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Yahoo: 451 Message temporarily deferred due to unresolvable RFC.5321 from domain

时间:2023-05-09 10:01:14浏览次数:41  
标签:domain temporarily unresolvable 451 Yahoo error using your


Thank you for contacting Yahoo Postmaster.

The error you’re getting is caused by an issue with your From address.

  • These errors indicate that the domain used to the right of the @ in the MAIL FROM does not appear to be a real domain.
  • We determine if the domain name exists by using an SOA query; therefore, if multiple subdomains are used in MAIL FROM commands, then besides setting up a DNS A or MX record (perhaps using a wildcard), then SOA records must be set up as well.
  • This error can be returned as either a timeout/servfail (451) or a permfail (554)

You’ll need to work with your provider to make sure your From address meets these requirements to resolve the error.

Thanks for understanding.

Have a great day!

Warm regards,


Yahoo Postmaster



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/amoy9812/p/17384021.html


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