const { data } = await checkCensor({ msg: `${this.content}用中文回答` }); if ( { const object = { content: "您的问题不在我的能力范围之内。", role: "assistant", }; this.chatList.push(object); $(".ai-content .content").animate({ scrollTop: 900000 }, 400); this.loading = false; this.content = ""; return; } $(".ai-content .content").animate({ scrollTop: 900000 }, 400); this.content = ""; try { const response = await fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { Authorization: this.botInfo.authorization, }, body: JSON.stringify({ messages: [...this.chatList].slice(-5), chatId: this.botInfo.chatId, stream:, model: this.botInfo.model, }), }); const data = response.body; if (!data) { // error happened } const reader = data.getReader(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); let done = false; const object2 = { content: "", role: "assistant", }; this.chatList.push(object2); $(".ai-content .content").animate({ scrollTop: 900000 }, 400); while (!done) { const { value, done: doneReading } = await; done = doneReading; const chunkValue = decoder.decode(value); this.resMessage += chunkValue; this.chatList[this.chatList.length - 1].content += chunkValue; $(".ai-content .content").animate({ scrollTop: 900000 }, 0); // console.log(this.resMessage); // This will log chunks of the chatbot reply until the reply is finished. } if (done) { // clearTimeout(this.timer) // $(".ai-content .content").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 400); this.toSaveChatMsg(); } } catch (e) { this.loading = false; }标签:const,ai,前端,流式,content,done,animate,chartGPT,data From: