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When you...

时间:2023-05-25 16:05:08浏览次数:31  
标签:... someone -- When know teaches your

lately, I spent so much time on English, expecially IELTS. I also spent time on Japanese, thought I don't know why .....Maybe I just don't to give up it, after all, I have sutdied it a term....
    Today , I read a beautiful pakeage, I publish it to you , just enjoy it....

When someone lies to you--it teaches you that things are not always as then seem. The truth is often far neneath the surface. Look beyound the masks people wear if you want to know their heart. And remove your own masks to let people know yours.

  When soneone teals from you--t teaches you that nothing is forever. Always appreciate what you have, hor you never know when you might lose it. And never, ever take your friends and family for granted because today is the only guarantee you have.

  When someone inflicts an injury upon you--it teaches you that the human state is a fragile one. Protect and take care of our body as best as you can, it's the only thing you are sure to have here on earth.
  When someone breaks your heart--it teaches you that loving someone does not always mean that person will love you back. But don't turn your back on love because when you find the right person, the joy that one person brings will make up for all the past hurts put together.

  When you are wronged--the most virtuousthing you can do is forgive the offender without pretence. Forgiving those who have hurt us is the most difficult and courageous thing Man can do.

  When a loved one is unfaithful to you--it teaches you that resisting temptation is Man's greatest challenge. Be vigilant in your resistance against all temptation. By doing so you will be rewared with an enduring sense of satisfaction far greater than the temporary pleasure by which you were tempted.

  When someone cheats you--it teaches you that greed is the root of all evil. Aspire to make your dreams come true, no matter fow lofty they  may be. Do not feel guilty about your success, but never let an obsession with achieving your goals lead you to engage in malevolent activities.

  When someone loves us--it teaches us that love, kindness, charity, honesty, humility, forgiveness and acceptance can counteract all the evil in the world. For every good deed, there is one less evil deed.
  When you die, will your life have resulted in more loving or hurting? More comfort or pain? More joy or sadness? Each one of us has power over the balance of love in the world. Use it wisely. Don't miss an opportunity to nudge the world's scale in the right direction.

  Life is a journey, not a guided tour!

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16129500/6349005


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