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Myarray and Mystring

时间:2023-05-23 15:55:49浏览次数:41  
标签:el int siz len Myarray Mystring


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

class Mystring
	Mystring() : s_(NULL), len_(0), siz_(0) {} //无参构造 
	Mystring(const char* s); //有参构造 
	Mystring(const Mystring& p); //拷贝构造 
	~Mystring() { delete []s_; } //析构函数 
	void show(); //输出 
	Mystring& operator = (const Mystring& p); //重载 =  
	friend ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Mystring& p); //重载cout 
	char* s_;
	size_t len_; //字符串的长度 
	size_t siz_; //实际分配的大小	

Mystring::Mystring(const char* s) : s_(NULL), len_(0), siz_(0)
	while (s[len_ ] != 0) len_ ++ ; //计算s串的长度 
	siz_ = 2 * len_; 
	s_ = new char [siz_]; //分配空间 
	for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i ++ ) //拷贝数据 
		s_[i] = s[i]; 

void Mystring::show()
	for (int i = 0; i < len_; i ++ ) cout << s_[i];

Mystring::Mystring(const Mystring& p) : s_(NULL), len_(p.len_), siz_(p.siz_)
	s_ = new char [siz_]; //开辟空间 
	for (int i = 0; i < p.len_; i ++ ) //复制数据 
		s_[i] = p.s_[i];

Mystring& Mystring::operator = (const Mystring& p) //写作用域 
	if (len_ < p.len_) 
		delete[] s_; //释放原有的空间 
		s_ = new char[p.siz_]; //开辟新空间 
	len_ = p.len_;
	siz_ = p.siz_;
	for (int i = 0; i < len_; i ++ )
		s_[i] = p.s_[i];
	return *this;

ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Mystring& p) //全局函数不写作用域限定符 
	os << p.s_ << endl;
	return os;

//int main()
//	Mystring str1("Hello");
//	Mystring str2(str1);
//	str1.show();
//	str2.show();
//	Mystring str3 = str1;
//	str3.show();
//	cout << str1 << endl << str2 << endl << str3 << endl;
//	return 0;


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include "Mystring.cpp"

using namespace std;

template<class T>
class Myarray
	Myarray() : el_(NULL), len_(0), siz_(0) {} //无参构造 
	Myarray(int n) : el_(NULL), len_(n), siz_(2 * n) //有参构造 
		el_ = new T[siz_];
	~Myarray() {delete [] el_;} //析构 
	T& operator [] (int index) //重载[] 
		return el_[index];
	T* el_; //数组 
	int len_; //数组长度 
	int siz_; //实际分配的长度 

void test01()
	Myarray<Mystring> a1(5);
	Mystring s("Hello");
	a1[0] = s;
	cout << a1[0] << endl;

int main()
	return 0;

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lhycoder/p/17425470.html


  • error C2011:"MyStrings":"struct"类型重定义
    这个可能是的原因就是你的.h文件重复引用了。比如说3个.h文件 cUtil、main.h、tcUtil.h  main.h 引用cUtil.h、tcUtil.h但是当tcUtil.h也引用了cUtil.h时,这样在......
  • 020:继承自string的MyString