作者:Huw Bowles 单位:Studio Gobo
Introduction(简介):Studio Gobo is a small team of talented developers based in Brighton / UK
The Crew(成员):Ben Andrews, Paul Ayliffe, Anastasios Brakis, Jim Callin, Clement Dagneau Kevin Hayes, Will Myles, Olliver Reid-Smith, Phil Williams, Tom Williams.[Some of the amazing people from Studio Gobo that contributed to this work, across code, art and design. There are additional people that made contributions to this work but can’t be named for legal reasons.]
Project(项目):1)Mystery Project X(神秘项目代号X) 2)Built a self contained part of the game 3)Includes a virtual ocean[由于法律原因,我们不被允许透露我们参与的项目的名称,尽管该项目(以及我们参与其中的情况)已经宣布。]
>>Structured Volume Sampling - Huw Bowles:https://www.jianshu.com/p/9c8f4575b9b2
标签:people,Oceans,Gobo,Project,Shape,Studio,Shading,2013 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/2008nmj/p/17430364.html