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英语背单词 专四词汇 2023年06月 ChatGPT

时间:2023-06-01 12:33:54浏览次数:42  
标签:专四 bugle Oliver 06 奥利弗 his music 背单词 he



Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
bugle, greed, stink, smear, coffin,
peep, kidney, robin, needy, artistic,
conceited, fleece, parenthood, improper, mow

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Definition
1 bugle /ˈbʌɡəl/ a brass musical instrument that makes a loud, high-pitched sound
2 greed /ɡriːd/ a strong desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food
3 stink /stɪŋk/ to have a strong, unpleasant smell
4 smear /smɪːr/ to spread something over a surface in a thick layer
5 coffin /ˈkɒfɪn/ a box in which a dead person is buried
6 peep /piːp/ to look or listen for a short time
7 kidney /ˈkiːnɪd/ one of two bean-shaped organs that filter waste products from the blood
8 robin /ˈrɒbɪn/ a small, red-breasted bird that is common in Europe and North America
9 needy /ˈniːdi/ lacking the necessities of life, especially food, clothing, and shelter
10 artistic /ɑːˈtɪstɪk/ having or showing a natural talent or skill in art
11 conceited /kənˈsiːtɪd/ having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance or abilities
12 fleece /flɪːs/ to remove the wool from a sheep's coat
13 parenthood /ˈpeərəntəʊd/ the state of being a parent
14 improper /ɪmˈprəʊpə/ not correct or fitting
15 mow /məʊ/ to cut grass or hay with a scythe or lawnmower

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a talented and artistic[10] young man named Oliver. Oliver possessed a remarkable gift for playing the bugle[1], and his melodies would echo through the valley, captivating everyone who heard them.

However, as Oliver's fame grew, so did his greed[2]. He began to desire more recognition and wealth, and his music lost its soulful essence. The pure notes that once touched hearts now carried a taint of stink[3] born out of Oliver's improper[14] intentions.

Word of Oliver's change spread, and soon the townsfolk could no longer bear the smear[4] that tainted his once-beloved music. They stopped attending his performances and turned their backs on him.

Feeling abandoned and desperate, Oliver started peeping into the lives of others. He discovered that the town's wealthiest citizens, those who had spurned him, possessed kidneys[7] of gold. Consumed by his needy[9] desires, Oliver devised a plan to relieve them of their precious organs and sell them to the highest bidder.

Late one moonlit night, Oliver disguised himself as a robin[8] hooded figure and crept into the mansion of the richest man in town. His heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and guilt as he opened the door to the sleeping millionaire's bedroom.

But as Oliver approached the bed, ready to extract the man's kidney, he noticed a photograph on the nightstand. It depicted a smiling family, radiating with love and parenthood[13]. Oliver's hands trembled, and his conscience screamed at him. He realized the depth of his actions and the conceited[11] path he had chosen.

Dropping the tools of his trade, Oliver fled the mansion, tears streaming down his face. He vowed to change his ways and find redemption through his music once more. He sought out those less fortunate, playing his bugle in the streets for the needy[9] and destitute.

Word of his transformation spread like wildfire, and soon Oliver's melodies filled the air with a renewed sense of fairness[5]. People gathered around him, enthralled by the beautiful music that resonated with their hearts. Oliver's skill and passion had returned, but this time, he played not for fame or wealth, but to bring joy to those who needed it most.

Oliver's melodies swept away the shadows of his past, and he embraced the fleece[12] of forgiveness that wrapped around him. His life became a testament to the power of change and the beauty that lies within each of us, waiting to be rediscovered.

And so, with each note that soared from Oliver's bugle, a little corner of the world was healed. The village regained its harmony, and Oliver found solace in the knowledge that his music could uplift and inspire. No longer driven by greed[2], he had discovered the true essence of his gift—to touch hearts and souls with the power of his art.

In the end, Oliver's story became a timeless reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for redemption and the opportunity to create something beautiful. And as his bugle echoed through the hills, it carried with it the transformative power of music, a melody of change and fleeting[6] brilliance.













From: https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/17448600.html


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