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时间:2023-04-30 14:22:15浏览次数:36  
标签:customer 操作系统 COMP2006 queue program time your teller

Operating Systems Semester-1 2023

COMP2006 - Operating Systems
School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Discipline of Computing
Customer Queue
Due Date: 4.00 pm Monday 8th May 2023
The goal of this assignment is to give experiences in using pthreads, including thread creations,
synchronizations, and using system calls. You are asked to write a program in C in Linux
environment to simulate the operations of a hypothetical customer queue in a bank.
A. Specification
The program for this customer queue simulator includes the following features. Read
completely before writing your program / assignment.
1. There is a First-in First-out (FIFO) customer queue, called c_queue, where customers
queue up waiting for four bank tellers: teller-1, teller-2, teller-3, and teller-4. Assume
that initially the queue is empty, and all the four tellers are waiting for customers. Let m
(in integer) be the size / length of c_queue.
2. When there is no customer in the queue, each teller sleeps / blocks. Arrival of a customer
(to c_queue) will wakeup / un-block one waiting teller, which will call the customer, and
provide required services. Thus, this step simulates the producer consumer problem with
a bounded buffer.
3. Three alternative services are provided by each teller:
Cash-withdraw, which requires tw seconds to service,
Cash-deposit, which requires td seconds to service, and
Ask-information, which requires ti seconds to service.
Assume that all tellers have the same speed for each of the service types.
4. Since a teller needs time to provide service, you must simulate this event. This can be
done, for example, by using a sleep() system call. Note that this assignment does not
require an accurate time measurement.
Operating Systems Semester-1 2023

5. A customer list is stored in a file called c_file. A customer in the file is represented as:
customer# service_type
where the customer# is a positive integer, and the service_type is either W (for
withdrawal), D (for deposit), or I (for a customer that needs information). For example,
c_file may contain the following (customer# and service_type is separated by a space):
Please create your own c_file with a reasonable number of customers, e.g., 100.
6. Each teller k (except the last one) terminates when the queue is empty. However, one of four
tellers, i.e., the last teller, terminates only when there is no longer incoming customer (NOT
when the queue is empty).
7. All activities of the queue and the tellers are recorded in a file named r_log.
B. Implementation
1. Write a function customer() that periodically (every tc seconds) gets a customer from the
c_file and puts the information in c_queue. Create one thread that runs function
2. After putting a customer in the queue, function customer() writes this activity into file
r_log in the following format:
Customer#: service type
Arrival time: 13:42:51
where customer# is the customer number, service type can be either W, D or I, and the
arrival time is the time when the customer is placed into the queue (actual time). Use a
system call to get the time. Note that this assignment does not require an accurate time.
3. Write a function teller() that simulates the operations of each teller. When there is at least
one customer in the queue, the teller takes one customer from the queue, and serves the
customer. Create four threads for teller-1, teller-2, teller-3, and teller-4, each of which
runs function teller().
Operating Systems Semester-1 2023

4. Use pthread mutual exclusion functions, i.e., pthread_mutex_lock(),
pthread_mutex_unlock(), pthread_cond_wait(), and pthread_cond_signal(), to protect any
shared variables. In your report, you must describe / discuss in detail each shared variable,
including its data structure, the threads that access them, and how mutual exclusion is
achieved. Remember to clean up all resources created in your program.
5. When a teller (for example teller-1) takes one customer (for example customer number 3)
from the queue, the teller writes the following information to file r_log:
Teller: 1
Customer: 3
Arrival time: 13:42:55
Response time: 13:42:57
The response time is the time when the teller picked up the customer from the queue. Note
that this assignment does not require an accurate time.
6. When a teller (for example teller-1) finishes with one customer (for example customer 3),
the teller writes the following information in file r_log:
Teller: 1
Customer: 3
Arrival time: 13:42:55
Completion time: 13:42:57
The completion time is the time when the teller finished servicing the customer. Note that
this assignment does not require an accurate time.
7. On termination, a teller (for example teller-1), writes the following information in file r_log:
Termination: teller-1
#served customers: n1
Start time: 13:42:51
Termination time: 13:42:57
The start time is the time teller-1 is created, the termination time is the time the teller
terminates, and n1 is the total number of customers who have been served by teller-1. Note
that this assignment does not require an accurate time.
Operating Systems Semester-1 2023

8. The last teller that terminates writes the following information:
Teller Statistic
Teller-1 serves n1 customers.
Teller-2 serves n2 customers.
Teller-3 serves n3 customers.
Teller-4 serves n4 customers.
Total number of customers: n customers.
(i) n1, n2, n3, and n are respectively the number of customers that have been served by
teller-1, teller-2, teller-3, and teller-4, and
(ii) n is the total customers that have been served by the tellers
10. The assignment does not require precision involving the measurement of time.
11. To test for the correctness of your program, you should run the program as follows:
cq m tc tw td ti
where (i) cq is the file name of your executable program, (ii) m is the size / length of
customer queue (c_queue), (iii) tc is the periodic time for the customer to arrive in the
queue, and (iv) tw, td, and ti respectively represent the time duration to serve withdrawal,
deposit, and information. Each variable is a positive integer.
Operating Systems Semester-1 2023

C. Instruction for submission
1. Assignment submission is compulsory. As stated in the unit outline, the penalty for late
submission is calculated as follows:
For assessment items submitted within the first 24 hours after the due date/time,
students will be penalised by a deduction of 5% of the total marks allocated for the
assessment task;
For each additional 24 hour period commenced an additional penalty of 10% of the
total marks allocated for the assessment item will be deducted; and
Assessment items submitted more than 168 hours late (7 calendar days) will receive a
mark of zero.
2. Please read and follow the Academic Integrity (including plagiarism and cheating)
section in the unit outline to prevent any possible academic misconduct.
3. You must (i) submit the soft copy of the report to the unit Blackboard (in one zip file), and
(ii) put your program files, i.e., cq.c, and other files, e.g., makefile, c_file and r_log, in
your home directory named OS/assignment.
4. Your assignment report should include:
A signed Declaration of Originality form (available in the unit Blackboard). Please
read the form carefully before you sign it. Your name should be as recorded in the
student database.
Software solution of your assignment that includes (i) all source code for the programs
with proper in-line and header documentation. Use proper indentation so that your code
can be easily read. Make sure that you use meaningful variable names and delete all
unnecessary comments that you created while debugging your program; and (ii) readme
file that, among others, explains how to compile your program and how to run the
Detailed discussion on how synchronization is achieved when accessing shared
resources / variables and which threads access the shared resources.
Description of any cases for which your program is not working correctly or how you
test your program that make you believe it works perfectly.
Sample inputs and outputs from your running programs. Explain if the outputs are
correct / incorrect.
Your report will be assessed (worth 20% of the overall assignment mark).
5. You are required to demonstrate your working program. The demo time will be announced
later. Your program must run on a computer in our Linux lab, e.g., lab 232 in building 342.
Failure to meet these requirements may result in the assignment not being marked.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/mondayw/p/17365227.html


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