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CAN304 W1

时间:2023-05-13 22:33:07浏览次数:36  
标签:information 实体 系统 访问 W1 授权 security CAN304

CAN304 W1


The protection afforded to an automated information system in order to attain the applicable objectives of preserving the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information system resources (includes hardware, software, firmware,information/data, and telecommunications).


Three key objectives of Computer Security

CIA: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability.

Confidentiality: Preserving authorized restrictions on information access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information. 保留对信息访问和披露的授权限制,包括保护个人隐私和专有信息的手段。

Integrity: Guarding against improper information modification or destruction, including ensuring information nonrepudiation and authenticity. 防止不当信息修改或破坏,包括确保信息不可否认性和真实性。

Availability: Ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information. 确保及时可靠地获取和使用信息。

其他的 objectives:

Authenticity: 验证用户是否是他们所说的人 (users’ authenticity);messages’ authenticity (integrity)。


Ensuring actions of an entity to be traced uniquely to that entity. 确保一实体的操作可以以唯一方式跟踪到该实体;

Supports nonrepudiation, deterrence, intrusion detection and prevention, etc. 支持不可抵赖性、威慑性、入侵检测和防御等。


计算机安全 (computer security),处理受各种威胁 (threats) 影响的计算机相关资产 (assets),并采取各种措施 (measures) 来保护这些资产。

System Resource (Asset): Hardware,Software,Data,Communication facilities and networks。

Security Policy: 一组规则和做法,用于指定或规范系统或组织如何提供安全服务以保护敏感和关键的系统资源 (比如删文件要 root 权限)。

Vulnerability: 系统设计、实现或操作和管理中的缺陷或弱点,可能被利用来违反系统的安全策略。

  • General categories of vulnerabilities of a computer system or network asset: be corrupted, leaky, unavailable.

Exploit: 利用漏洞 (vulnerability) 的实际事件,术语还指用于利用漏洞的代码或方法。

Threat: 违反安全性的可能性,当存在可能违反安全性并造成伤害的情况、能力、操作或事件时,存在这种可能性。也就是说,threat 是可能利用漏洞的可能危险。

Vulnerability vs threat
• Vulnerabilities are not introduced to a system; rather they are there from the beginning.
• Threats are introduced to a system like a virus download or asocial engineering attack.
• That is, a threat is a possible danger that might exploit a vulnerability.

Attack: 被执行的 threat,如果成功,则会导致安全破坏或威胁后果。

Attacker: 执行 attack 的代理。

Countermeasure: 一种操作、设备、过程或技术,它通过消除或阻止威胁、漏洞或攻击、通过最大限度地减少威胁、漏洞或攻击可能造成的危害,或者通过发现和报告威胁、漏洞或攻击以便采取纠正措施来减少威胁、漏洞或攻击。

Types of attack:

Active attack: 试图改变系统资源或影响其操作。

Passive attack: 尝试从系统中学习或利用不影响系统资源的信息。

Inside attack: 由安全边界内的实体("内部人员")发起。内部人员有权访问系统资源,但以未经授权者批准的方式使用它们。

Outside attack: 由未经授权或非法的系统用户("外部人员")从外围发起。

Threat consequences and attacks

Four kinds of threat consequences:

Unauthorized disclosure,Deception,Disruption,Usurpation.

Unauthorized disclosure: 实体获得对其未获授权的数据的访问权的情况或事件。

(Which one of CIA is violated? Confidentiality)


  • Exposure: 敏感数据将直接发布给未经授权的实体;

  • Interception: 未经授权的实体直接访问在授权源和目标之间传输的敏感数据;

  • Inference: 未经授权的实体通过从通信的特征或副产品进行推理来间接访问敏感数据;

  • Intrusion: 未经授权的实体通过规避系统的安全保护来获得对敏感数据的访问权限。

Deception: 可能导致被授权的实体收到虚假数据并相信这是真实数据。

(Which one of CIA is violated? Integrity)


  • Masquerade: 未经授权的实体通过冒充授权实体来访问系统或执行恶意行为;

  • Falsification: 虚假数据欺骗被授权实体;

    ---eg. The destination receives information the source never sent.

  • Repudiation: 一个实体通过错误地否认对某一行为的责任来欺骗另一个实体 (比如否认自己的攻击行为)。
    ---eg. The information source denies the information it sent

Disruption: 中断或阻止系统服务和功能正确运行的情况或事件。

(Which one of CIA is violated? Availability)


  • Incapacitation: 通过禁用 (disabling) 系统组件来阻止或中断系统操作;
  • Corruption: 通过对系统功能或数据进行不利修改 (modifying),改变系统操作;
  • Obstruction: 通过阻碍 (hindering) 系统操作来中断系统服务传递的威胁操作。

Usurpation: 导致未经授权的实体控制系统服务或功能的情况或事件。

(Which one of CIA is violated? CIA)


  • Misappropriation: 实体假定对系统资源进行未经授权的,逻辑上的或物理上的控制;
  • Misuse: 使系统组件执行对系统安全有害的功能或服务。

Threats to assets

Major threat is availability, 例如设备被盗或被禁用 (Confidentiality).
Confidentiality: A laptop/smart phone/tablet storing unencrypted privacy data is stolen.

Major threat is availability(程序被删除,拒绝用户访问)
软件被删或被病毒改写其功能 (Confidentiality, integrity).

Data: A much more widespread problem is data security.
Files are deleted, denying access to users/ An unauthorized read of data is performed/Existing files are modified, or new files are fabricated.(Availability, confidentiality, integrity)

Communication lines and networks: Major threat is network security.

Network security attacks:

  • Passive attacks (are in the nature of eavesdropping on, or monitoring of, transmissions 具有窃听或监视传输的性质)
    • Release of message contents, 例如重要信息被泄露
    • Traffic analysis, 信息是加密的,但信息的 pattern 会被发现
    • Passive attacks 很难检测,因为它们不涉及对数据的任何更改。
  • Active attacks (involve some modification of the data stream or the creation of a false stream 涉及数据流的一些修改或虚假流的创建)
    • Replay, 例如对数据单元进行被动捕获 ,随后重新传输以产生未经授权的效果
    • Masquerade, 一个实体假装是另一个实体
    • Modification of messages, 例如合法邮件的某些部分被更改,或消息被延迟或重新排序
    • Denial of service, 试图占用网站资源,使需要访问该网站的用户无法正常使用


Security design principles

Fundamental security design principles:

  • Economy of mechanism
  • Fail-safe defaults
  • Complete mediation
  • Open design
  • Separation of privileges
  • Least privilege
  • Least common mechanism
  • Psychological acceptability

Economy of mechanism:

Fail-safe designs:
访问决策 (Access decisions) 应基于权限 (permission) 而不是排除,并默认为缺乏访问权限。

Complete mediation:
对受保护对象的每次访问都应用安全性,必须根据访问控制机制 (access control mechanism) 检查每次访问。
通常,用户打开文件后,不会检查权限是否发生更改。但为了完全实现complete mediation,每次用户读取文件中的字段或记录,或数据库中的数据项时,系统都必须执行访问控制。

Open design:
Kerckhoffs principle:加密系统应该是安全的,即使系统的所有内容(除了密钥)都是公开的。

Separation of privileges:
提供将用于一种目的的特权与用于另一种目的的特权分开的机制 (例如访问麦克风/摄像头,和获得位置信息需要分别授权)。使安全系统具有灵活性,以减轻计算机安全攻击的潜在损害。

Least privilege:
系统的每个进程和每个用户都应使用执行任务所需的最少权限集进行操作 (比如只需要读文件,就不给修改文件的权限)。需要另一个请求才能执行其他类型的访问。

Least common mechanism:
耦合 (coupling, 模块及模块之间信息或参数依赖的程度) 可能会导致安全漏洞。

Psychological acceptability:

Computer security strategy

A comprehensive security strategy involves three aspects:

  • Specification/policy:
    • What is the security scheme supposed to do?
  • Implementation/mechanisms:
    • How does it do it?
  • Correctness/assurance:
    • Does it really work?

Security policies:



1, The value of the assets being protected;2,The vulnerabilities of the system;3,Potential threats and the likelihood of attacks
1, 被保护资产的价值;2,系统的漏洞;3,潜在威胁和攻击的可能性。

Trade-offs: Ease of use versus security; Cost of security versus cost of failure and recovery

Security implementation:

Security implementation involves four complementary courses of action: 预防,检测,响应,恢复

  • Prevention
    • encrypting the data, authenticate via password, etc.
  • Detection
    • intrusion detection, detection of DoS attack
  • Response
    • halt the attack and prevent further damage
  • Recovery
    • backup system

Assurance and evaluation:

Assurance 处理以下问题:安全系统设计是否符合其要求?安全系统实施是否符合其规范?

Assurance 表示为一定程度的置信度(a degree of confidence),而不是正式证明设计或实现是正确的(not in terms of a formal proof that a design or implementation is correct)。

Evaluation 是根据一定的标准(certain criteria)检查计算机产品或系统的过程。评估包括测试,也可能包括形式分析(formal analytic)或数学技术(mathematical techniques)。

Tools for security

  • Cryptographic tools
    • Encryption, message authentication code, digital signature, etc.
  • Access control (仅允许授权方访问系统)
  • User authentication(例如通过密码确认)
    • Methods of ensuring that someone is who they say they are
    • Vital for access control, but also vital for many other purposes
    • Both cryptographic methods and non-cryptographic methods
  • Intrusion detection/prevention, firewall
    • Intrusion detection:一种安全服务,用于监视和分析系统事件,以便查找以未经授权的方式访问系统资源的尝试,并提供实时或近乎实时的警告。IDS: Intrusion detection system.
    • firewall: 保护网络免受恶意外部攻击的机器,通常位于局域网/广域网和互联网之间。运行特殊软件来调节网络流量。
    • Intrusion prevention system (IPS): Also known as intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS)。IDS 的扩展,包括尝试阻止或阻止检测到的恶意活动的功能。

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zz-w/p/17398392.html


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