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时间:2023-05-31 19:22:51浏览次数:45  
标签:domain 标签 样本 al 故障 adaptation learning active et




Active Domain Adaptation Method for Intelligent Fault Detection with Label Expansion

As the scale of mechanical equipment continues to expand and its functions become more complex, in order to avoid unnecessary economic losses, more and more attention has been paid to effectively preventing equipment failures.1 The method of signal processing2 requires the detection personnel to have rich knowledge and experience, and it is difficult to perform real-time monitoring. The method of machine learning (ML)3 requires a lot of human resources for feature processing, and high-dimensional features are difficult to mine. In recent years, deep learning (DL) technology4 has been widely studied for equipment fault detection due to its powerful feature extraction capability. However, training a high-performance DL model requires a large number of labeled samples, but the cost of collecting these labeled samples is expensive, which is the essential reason why deep models are rarely successful. Meanwhile, most of the existing deep learning methods assume the same data distribution in the source and target domains. However, in actual operation of mechanical equipment, there are reasons such as changing working conditions (such as changes in the speed and load of the equipment) and sudden changes in temperature. This assumption is unrealistic. Therefore, the performance of well-trained deep models applied to practical work will be greatly compromised.
Transfer learning (TL) can mine domain invariant fundamental features and structures in two different but related domains, which enables the information learned from the source domain to be transferred and reused between domains.5 In recent years, transfer learning methods have been increasingly applied to the fault diagnosis of rotating machinery.6,7 Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is a representative method in transfer learning. This method generally utilizes minimum domain spacing8,9 or adversarial strategies10,11 to apply the knowledge learned by the model from the source domain to the detection of the target domain, so as to solve the problem of mapping bias. In the past few years, unsupervised domain adaptation has been gradually applied and developed in the fields of image classification12,13 and mechanical fault detection.14–16
However, the detection method based on unsupervised domain adaptation still has some defects, and two problems are more prominent:
(1) Performance issues with unsupervised models. Domain adaptation enables cross-domain diagnosis by solving the problem of mapping bias between source and target domains. However, the diagnostic performance of the unsupervised domain adaptation models is far less than that of most supervised diagnostic models,17,18 and even a small number of target domain label samples can significantly improve the diagnostic performance of the model.
(2) Label domain expansion problem. Most of the current mainstream domain adaptation diagnosis methods assume that the source domain and the target domain have the same label domain space. However, when the target domain has more health categories than the source domain, it is difficult for the domain adaptation model to detect the newly added health categories.
Neglecting the above problems will cause the model to misdiagnose the health status of the equipment in practical applications, resulting in unnecessary economic losses. This problem occurs in the model due to the lack of transferable knowledge of the newly added health categories in the source domain during training, resulting in the domain invariant features extracted by the model only having strong correlation with the source domain health categories, and lack of key features that can identify the newly added health categories. We found that most of the prediction results of the model for the newly added health categories are distributed at the decision boundary of the source domain health category, so this means that the newly added health category has a higher amount of information in the mapped feature invariant space.
In recent years, some researchers have used sample selection algorithms to extract informative samples in the target domain to assist model training, which is used to improve the diagnostic performance of unsupervised models. Active learning (AL) aims to select the most valuable samples from a pool of unlabeled samples using a query strategy. Among them, the pool-based active learning (Pool-Based AL)19–21 sample selection method has been widely studied. Most previous active learning methods use a single query strategy to select samples and train models in the same domain.22,23 With the development of transfer learning techniques, active learning is applied to cross-domain sample selection, so active transfer learning24,25 has been intensively studied. Domain adaptation (DA), as a branch of transfer learning, combined with active learning is called active domain adaptation (ADA).26–28 ADA is similar to the basic AL model training steps, which are generally divided into two parts: model training and query strategy. Fu18 proposed a new transferable query selection (TQS) method for active domain adaptation, including transferable uncertainty, transferable domainness, and transferable committee. It is experimentally demonstrated that TQS can select the target samples with the largest amount of information under domain transfer. Su29 proposed an active learning method for transferring representations across domains. This active adversarial domain adaptation (AADA) method explores the duality between two related issues: adversarial domain alignment and importance sampling for cross-domain adaptation models. Zhou30 proposed a discriminative active learning method for domain adaptation to reduce the workload of data annotation, and demonstrated the effectiveness of this active domain adaptation algorithm. However, previous active domain adaptation do not consider the impact of label domain expansion on model diagnostic performance.
In view of the above problems, this paper considers that the newly added healthy category samples in the domain invariant space after marginal distribution alignment have a high amount of information. An active domain adaptation intelligent fault detection framework LDE-ADA is designed to deal with the label domain expansion problem, which is used to solve the label domain expansion problem in cross-domain fault diagnosis. The method firstly uses the UDA model to learn domain invariant features, which are used to solve the domain bias problem of ADA and improve the query accuracy of newly added healthy samples. Then use the improved active learning query strategy to select the most valuable samples from the target domain sample pool for labeling. Finally, use the labeled fusion sample set to train the model again, and repeat the above steps.

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文献类型:Research article 、Review article

迁移学习(TL)可以在两个不同但相关的领域中挖掘领域不变的基本特征和结构,这使得从源领域学到的信息可以在领域之间转移和重用。5近年来,迁移6,7 无监督领域适应(UDA)是转移学习中的一个代表性方法。该方法一般利用最小域间隔8,9或对抗策略10,11将模型从源域学到的知识应用于目标域的检测,从而解决映射偏差的问题。在过去的几年中,无监督领域适应性在图像分类12,13和机械故障检测等领域逐渐得到应用和发展14-16。
(2) 标签域扩展问题。目前主流的领域适应性诊断方法大多假定源域和目标域具有相同的标签域空间。然而,当目标域比源域有更多的健康类别时,域适应模型就很难检测到新增加的健康类别。
近年来,一些研究人员利用样本选择算法在目标域中提取信息量大的样本来辅助模型训练,用于提高无监督模型的诊断性能。主动学习(AL)旨在利用查询策略从未标记的样本池中选择最有价值的样本。其中,基于池的主动学习(Pool-Based AL)19-2样本选择方法已被广泛研究。以前的主动学习方法大多采用单一的查询策略,在同一领域选择样本和训练模型。22,23随着迁移学习技术的发展,主动学习被应用于跨领域的样本选择,所以主动迁移学习24,25得到了深入研究。领域适应(DA)作为迁移学习的一个分支,与主动学习相结合被称为主动领域适应(ADA)。26-28 ADA与基本的AL模型训练步骤类似,一般分为两部分:模型训练和查询策略。Fu18提出了一种新的主动领域适应的可转移查询选择(TQS)方法,包括可转移不确定性、可转移领域性和可转移委员会。实验证明,TQS可以选择领域转移下信息量最大的目标样本。Su等人29提出了一种主动学习方法,用于跨域转移表征。这种主动对抗性领域适应(AADA)方法探索了两个相关问题之间的二重性:对抗性领域对齐和跨领域适应模型的重要性采样。Zhou等人30提出了一种用于领域适应的判别性主动学习方法,以减少数据注释的工作量,并证明了这种主动领域适应算法的有效性。然而,以前的主动域适应并没有考虑标签域扩展对模型诊断性能的影响。

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/seain/p/17447107.html


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