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时间:2022-08-16 20:06:59浏览次数:81  
标签:consequences period music conditioning consequence follow

sequence /ˈsi:kwəns/ [from Latin sequi 'to follow']

  1. the order in which something happens or exists
  2. a series of related events, actions etc that happen or are done in a particular order
  3. (影片)连续镜头

consequence, "logical inference, conclusion," from Old French consequence "result" (Modern French conséquence), from Latin consequentia...consequi "to follow after," from com "with, together" + sequi "to follow". Meaning "that which follows from or grows out of any act or course" is from c. [about] 1400. Sense of "importance, significance" is from notion of being "full of consequences."

Consequence may refer to:

  • Logical consequence, also known as a consequence relation, or entailment
  • In operant conditioning, a result of some behavior.
    • Operant conditioning (also called instrumental conditioning) is a type of associative learning process through which the strength of a behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment. It is also a procedure that is used to bring about such learning.
  • Consequentialism, a theory in philosophy in which the morality of an act is determined by its effects
  • In the social sciences, unintended consequences (sometimes unanticipated consequences or unforeseen consequences) are outcomes of a purposeful action that are not intended or foreseen.
  • In logic, a consequent is the second half of a hypothetical proposition or consequences
  • Consequent (music), the second half of a period (music).
    • A period is certain types of recurrence in small-scale formal structure. In twentieth-century music scholarship, the term is usually used as defined by the Oxford Companion [手册; 参考书; 指南] to Music: "a period consists of two phrases, antecedent and consequent, each of which begins with the same basic motif ."

六级/考研单词: logic, infer, modify, reinforce, punish, foresee, hypothesis, recur, companion

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/16592762.html
