.get_user - file.gid_to_group - file.grep - file.group_to_gid - file.is_blkdev - file.is_chrdev - file.is_fifo - file.is_link - file.join - file.lchown - file.line - file.link - file.list_backup - file.list_backups - file.list_backups_dir - file.lstat - file.makedirs - file.makedirs_perms - file.manage_file - file.mkdir - file.mknod - file.mknod_blkdev - file.mknod_chrdev - file.mknod_fifo - file.move - file.normpath - file.open_files - file.pardir - file.patch - file.path_exists_glob - file.prepend - file.psed - file.read - file.readdir - file.readlink - file.remove - file.remove_backup - file.rename - file.replace - file.restore_backup - file.restorecon - file.rmdir - file.search - file.sed - file.sed_contains - file.seek_read - file.seek_write - file.set_mode - file.set_selinux_context - file.source_list - file.stats - file.statvfs - file.symlink - file.touch - file.truncate - file.uid_to_user - file.uncomment - file.user_to_uid - file.write host105: - file.access - file.append - file.apply_template_on_contents - file.basename - file.blockreplace - file.chattr - file.check_file_meta - file.check_hash - file.check_managed - file.check_managed_changes - file.check_perms - file.chgrp - file.chown - file.comment - file.comment_line - file.contains - file.contains_glob - file.contains_regex - file.copy - file.delete_backup - file.directory_exists - file.dirname - file.diskusage - file.extract_hash - file.file_exists - file.find - file.get_devmm - file.get_diff - file.get_gid - file.get_group - file.get_hash - file.get_managed - file.get_mode - file.get_selinux_context - file.get_source_sum - file.get_sum - file.get_uid - file.get_user - file.gid_to_group - file.grep - file.group_to_gid - file.is_blkdev - file.is_chrdev - file.is_fifo - file.is_hardlink - file.is_link - file.join - file.lchown - file.line - file.link - file.list_backup - file.list_backups - file.list_backups_dir - file.lsattr - file.lstat - file.makedirs - file.makedirs_perms - file.manage_file - file.mkdir - file.mknod - file.mknod_blkdev - file.mknod_chrdev - file.mknod_fifo - file.move - file.normpath - file.open_files - file.pardir - file.patch - file.path_exists_glob - file.prepend - file.psed - file.read - file.readdir - file.readlink - file.remove - file.remove_backup - file.rename - file.replace - file.restore_backup - file.restorecon - file.rmdir - file.search - file.sed - file.sed_contains - file.seek_read - file.seek_write - file.set_mode - file.set_selinux_context - file.source_list - file.stats - file.statvfs - file.symlink - file.touch - file.truncate - file.uid_to_user - file.uncomment - file.user_to_uid - file.writeView Code
file.chown 修改文件权限
[root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.chown /etc/passwd root root
[root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.copy /tmp/t.sh /opt/t.sh host104: True host105: True [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.copy /root/test /opt/test recurse=True host104: True host105: True [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.directory_exists /tmp host104: True host105: True [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.stats /etc/passwd host104: ---------- atime: 1685606591.579007 ctime: 1685520187.770625 gid: 0 group: root inode: 3149087 mode: 0o644 mtime: 1685520187.6146245 size: 3007 target: /etc/passwd type: file uid: 0 user: root host105: ---------- atime: 1685675456.4029915 ctime: 1685589056.2419565 gid: 0 group: root inode: 68500246 mode: 0644 mtime: 1685589056.1539576 size: 1505 target: /etc/passwd type: file uid: 0 user: root [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.get_mode /etc/passwd host104: 0o644 host105: 0644 [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.set_mode /etc/passwd 0644 host104: 0o644 host105: 0644 [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.mkdir /tmp/test host104: True host105: True [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.sed /opt/t.sh 'ls' 'ls -la' host104: ---------- pid: 8754 retcode: 0 stderr: stdout: host105: ---------- pid: 6309 retcode: 0 stderr: stdout: [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.append /tmp/t.sh 'ls /root/test' host104: Wrote 1 lines to "/tmp/t.sh" host105: Wrote 1 lines to "/tmp/t.sh" [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.remove /opt/t.sh host104: True host105: True [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.touch /opt/t.sh host104: True host105: True [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.move /opt/t.sh /opt/t1.sh host104: ---------- comment: '/opt/t.sh' moved to '/opt/t1.sh' result: True host105: ---------- comment: '/opt/t.sh' moved to '/opt/t1.sh' result: True [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.rename /opt/t1.sh /opt/t2.sh host104: True host105: True [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.find /root/ type=f name=\*.tar.gz size=+200m host104: - /root/pkg/mysql-8.0.26.tar.gz host105: - /root/soft/mysql-8.0.11-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz [root@host106 ~]# salt '*' file.find /root/ mtime=-30d size=+100m print=path.size,mtime host104: - 1683167746 - 1683252009 - 1683507314 - 1684812540 host105:
标签:get,root,cmd,file,常用命令,satlstack,cp,salt From: https://www.cnblogs.com/mjxi/p/17451292.html