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AMME2000 BMET2960 解析

时间:2023-05-21 11:55:13浏览次数:33  
标签:Week BMET2960 time solution AMME2000 marks report 解析 your

AMME2000/BMET2960/BMET9960 - Assignment 2, 2023
Due: 11:59 pm Friday 19th May (Week 12) 2023
Assignment Informa on
Assignment 2 focuses on your understanding of the analy cal and numerical solu on to the Wave Equa on and
Laplace Equa on, and also the analy cal solu on to the Heat Equa on without boundary condi ons.
• Your report must be your own work. Please see the FAQ on Academic Integrity for informa on on
what is appropriate and what is not appropriate for Assignments.
Any students who use third-party services such as Chegg to post or view assignment ques ons will
receive 0 for the assignment and be reported. These services provide us with detailed data on user
viewing/pos ng because they are hos ng our copyrighted material. For more informa on, see the
first lecture where academic integrity, including penal es, was discussed at length.
• Present your assignment as a concise report in PDF format;
• The report must be typed, including all mathema cal working; handwriten assignments will
receive a mark of 0 and marks will be deducted for screenshots of equa ons and/or figures;
• Your MATLAB code must be included as an appendix to the assignment report. 10% of the
assignment marks are allocated for the readability and quality of your MATLAB code;
• The report should not exceed 10 pages (this limit does NOT include the code in the appendix);
• Structure the report using the appropriate Sec on and Ques on numbers (e.g. 1.1, 2.2). Ensure all
relevant working and final answers are in that sec on;
• All figures and tables in your report must be numbered and must be referred to and discussed;
• Submit your report to Turni n by the due date. Late submissions incur a penalty of 5%/day.
We have prepared an exemplary assignment to guide you in wri ng your own.
Relevant parts of the course for this ques on:
• Week 6 Lecture 1
• Week 6 Lecture 2
• Week 7 Pre-work video: ‘The starting problem’
• Week 7 tutorial and Week 8 tutorial
A torsional wave can propagate along a stiff rod if the rod experiences a torque. The resulting wave can be
modelled using the wave equation:

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/messagejava/p/17418415.html


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