set protocols bgp <asn> neighbor <address|interface> address-family <ipv4-unicast|ipv6-unicast> soft-reconfiguration inbound
Changes in BGP policies require the BGP session to be cleared. Clearing has a large negative impact on network operations. Soft reconfiguration enables you to generate inbound updates from a neighbor, change and activate BGP policies without clearing the BGP session.
This command specifies that route updates received from this neighbor will be stored unmodified, regardless of the inbound policy. When inbound soft reconfiguration is enabled, the stored updates are processed by the new policy configuration to create new inbound updates.
Storage of route updates uses memory. If you enable soft reconfiguration inbound for multiple neighbors, the amount of memory used can become significant.
标签:capability,inbound,dynamic,BGP,updates,neighbor,reconfiguration,soft From: