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时间:2023-05-26 12:33:30浏览次数:43  
标签:what want just suspicious terrible they OnlineDictionary

     What should I talk about it? It's just a simple competition , they just want to see what can we do, how good ideas can we think up.........
     I just want to express my own thoughts to show what am I thinking about. I just want to cooprate with others to find out thier thoughts, I take it for a exciting coopration. But now.....

     I feel that it's not just a compitition, it also become a warfare, they intrigue against each other, full of suspicious, how terrible! Why can they do this? I can't understand, I can't accept it.......

    Maybe I should give up this ugly thought, so terrible thought!
    I wish, all people can be peaceful........without suspicious.......

    Teacher had said that if you use "wish" but not " hope", it stand for that the dream would be hard to come true...Is it true?  How sad !

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16129500/6354966


  • OnlineDictionary项目体会(二)
        这几天的项目进展?没有动过代码,一直在搞需求,我们的目标是:做一个基本的原型,不进行优化和搜索设计,不考虑太多数据存储形式和加密.......    这几天一直在做准备工作,技术,还有框架。。。。     过几天,准备开始写代码了,做一个好看一点的原型,这个项目,如果......