- 5 分: 小于等于 4 个字符
- 10 分: 5 到 7 字符
- 25 分: 大于等于 8 个字符
- 0 分: 没有字母
- 10 分: 全都是小(大)写字母
- 20 分: 大小写混合字母
- 0 分: 没有数字
- 10 分: 1 个数字
- 20 分: 大于等于 3 个数字
- 0 分: 没有符号
- 10 分: 1 个符号
- 25 分: 大于 1 个符号
- 2 分: 字母和数字
- 3 分: 字母、数字和符号
- 5 分: 大小写字母、数字和符号
- = 90: 非常安全
- >= 80: 安全(Secure)
- >= 70: 非常强
- >= 60: 强(Strong)
- >= 50: 一般(Average)
- >= 25: 弱(Weak)
- >= 0: 非常弱
function CheckPassword(password: string): Integer; //检测密码强度 规则(仿 google) var i, countLowercase, countUppercase, countDigit, countSymbol: Integer; begin Result := 0; // 计算密码长度得分 if Length(password) <= 4 then Result := 5 else if (Length(password) >= 5) and (Length(password) <= 7) then Result := 10 else if Length(password) >= 8 then Result := 25; // 计算字母得分 countLowercase := 0; countUppercase := 0; for i := 1 to Length(password) do begin if password[i] in ['a'..'z'] then Inc(countLowercase) else if password[i] in ['A'..'Z'] then Inc(countUppercase); end; if (countLowercase = 0) and (countUppercase = 0) then Result := Result + 0 else if (countLowercase > 0) and (countUppercase = 0) or (countLowercase = 0) and (countUppercase > 0) then Result := Result + 10 else if (countLowercase > 0) and (countUppercase > 0) then Result := Result + 20; // 计算数字得分 countDigit := 0; for i := 1 to Length(password) do begin if password[i] in ['0'..'9'] then Inc(countDigit); end; if countDigit = 0 then Result := Result + 0 else if countDigit = 1 then Result := Result + 10 else if countDigit >= 3 then Result := Result + 20; // 计算符号得分 countSymbol := 0; for i := 1 to Length(password) do begin if not (password[i] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9']) then Inc(countSymbol); end; if countSymbol = 0 then Result := Result + 0 else if countSymbol = 1 then Result := Result + 10 else if countSymbol > 1 then Result := Result + 25; // 计算奖励得分 if (countLowercase > 0) and (countUppercase > 0) and (countDigit > 0) and (countSymbol = 0) then Result := Result + 2 else if (countLowercase > 0) and (countUppercase > 0) and (countDigit > 0) and (countSymbol > 0) then Result := Result + 3 else if (countLowercase > 0) and (countUppercase > 0) and (countDigit > 0) and (countSymbol > 0) then Result := Result + 5; end; function CheckPasswordw(score: Integer):String; begin // 计算最终得分 if score >= 90 then Result := '非常安全' else if score >= 80 then Result := '安全(Secure)' else if score >= 70 then Result := '非常强' else if score >= 60 then Result := '强(Strong)' else if score >= 50 then Result := '一般(Average)' else if score >= 25 then Result := '弱(Weak)' else Result := '非常弱'; // 密码非常弱 end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); //检测 begin Edit2.Text:=IntToStr(CheckPassword(Edit1.Text)); Edit3.Text:=CheckPasswordw(StrToInt(Edit2.Text)); end;
标签:countUppercase,countDigit,google,countLowercase,Delphi,else,密码,Result,password From: https://www.cnblogs.com/WilliamLv/p/17390506.html