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MEC208 控制系统

时间:2023-05-14 17:14:53浏览次数:28  
标签:function 10 MEC208 控制系统 Lab system using Control

MEC208 Instrumentation and Control System
S2, 2022-2023
Computer Lab (Lab 2):
Control System CAD and CAS using MATLAB
Dr. Chee Shen LIM (MEC208, Part 2)
Student ID:
Group (1 or 2):
MEC208 Lab 2: Control System CAD and CAS using MATLAB
Page 4 of 14
© ver22-23-20230504, by C. S. Lim
Report Format
The format of the lab/assignment report should be of the following:
• The report should be of single column, font size 11, font style “Times New Roman”.
Please be reminded that handwritten reports will NOT be accepted.
• All figures must be clearly numbered and all plots must be clearly labelled.
• In your report, whenever necessary, you are expected to explain concisely your approach
(i.e., with full sentence and proper grammar, but please avoid unnecessarily long
• In your answer for each question, do also include all MATLAB code/script that you used
to obtain the answers or plots (note: do not separately submit those raw .m files; answer
for each question should contain some MATLAB scripts). These codes/scripts should be
copied properly into the report, and should be standalone. For example, if you include
the code for Question 2a, you must make sure that the codes in this part alone (not linked
to other parts) can be copied by the marker into MATLAB for a quick, successful
• For analytical questions, whenever necessary, do also include your analysis and derivation.
Marks will be given on the following basis:
• The 10 questions in the “Computer Lab Work” section carry a total of 100 marks. Each
question carries 5 to 15 marks, depending on the complexity of the questions.
• Sub-marks will be awarded to technically correct analyses and comments, MATLAB
scripts, mathematical derivation (as necessitated by the questions), graphs/plots (and
annotations of the plots), and numerical answers. All analysis and comments should have
proper sentence structure and correct grammar.
MEC208 Lab 2: Control System CAD and CAS using MATLAB
Page 5 of 14
© ver22-23-20230504, by C. S. Lim
This part is to introduce about how to start using the Control System Toolbox in MATLAB for
control system CAD and CAS.代做MEC208 You are suggested to go through the examples (in this section, or
even from other online resources) before you start working on the assignment tasks.
Example 1: Input a system described by a transfer function
To construct a system model in MATLAB, the command “tf” can be used. For example, to obtain
the following input transfer function:

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wolfjava/p/17399594.html
