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Clouds remind me that magical things in life can come out of nowhere

时间:2023-04-17 19:58:24浏览次数:61  
标签:me life Clouds like magical out

Clouds can also transport me away from the duller parts of life, away from boring situations and away from day to day stresses and worries. They get me out of my head and into a dreamscape, a magical looking landscape that floats above me where I can imagine the constraints of everyday life don't apply. A place that looks like something from a fantasy, but is unfathomably real.

Sky Dance.   Tamar Charney

Clouds induce a state of wonder because they are constant shape shifters and simultaneously so solid looking. I can't quite process how something can look grabbable, but then turn out to be nothing more than moist air.

It is a reminder that magical things in life can come out of nothing and out of nowhere. Much like water vapor can create illusions when it shows up in cloud form, we humans can morph and change and present as something that really isn't there. We can take different forms depending on where we are in the world and who we are with.

Much like clouds, we are all shifting and changing, solid one moment only to dissolve in the next. And who knows what form our lives will take next?


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lilab/p/17327250.html


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