首页 > 其他分享 >关于VRP配置文件的操作


时间:2023-05-30 18:44:54浏览次数:44  
标签:rw 配置文件 zip May 09 vrpcfg VRP 30 操作




关于华为网络设备操作系统VRP配置文件的操作是NA级别的内容,已经学过很久了,但到了真实环境使用时多多少少有一些不自然,原因无非是思考的深度不足且练习的次数也不足,虽然现在已经学到IE了,但发觉发现这些基础的操作在日常工作当中使用的次数还是挺频繁的, 单独用一小节来复习巩固一下;




  1. 将内存的当中内容全都刷到配置文件当中,比如名字是vrpcfg.zip
  2. 将此配置文件在VRP系统当中复制一份名为vrpcfg.zip.back,并且保存到自己本地电脑一份
  3. 将vrpcfg.zip文件删除掉或重置
  4. 重启设备这样就获得了一个干净的环境,并且会新生成一个vrpcfg.zip文件
  5. 自己做完测试之后,将vrpcfg.zip.back配置覆盖vrpcfg.zip文件
# 这是一个新的设备刚开始
<Huawei>dis version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.130 (AR2200 V200R003C00)
<Huawei>dis startup
  Startup system software:                   null
  Next startup system software:              null
  Backup system software for next startup:   null
  Startup saved-configuration file:          flash:/vrpcfg.zip
  Next startup saved-configuration file:     flash:/vrpcfg.zip
  Startup license file:                      null
  Next startup license file:                 null
  Startup patch package:                     null
  Next startup patch package:                null
  Startup voice-files:                       null
  Next startup voice-files:                  null
Directory of flash:/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  drw-              -  May 30 2023 09:46:55   dhcp
    1  -rw-        121,802  May 26 2014 09:20:58   portalpage.zip
    2  -rw-          2,263  May 30 2023 09:46:51   statemach.efs
    3  -rw-        828,482  May 26 2014 09:20:58   sslvpn.zip

1,090,732 KB total (784,464 KB free)
# 简单做一些配置,将配置刷到硬盘当中,会生成一个vrpcfg.zip的文件
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[Huawei]sysn AR1
[AR1]int vlan 1
[AR1-Vlanif1]ip add 24
  The current configuration will be written to the device. 
  Are you sure to continue? (y/n)[n]:y
  It will take several minutes to save configuration file, please wait.......
  Configuration file had been saved successfully
  Note: The configuration file will take effect after being activated
Directory of flash:/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  drw-              -  May 30 2023 09:46:55   dhcp
    1  -rw-        121,802  May 26 2014 09:20:58   portalpage.zip
    2  -rw-          2,263  May 30 2023 09:46:51   statemach.efs
    3  -rw-        828,482  May 26 2014 09:20:58   sslvpn.zip
    4  -rw-            265  May 30 2023 09:55:25   private-data.txt
    5  -rw-            567  May 30 2023 09:55:24   **vrpcfg.zip**

1,090,732 KB total (784,448 KB free)
# 拷贝配置文件
<AR1>copy vrpcfg.zip vrpcfg.zip.back
<AR1>reset saved-configuration  # reset相当于直接清空了vrpcfg.zip当中的内容
<AR1>dir  # 会发现大小变成了120
Directory of flash:/
  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  drw-              -  May 30 2023 09:46:55   dhcp
    1  -rw-        121,802  May 26 2014 09:20:58   portalpage.zip
    2  -rw-          2,263  May 30 2023 09:57:30   statemach.efs
    3  -rw-        828,482  May 26 2014 09:20:58   sslvpn.zip
    4  -rw-            265  May 30 2023 09:55:25   private-data.txt
    5  -rw-            567  May 30 2023 09:56:48   vrpcfg.zip.back
    6  -rw-            120  May 30 2023 09:57:30   vrpcfg.zip

1,090,732 KB total (784,448 KB free)

# 当前的配置还在内存当中
<AR1>dis ip int bri
Interface                         IP Address/Mask      Physical   Protocol  
GigabitEthernet0/0/0              unassigned           down       down      
GigabitEthernet0/0/1              unassigned           down       down      
GigabitEthernet0/0/2              unassigned           down       down      
NULL0                             unassigned           up         up(s)     
Vlanif1                        down       down

# 重启时,问你内存当中的配置是否要保存到启动文件当中,选不保存
Info: The system is comparing the configuration, please wait.
Warning: All the configuration will be saved to the next startup configuration. 
Continue ? [y/n]:n
System will reboot! Continue ? [y/n]:y
Info: system is rebooting ,please wait...

# 重启完成之后就是一个干净的系统了,如下所示:
Directory of flash:/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  drw-              -  May 30 2023 09:46:55   dhcp
    1  -rw-        121,802  May 26 2014 09:20:58   portalpage.zip
    2  -rw-          2,263  May 30 2023 10:00:27   statemach.efs
    3  -rw-        828,482  May 26 2014 09:20:58   sslvpn.zip
    4  -rw-            265  May 30 2023 09:55:25   private-data.txt
    5  -rw-            567  May 30 2023 09:56:48   vrpcfg.zip.back
    6  -rw-            120  May 30 2023 09:57:30   vrpcfg.zip

1,090,732 KB total (784,452 KB free)


# 模拟我测试时的操作
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[Huawei]sysn WWWDKFJD
[WWWDKFJD]int vlan 1
[WWWDKFJD-Vlanif1]ip add 24
  The current configuration will be written to the device. 
  Are you sure to continue? (y/n)[n]:y
  It will take several minutes to save configuration file, please wait........
  Configuration file had been saved successfully
  Note: The configuration file will take effect after being activated

# 再看
Directory of flash:/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  drw-              -  May 30 2023 09:46:55   dhcp
    1  -rw-        121,802  May 26 2014 09:20:58   portalpage.zip
    2  -rw-          2,263  May 30 2023 10:03:08   statemach.efs
    3  -rw-        828,482  May 26 2014 09:20:58   sslvpn.zip
    4  -rw-            265  May 30 2023 09:55:25   private-data.txt
    5  -rw-            567  May 30 2023 09:56:48   vrpcfg.zip.back  # 客户的旧的配置
    6  -rw-            570  May 30 2023 10:03:08   vrpcfg.zip       # 我做测试时的配置

# 把客户的配置,直接覆盖到下一次启动的配置文件
<WWWDKFJD>copy vrpcfg.zip.back vrpcfg.zip
Copy flash:/vrpcfg.zip.back to flash:/vrpcfg.zip? (y/n)[n]:y
The file flash:/vrpcfg.zip exists. Overwrite it? (y/n)[n]:y
Deleting file permanently from flash will take a long time if needed...Done.

100%  complete
Info: Copied file flash:/vrpcfg.zip.back to flash:/vrpcfg.zip...Done
Directory of flash:/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  drw-              -  May 30 2023 09:46:55   dhcp
    1  -rw-        121,802  May 26 2014 09:20:58   portalpage.zip
    2  -rw-          2,263  May 30 2023 10:03:08   statemach.efs
    3  -rw-        828,482  May 26 2014 09:20:58   sslvpn.zip
    4  -rw-            265  May 30 2023 09:55:25   private-data.txt
    5  -rw-            567  May 30 2023 09:56:48   vrpcfg.zip.back
    6  -rw-            567  May 30 2023 10:04:30   vrpcfg.zip

# 不保存当前的配置,直接重启
Info: The system is comparing the configuration, please wait.
Warning: All the configuration will be saved to the next startup configuration. 
Continue ? [y/n]:n
System will reboot! Continue ? [y/n]:y
Info: system is rebooting ,please wait...

# 客户的配置又重新回来了
<AR1>dis ip int bri
Interface                         IP Address/Mask      Physical   Protocol  
GigabitEthernet0/0/0              unassigned           down       down      
GigabitEthernet0/0/1              unassigned           down       down      
GigabitEthernet0/0/2              unassigned           down       down      
NULL0                             unassigned           up         up(s)     
Vlanif1                        down       down



  • 步骤,特别简单:
    • 将当前的配置刷到硬盘当中,并备份当前的配置文件
    • 将客户给的配置文件上传到设备当中
    • 更改设备下一次开机使用的配置文件为客户的配置文件
    • 测试完之后,把下一次开机启动的指向再改回来
# 当前设备的初始配置
  The current configuration will be written to the device. 
  Are you sure to continue? (y/n)[n]:y
  It will take several minutes to save configuration file, please wait........
  Configuration file had been saved successfully
  Note: The configuration file will take effect after being activated
Directory of flash:/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  drw-              -  May 30 2023 09:46:55   dhcp
    1  -rw-        121,802  May 26 2014 09:20:58   portalpage.zip
    2  -rw-          2,263  May 30 2023 10:05:33   statemach.efs
    3  -rw-        828,482  May 26 2014 09:20:58   sslvpn.zip
    4  -rw-            265  May 30 2023 09:55:25   private-data.txt
    6  -rw-            567  May 30 2023 10:04:30   **vrpcfg.zip**

1,090,732 KB total (784,452 KB free)

# 默认下一次启动还是从vrpcfg.zip当前启动
<AR1>dis startup 
  Startup system software:                   null
  Next startup system software:              null
  Backup system software for next startup:   null
  **Startup saved-configuration file:          flash:/vrpcfg.zip**
  **Next startup saved-configuration file:     flash:/vrpcfg.zip**
  Startup license file:                      null
  Next startup license file:                 null
  Startup patch package:                     null
  Next startup patch package:                null
  Startup voice-files:                       null
  Next startup voice-files:                  null

# 把客户的配置文件bresee.zip上传到设备上
    5  -rw-            567  May 30 2023 09:56:48   **bresee.zip**
    6  -rw-            594  May 30 2023 10:14:58   vrpcfg.zip
<AR1>startup saved-configuration flash:/bresee.zip
This operation will take several minutes, please wait...
Info: Succeeded in setting the file for booting system
<AR1>dis startup
  Startup system software:                   null
  Next startup system software:              null
  Backup system software for next startup:   null
  **Startup saved-configuration file:          flash:/vrpcfg.zip**
  **Next startup saved-configuration file:     flash:/bresee.zip**

# 重启,问当前的配置是否配置,不保存
# 我们当前的配置已经保存过了,一旦在这里保存就会破坏客户的配置文件
Info: The system is comparing the configuration, please wait.
Warning: All the configuration will be saved to the next startup configuration. 
Continue ? **[y/n]:n**
System will reboot! Continue ? [y/n]:y
Info: system is rebooting ,please wait...

# 再开机就是客户的配置了!
Press any key to get started

# 测试完特准再把指向还原回去
<bresee>startup saved-configuration flash:/vrpcfg.zip
This operation will take several minutes, please wait...
Info: Succeeded in setting the file for booting system
Info: The system is comparing the configuration, please wait.
Warning: All the configuration will be saved to the next startup configuration. 
Continue ? [y/n]:n
System will reboot! Continue ? [y/n]:y
Info: system is rebooting ,please wait...

# 完美,又还原到了AR1
Press any key to get started

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yizhangheka/p/17444089.html


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